Full of Yourself - August 16th

Aug 16, 2019 02:23

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 16

Title: Full of Yourself
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Lucifer
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Lucifer people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Dawn confronts Marcus and Lucifer

Notes: Part 10 - Links Page
Seasons: Post-Series/Season 3
Word Count: 1020

Dawn sat on the wall of the parking structure. She had gone home and gotten clean only to find herself walking back to the station. She wore jeans and a black tank top under a green army jacket. Her clean, dry hair hung past her shoulders. Every minute that passed she contemplated leaving. She should, she knew.

The sun had long ago sunk beneath the horizon. But she had only registered it a bit. Most of her mind was focused on listing the pros and cons - in Ancient Greek - about staying or going.

“I’m being ridiculous,” she muttered. Yet, she could not make herself leave.

“Dawn?” a voice made her look up.

“Marcus,” she said as she jumped off the garage wall to stand next to a motorcycle.

“What are you doing here?”

“Chloe said you were planning to leave LA.”

“It’s time to move on. I didn’t find what I was looking for.”

“Which was?”

He debated a moment. “A way to end my curse.”

Dawn nodded. “Of course.” Then shook her head. “Of course. I’m sorry.” She backed up. “Let me know if you need any help with it.” She turned away, hoping the stupid sense of embarrassment would die down if she just walked away.

“I don’t have any reason to stay,” he called after her.

She paused. “In LA?” she asked, “Or in the world?”

“After a few decades it doesn’t matter.”

She let out a chuckle. “I understand.” And she did. Spike changed up his look every couple of decades to stand out from the crowd. Not-quite-humans like Angel and Lucifer found ways to fit in with what they considered their class in the modern era. A few decades, everything changes. Again and again for all eternity.

“You really don’t,” he told her.

She turned to look at him. “You may be the only immortal human, but you are not the only immortal in the world,” Dawn told him archly.

They were distracted as a car screeched through the garage and spun to a stop in front of them.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Lucifer demanded as he got out of his car.

“Away.” Marcus sighed in irritation. “What are you doing here?”

“I have finally figured out why my father returned my wings. And as it turns out, it had nothing to do with me at al-”

“Wings?” Dawn interrupted. “You have wings?”

“Angel wings,” Lucifer said casually. “Don’t you keep up?”

“I’ve been a little out of the loop since the Cut,” she pointed out.

“Oh.” He frowned. “They’re back. Returned by my father.” He pointed to Marcus. “Because of him.”

“I had nothing to do with it,” Marcus said defensively.

“He wanted to stop you defying Him, and He used me to do it. You said yourself you needed me out of the way.” Lucifer paced slightly as he spoke. “And since my wings ruined your kidnapping plan, it seems I was a means to an end.”

“So what?”

“It means my dad screwed us both.” He paused mid-stride and turned a devilish smile to Marcus. “But perhaps there’s a way for us to screw him back.”


“By killing you, of course.”

“I can’t die.”

“You are so full of yourself,” Dawn interrupted.

Lucifer looked at her in surprise. “Excuse me?”

“I think I always believed in God, in a way. When my sister was the Slayer and was always in danger, I questioned if I still believed. Then a former demon and witch, told me something that applies here.” She walked over to Lucifer and looked up at him, searching his face to make sure he was listening. “We are not that important.”

“I’m His son,” he pointed out darkly.

“So is Amenadiel. And I’m the boundary of the universe. And he,” she gestured to Marcus, “is the second generation of His creation. My sister stopped apocalypses, saved hundreds and thousands of lives - and sometimes the entire world - and she still suffered for it. She died a hero twice and it was never easier just because she was the good guy. God doesn’t give a fuck what we do. He gave us a beginning, He gave us free will. Everything else is us. Humans chose to fight over what they thought His word meant. You think you’re so special?”

“I was banished to Hell for a rebellion. I’m not exactly trusted.”

“And Cain committed the first murder.” She looked between them. “You were both punished for your crimes.”

“A punishment I escaped,” Lucifer said. “And I plan to help him do the same.”

Dawn shook her head. “Right. Not because it’s what’s good but because anything that makes you think you’re spitting in His eye is worth trying.”


“What reaction are you looking for Lucifer? You want Him to appear in front of you and scold you for being naughty?”

He swallowed. “I don’t want anything from Him.”

“Obviously you do. Or you wouldn’t be here offering to find Marcus a way out of his curse. You could give fuck all about Marcus and his curse.” She gave Marcus an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

Marcus shook his head.

“That’s not-” Lucifer started.

“Forget it. I don’t care what you two do.” She scoffed at her own words. “Okay, I do, because I don’t want Marcus to leave or be dead. But I long ago learned what I want is never going to be relevant. So goodbye to you both.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Lucifer reminded her.

“Killing changes people,” Dawn told him as she backed away from them. “Sometimes it’s an accident or war or self-defense, this is a choice.”

Marcus watched as Dawn left them.

“Well, that was uncalled for,” Lucifer muttered.

“She’s right,” Marcus told him. “Your father may have punished us as directly as possible, I don’t think he cares now.”

He threw a leg over to straddle his motorcycle.

“Come on, Lieutenant, we can’t just not try,” Lucifer argued.

Marcus ignored him, pulling his helmet on before starting the bike. He let it idle for only a moment, then kicked off and roared away.

!2019 august event, author: hermione2be, fandom: lucifer

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