Genius Recognizes Genius - August 12th

Aug 12, 2020 08:59

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 12

Title: Genius Recognizes Genius
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Supernatural
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Supernatural people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: The Winchesters make some new friends.

Notes: Part 7 of “A Redhead in the Impala” - Links Page
Seasons: Post-Series/Season 2
Word Count: 1240

“This is humiliating,” Dean said as they pulled up to the Harvelle’s Roadhouse in a beat up, green, paneled minivan. “I feel like a friggin’ soccer mom!”

Sam snorted and Willow giggled from the backseat.

“It’s the only car Bobby had running,” Sam told him.

“Thoughts?” Dean said, with a gesture to Willow.

“I’ve got to pee,” Willow piped up.

“Well, that answers that.” Dean handed her a small plastic bag. “Okay. Follow us and if anything happens get down and stay down.”

She nodded.

“Are you sure?” Sam asked.

“Can’t exactly leave her in the car anyway.”

Willow had unbuckled herself and gotten out of the car. Sam and Dean got out as well.

She followed them through the door into a bar. The clientele was just one guy sleeping with his head on the bar.

“Hey, buddy?” Sam tried to get the drunk at the bar to wake up. “I’m guessing that isn’t Ellen.”

“Yeah,” Dean agreed. “Stay near the door, Willow.”

She ducked behind the first table and set the bag on it. Sam headed into the back. Dean got to the stairs but a blonde with a gun came up behind him.

Willow stared at the gun, her insides going cold. She watched as Dean was clocked in the nose by the girl.

“Sam! Need some help in here,” Dean called. “I can’t see.”

The back door opened and Sam entered with his hands on his head. “Sorry, Dean, I can’t right now. I’m a little tied up.”

“Sam?” the older woman behind Sam said in surprise. “Dean? Winchester?”

“Yeah,” Sam and Dean confirmed.

“Son of a bitch.”

“Mom,” the blonde said, “you know these guys?”

“Yeah, I think these are John Winchester’s boys.” She chuckled and lowered the gun she had on Sam. “Hey, I’m Ellen. This is my daughter Jo.”

“Hey,” Jo said as she lowered the rifle. “And the small fry?”

Dean looked across the room, blinking hard. “Willow, you good?”

She nodded. “Yeah.” But she seemed apprehensive.

Ellen set her gun on the bar. Then she grabbed a towel and some ice for Dean.

Jo set her gun down and crossed the bar to Willow. “Hey, Willow. I’m Jo.”


“What are you doing with these two?” She gestured to Sam and Dean.

“Daddy and Uncle Sammy found a phone message left for Grandpa.”

Jo gave her a toothy smile. “Do you like cherries?”

“I think so.”

While Ellen explained what her role was and how she knew John, Jo showed Willow how to make a Shirley Temple. When Willow had her drink. Jo set her on the bar next to Dean.

“Ash!” Ellen called loudly.

The man asleep at the bar woke with a flail of his arms.

“What?” he asked. “It closin’ time?”

“That’s Ash?” Sam said in surprise.

“Mm-hmm,” Jo replied. “He’s a genius.”

Ash blinked around, seeming to get his bearings. He took a deep breath through his nose and squinted at everyone. “Who set a midget on fire?”

Willow leaned forward past Dean to look Ash. He was skinny and looked a little strange.

He sniffed and blinked hard. “Ah, a redhead.”

“Just give him a chance,” Jo told Dean.


“What do you know about the ones and zeroes?” Ash asked Willow.

“Put ‘em together and it means ten,” she answered, distracted by the formulas on his walls.

Ash chuckled. “Computers, Red.”

She shrugged.

“Do you read?”


“What are you reading?”

“The Hobbit.”

“Mad respect, Red.” He looked her over, making a face. “How old are you?”

“Five and a half.”

He nodded. “I’ve got a book on computers if you want it. Written by a complete windbag, but entry-level.”


Ash stood, looking around his desk and bookshelves. “Ah ha!” He handed her a thin hardback on coding. “There ya go. On loan from the Library of Ash.”

Willow staggered slightly under the weight of it. But eagerly sat down and started reading.

An hour later, Jo interrupted. “There you are,” she said.  “Your dad is looking for you.”

Willow got to her feet, holding the large book to her chest.

“See ya soon, Red,” Ash said giving her a ‘rock on’ sign.

“Bye, Ash.”

Jo chuckled as she led Willow to the front of the roadhouse. “Told you I’d find her.”

“Where was she?” Sam asked.

“Chillin’ with Ash.”

Dean raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“He let me burrow from his library,” Willow said.

“Borrow,” Sam corrected, taking the book from her so she could walk easier.

“Borrow,” Willow repeated the correct word.

“Here, Willow,” Ellen said, handing her a small Styrofoam cup. “A Shirley Temple to-go. Why don’t you and Sam get in the car, I want a word with your dad.”

Willow nodded. “Thank you.”

Sam and Willow left the roadhouse.

Ellen looked Dean over. “Your daddy never said anything about being a grandfather.”

Dean’s face clouded. “She’s been with Sam and me a few months. Dad met her before…”

“Hunting with a kid in the backseat?”

“She doesn’t go on Hunts,” Dean told her.

“Right, she’s just in the same city as bad things that are happening.”

“I’m not going to argue this with you. If I had the ability to leave her somewhere safe, I would. But the work doesn’t stop just because there isn’t daycare.”

Ellen studied him for a long moment. “She can stay here for the night if you need.”

“That’d be great, but it’s not possible.” Dean turned and left the bar. He climbed into the car. “All buckled in?”

“Mm-hm,” Willow responded, her nose buried in Ash’s coding book.


Three days later

Willow was waiting when Ash walked out of the backroom of Harvelle’s Roadhouse. Sam was sitting with her in the sunny saloon. Dean was talking to Jo at the bar.

“Where ya been?” Ash asked Sam. “Been waiting on you.”

“We were working a case, Ash. Clowns.”

Ash looked at him weirdly. “Dude…Clowns?”

“Did you find the demon?” Dean asked as he came over.

“Negatory. But if those signs or omens appear, anywhere in the world, my rig’ll go off. Like a fire alarm,” he added proudly.

“Ash, where did you learn to do this?” Sam asked as he looked at haphazardly built laptop.

“M.I.T. Before I got bounced for…fighting.”


“It’s a school in Boston.” He looked them over. “Red, how’s the book?”

“Done,” she said pushing it across the table at him.

“Nice. Want a follow-up?”

“Not right now.”

Ash nodded. “Right, gotta absorb and apply.” He went to the bar and pulled out another laptop. “Rebuilt this awhile back. It’s basic, but it’s probably exactly what a kid of today needs to get their feet wet in coding.”


“All yours, Red. Password is pi to the twelfth digit.”

“You expect her to know that?” Dean asked.

“She does,” Sam replied.

Ash grinned. “Genius recognizes genius.”

“I’m in a sea of nerds,” Dean muttered.

“Hey, listen,” Ellen said. “If you guys need to bunk down for a bit….”

“Thanks,” Dean replied, “but no. There’s something I gotta finish.”


“How were they, girl?” Bobby asked.

“Okay.” She replied. “Daddy made fun of Uncle Sammy ‘cuz he’s afraid of clowns.”

“That sounds ‘bout right.”

“We made friends.”

“What friends?”

“Jo - she’s pretty. And Ellen - she’s loud. And Ash - he’s smart.”

Bobby chuckled. “Where are they now?”

“Uncle Sammy went to get food. Daddy is working on the car.”

!2020 august event, fandom: supernatural, author: hermione2be

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