I Don't Mean to be Trouble - August 7th

Aug 07, 2020 16:45

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 7

Title: I Don’t Mean to be Trouble
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Supernatural
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Supernatural people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: The boys bring Willow to meet Bobby

Notes: Part 2 of “A Redhead in the Impala” - Links Page
Seasons: Post-Series/Late-Season 1
Word Count: 1720

Bobby Singer was only mildly surprised when the Impala pulled up on his lawn just before dinnertime. He hadn’t known how far away they were when Dean had called six hours ago.

“So what’s the deal?” Bobby asked as he stepped out onto the porch.

Dean opened the door to the back of the Impala. A little kid got out.

“Hell,” Bobby muttered.

Willow grabbed Dean’s hand with both of hers.

Bobby flashed back to a moment twenty years ago when he met John Winchester had brought his kids with him. Two year old Sam had clung to six year old Dean in the same way.

“Willow, this is our friend Bobby,” Dean said, making introductions. “Bobby, this is our current problem, Willow.”

Willow swallowed and pressed herself behind Dean’s legs.

Sam greeted Bobby with a quick hug and started telling him what happened as they headed back into the house.

“Bobby’s one of our best friends,” Dean told Willow. “We’re going to see if he can figure out what is going on.”

Willow looked up at Dean. “I don’t mean to be trouble,” she said softly, a wobble in her voice.

Dean sighed. “I didn’t mean that. I am frustrated at the situation, not at you. I just want you to be safe.”

She nodded.

“Come on. If Bobby doesn’t have dinner ready, I’ll go grab something.”

They entered to find Sam and Bobby sitting in the kitchen. Bobby looked at them. He grabbed a bottle from the shelf and a shot glass. He filled the glass and set it on the table.

“You must be thirsty,” he said to Willow.

She swallowed and nodded. She took a few steps to grab the glass, drinking it down before setting the glass back down on the table. “Kid-sized,” she noted.

Bobby chuckled. “Sam says you have nasty ouch on your head.”

Willow nodded. “The nurse took a look before the scan thing.”

“Can I see?”

She looked up at Dean, who realized she was waiting for permission.

He gestured for her to go.

Sam raised an eyebrow at Bobby, while the man saw it, he focused on Willow’s head.

It had a gauze that looked clean, so he let it remain.

“We’ll go grab some dinner,” Dean said, gesturing to Sam.

“No!” Willow threw herself at Dean’s legs and clamped on.

Bobby remembered Sam doing that too.

“Willow?” Dean said in surprise.

“You’re going to leave me again,” she accused.

“Just for a few minutes. Just long enough to get dinner.”

“You just want to leave me,” she said as she tightened her hold.

Bobby chuckled. “Come on, rugrat. Sam and Dean will get food and be back in a little bit.” At least it was the truth. The first time he had seen Sam throw himself at John’s legs and beg him not to leave him, Dean had intervened, distracting his brother until John had left.

“What do you like?” Sam asked.

Willow looked at Sam, searching his face. “I don’t know.”

Sam’s gaze went to Bobby. “Do you like burgers? Or chicken strips? Or cake or pie or ice cream? Do you like bacon and eggs? Pancakes?”

“You can try a bit of everything,” Bobby said. “But if you don’t let Dean go for a bit, we’re all going to starve.”

Willow reluctantly let Dean go. Her gaze remained down while Sam and Dean left the house.

Bobby only realized she was sniffling when the Impala roared out of the drive.

“He’ll be back, girl,” Bobby said. “Now, let’s see what you know…”


Sam shook his head as he balanced the drink tray on his lap. “She’s attached to you.”

Dean scowled. “We don’t even know what she is or how she keeps cropping up in the backseat of the Impala. Or why.”

“Any chance s-”

“No,” Dean barked. Though it was more because the thought had crossed his mind, and while he would deny it, there was always the possibility. He’d never been a monk…and at twenty-one he had been stupid and not a monk.

Sam sighed. “What are we going to do about her?”

“That’s why we went to Bobby.”

“Right, because he can keep a national search going, looking for anyone that might be looking for her. But that’s not exactly an answer if every time we get a few hours from her, she pops up in the backseat.”

“What option do we have? This is no life for a kid.”

Sam couldn’t argue with that. He had gone to Stanford understanding that his life hadn’t been normal. He had killed things and lie to everyone because that’s what you did as the kid of a Hunter.

“And if there isn’t another choice?” Sam said, vocalizing what they were both thinking. “If leaving her…anywhere just means that she reappears?”

“She can’t,” Dean said.


Willow ran outside as soon as she heard the Impala pull in. She threw herself at Dean when he opened the door.

