Deserve - August 13th

Aug 13, 2019 00:50

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 13

Title: Deserve
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Lucifer
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Lucifer people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Dawn attacks Lucifer.

Notes: Part 7 - Links Page
Seasons: Post-Series/Early-Season 3
Word Count: 1285

Dawn adjusted the strap of her shoulder brace. It acted as a reminder that she should not move her left shoulder or arm at all. It should have included having her forearm and wrist strapped, but she refused to be that confined.

She made her way through the LAPD station. Down the stairs, she looked around. Chloe was easy enough to spot. Not far from her was Lucifer, smiling at a uniformed cop.

Dawn made a beeline for Lucifer.

“Dawn,” Lucifer greeted with a smile, rolling her name like the start of a seduction. He waved goodbye to the officer. He ticked his head to the side and frowned a bit. “What happened to you?”

She walked all the way up to him and pulled back her left foot, kicking him square in the shin.

“Ouch!” he hopped on his good leg, reaching for his injury. “What was that for?!”

Dawn raised her good arm and decked him. He stumbled back in surprise, hitting the wall. “You stupid son of a bitch!” she snapped. “Actions have consequences.”

His eyebrows rose. “What did I do to you?”

She used her good fist to beat on his chest. It was not making much impact but it was helping her rage. “I don’t know if I will ever be able to do my job again, because you took it upon yourself to cut a hole in the fabric of the universe!”

“Dawn,” Chloe tried to step in.

“You’re the person responsible for punishing people,” she stepped back. “What have I done to deserve this, Lucifer?” She lowered her voice, staring at him. “I have sacrificed and suffered losses to save the world while you were still King of Brimstone.” She shook her head. “And now, I can barely breathe without pain.”

“You seem to be doing a good job of it,” he commented.

Dawn stepped forward, determined to hit him a few more times. But her uninjured arm was grabbed from behind.

“What is going on here?” a deep voice asked from directly behind Dawn.

“I’m kicking the Devil’s ass,” she retorted, trying to get her arm free, but the man was too strong. “And I am personally going to send him back to Hell.”

“Dawn, stop, please,” Chloe said.

“I hate you,” Dawn said as she stopped struggling. “Not that the Devil cares.” Against her will, tears she had been holding back tracked down her face. Her already rapid breaths became shorter and the energy seeped from her. She would have slid to the ground if the man behind her had not changed his grip to catch her.

“Pierce,” Chloe said, addressing the new LAPD lieutenant who held Dawn.

“I’m guessing you know her?” he asked, looking between Chloe and Lucifer.

Lucifer rubbed his jaw, which ached with an assault taking place so close to Chloe. “Surprisingly strong for a human.”

“She’s a friend,” Chloe said. “And Lucifer’s aunt.”

Pierce’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “What did you do to her?”

Lucifer looked truly puzzled. “I don’t know.”

“Do you want to press charges?”

“No.” He shook his head.

“Detective Decker,” someone said. “Have you seen…?” His words dropped off as he saw Dawn.

“Connor,” Chloe greeted.

“What happened?”

“She went sorta berserk on Lucifer. Then she just…fainted.”

“Dammit,” Connor said, pressing a hand to her neck.

“We should get an ambulance,” Pierce told them.

“It wouldn’t do any good. Nothing is wrong with her that any doctor can fix.”

“Is she…is she dying?” Chloe asked.

Connor shook his head. “That may have been kinder than this.” He looked at Lucifer. “Your brother and Dawn figured it out, you’ll have to ask him.”


“Sending Mom away caused this?” Lucifer clarified.

“It makes sense, Lucifer,” Amenadiel agreed.

“And I’ve been through her scans,” Linda told them as she chimed in from her desk. “There is nothing to explain the pain that she is in. Nothing that a doctor or surgeon could go in and fix.”

“Humans have these kinds of problems all the time,” Lucifer said. “Many drug addicts start out as patients who can’t get rid of a phantom pain.”

“That’s partly true,” Linda conceded. “But there is scar tissue or a wound or injury they got before the phantom pains start.” She lifted the medical scan. “And don’t get me wrong she has a few old injuries…but nothing in that shoulder or lung.”

Lucifer paced quickly. “This can’t be…”

“What are you feeling, Lucifer?” Linda asked as she returned everything to the folder Dawn had given her.

“Anger,” he answered easily.

“At who?”

His face tightened and he did not answer.

“Are you mad at yourself?” she pushed. “Or that Dawn attacked you?”

“She accused me of not caring.”

“Do you care?”

Lucifer looked away. “Why should I? She’s one mortal, it’s a small price to pay for Mum not exploding from Charlotte’s skin and destroying millions of people.” But he did not sound convinced of his own words.

“What did she say that is affecting you so much? You brush mortals off unless they serve a purpose or need to be punished. What is it about this one?”

He did not look at either of them as he exited Linda’s office.

Linda sighed. “Is she another Chloe?”

“I don’t know,” Amenadiel admitted. “But I don’t think so. Dawn finds Lucifer amusing. She helped when Chloe was in the hospital, spending hours with Trixie in the waiting room. She didn’t even blink at his Devil face.”

“How is that?”

He shrugged. “Divinity?”

“But your mom’s divinity started leaking out within only a few months. You said Dawn has been around for years.”

“Mom took over Charlotte - a mortal vessel that was only a temporary fit. Dawn’s vessel was created specifically to hold her. Chances are she could exist indefinitely in the mortal body that was made for her.”

Linda nodded as she tried to process this new information.


“What are you doing here?” Dawn said exhaustedly as she sat up on her couch. She took it slowly.

“I had no choice,” Lucifer said. “What I did saved people - a lot of people.”

She frowned at him. “What do you mean?”

“Did my dear brother tell you why I sent Mum into her own universe?”

“To keep her from destroying the gates of Heaven and killing God.”

“Figures he’d skim over the time factor.” He sat on her coffee table so he was face to face with her. “The mortal body Mum was using was breaking down. She was going to cause the burning deaths of thousands, if not more.”


“Her light was seeping out. Its power of the sun was frying anyone who ended up in her light.”

“So there was a clock on it,” she said softly.

“I’m the only one who could wield the Flaming Sword.”

“So you had to make a decision.”’

“One that means I’ll never see her again.”

“I’m sorry. What you did was heroic, but it doesn’t change the outcome.”

“Mum gone, world saved.”

“And I have a hole in my body that can never be healed. I can’t run or dance or even take a deep breath.” She moaned slightly as she tried to breathe in. “I understand the world was saved but my entire way of life ended.” She closed her eyes. “I’m in constant pain that even the strongest of prescription drugs cannot ease. And I just have to live with it.”

Lucifer gaped at her. “That’s your take away?”

“It’s that or go find a vampire to drain me.” She looked at him. “And I have to at least try for a little longer before Connor has to watch me all the time.”

!2019 august event, author: hermione2be, fandom: lucifer

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