Aug 13 - Rise And Shine

Aug 13, 2022 23:52

Title: Rise And Shine
Author: Grundy
Rating: FR13
Crossover: LotR/Silmarillion
Disclaimer: All belongs to Whedon & Tolkien. No money is being made here, it's all in good fun.
Summary: Anariel has made it through another night of Morgoth-gifted dreams.
Word Count: 1345

Rise And Shine )

!2022 august event, author: grundy, fandom: lord of the rings

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Comments 9

curiouswombat August 14 2022, 09:08:11 UTC
Morgoth would be very annoyed to realise that there are sometimes nice things associated with his 'present'.

And yes - Pelendur might be very happy to tell them more about their father's childhood; I can see Celebrian wanting to listen to those tales, too.


jerseyfabulous August 19 2022, 00:32:03 UTC
He would indeed be annoyed. But I think by the time he finds out, he'll have more pressing worries!

Pelendur is about to be the new favorite storyteller for quite a few people. :)


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ext_5082676 August 14 2022, 22:31:41 UTC
This was a great twins chapter, giving a lot of food for thought on Elrond’s take on his twins’ choice. I had thought it would pain him that he and his brother never got to coordinate their choice, and his sons saying they would choose together would be salt, but I hadn’t thought about what it would mean as their parent, and having the possibility of loosing two children at once.

I’m glad Buffy got to see Elros and her father in their youth and happy times. And glad her sanity stayed intact after the huge family gathering!


jerseyfabulous August 19 2022, 00:33:29 UTC
Thank you!

Yes, it cause Elrond more than a few sleepless nights, especially when the twins were in their 'kill ALL the orcs' phase after Celebrian and Anariel disappeared.


beri_fanfic August 15 2022, 01:30:37 UTC
An opportunity for blackmail on their father as a kid? Sold! Where's Pelendur again, they need to bother him. lol.

What a busy night. I can't imagine all she saw and went through. Good that all three of her brothers are there to assist.

It might be fun and educational for both of them should her Uncle Eol choose to spar with her. It might be interesting to hear that conversation between Eol and Celeborn afterwards.


jerseyfabulous August 19 2022, 00:34:28 UTC
Oh, it won't be just Elrond's children bothering him...

It would be interesting to hear the conversation after that sparring match. I don't know if we will, though.


Accepted - Day 13 acswatwst August 15 2022, 01:35:09 UTC
Well, it's not all bad... and plenty of blackmail material if she wants to use it.


Re: Accepted - Day 13 jerseyfabulous August 19 2022, 00:34:59 UTC
Yes, and the promise of more where that came from. Pelendur's not the only one who was around for Elrond's childhood, after all.


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