“Woah!” Dean complained at the weight thrown at his chest. “Come on, Willow.”

Sam grabbed the food and drinks as he got out of the car.

Willow had buried her face against Dean’s side and wasn’t letting go. “Bobby’s mad,” she muttered.

Dean sighed and headed into the house. “What happened?” he asked Bobby.

“I started doing some of the basic tests,” Bobby explained. “Including one that looks for spellwork. And she lit up like a whorehouse on Christmas.”

“So a spell was done on her?” Sam guessed.

“Definitely. But the way she lit up…”

Dean looked at the girl clinging to his side. “You think she’s a witch?”

“I think there is something going on. And it’s clear as hell that it’s something more than just her appearance.” He shook his head. “We need to check the Impala for signs of anchoring.”

“Food first,” Dean said. He tapped the top of Willow’s head. “Come on, kid. Some food and then we can talk about what Bobby found.”

A well-timed belly rumble made Willow let him go for a moment. But she stayed close, seemingly ready to crawl behind him at a moment’s notice.

Sam pulled out food from a local diner. He got the Cobb salad. Dean got a double bacon cheese burger and fries. They had gotten Bobby some fried chicken, potatoes, and corn. For Willow, they had found a small kid’s section on the menu, getting her chicken tenders, milk, carrots, and a small dessert.

Dinner was eaten in silence. Willow sat at the table, Sam and Dean on the couch, and Bobby at his desk in front of the fire.

When they couldn’t put it off anymore, Dean looked at Bobby. “So?”

Bobby sighed. “As far as I can tell, she’s not faking the memory issues. But she also knows some fairly strange things. It’s what led me to test her for spells.”

“Like what?” Sam asked.

“She recognized plants and ingredients on my table.” He pointed to the side table where a handful of vials and baggies of ingredients sat.

“May it just meant she’s seen them,” Dean said.

Sam picked up on the vials that was essence of something. It was just liquid in the vial. “It means she can read,” he pointed out.

“And not just English,” Bobby told them. “If she’s supposed to be sneaking around, she’s either stupid to let me know she could do things five year olds aren’t supposed to be able to or she truly doesn’t know she’s not supposed to know them.”

“So magic is how she’s been getting into the Impala?” Dean guessed.

“It makes sense.”

“But why?” Sam asked.

Bobby gave them an annoyed look. “How the hell am I supposed to know that?”

“Kids are a huge liability in hunting,” Sam suggested. “If she keeps coming with us…”

“You think she was thrown at us as a distraction,” Dean concluded.

“I think we don’t know,” Bobby said. “And that’s the problem.”

“Then maybe it’s time to ask her,” Sam suggested.

Dean stood and went to the kitchen. He stopped, seeing no signs of Willow. “She’s gone,” he said as he looked under the table. “Damnit.”

“Doesn’t that take care of it?” Sam suggested.

“She’s still a kid,” Bobby pointed out. “Whether she did this or it was done to her…she’s shown no abilities, other than popping up in the back of your car.”

“Why us?” Dean asked.

“Gotta find her to ask.”

Dean nodded and went to the backdoor. But he heard something from the closet. He opened it to see Willow sitting in the shadows beneath Bobby’s coats.

“Found her,” Dean called. He stared down at her in annoyance. He was fighting a few feelings as he watched her. On the one hand, he was really chuffed to think a small girl could be used to effectively thrown him off what he was supposed to be focused on. But there was also the possibility that this was just a girl who had been spelled. Yet, she could also have done this to herself, meaning that the image of a child was just an illusion, meant to make her appear helpless.

“I’m not a liar,” Willow muttered into her knees.

Dean knelt down to her level. “You don’t remember anything but your name and age, Willow. But you can read. That’s unusual for someone claiming to be five.”

She glared at him, green eyes flashing. “Still not a liar.”

He sighed. “What did you know about the things on Bobby’s table?”

She shrugged. “Some should be apart.”


She shook her head. “Don’t know.”

“Just something you felt?”

She nodded.

“Anything else you’ve felt or thought?”

Willow looked at him. “I’m s’pposed to have a mommy and daddy.”

“Do you remember them?”

“No. I should have them.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Did a thing happen to them?”

Dean watched her. “I don’t know.”

She looked past him. “He thinks I’m bad.”

Dean glanced back at Bobby. “He thinks something bad is going on. It’s not exactly normal to appear in someone’s car.”

She swallowed. “It wasn’t me.”

“But it’s happening to you. And that means it’s happening to us.”

Willow nodded.

Dean took her hand and pulled her out of the closet.

!2020 august event, fandom: supernatural, author: hermione2be

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