Cut Through Me - August 11th

Aug 11, 2019 01:54

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 11

Title: Cut Through Me
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Lucifer
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Lucifer people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: A severe injury sends Dawn looking for Lucifer.

Notes: Part 6 - Links Page
Seasons: Post-Series/Early-Season 3
Word Count: 785

Dawn held a hand over her heart, trying to drive away the pain. She did not know what had happened, but whatever it was…hurt.

“Dawn?” Connor asked in concern.

“What happened?”

“You have been out for more than a month. You complained of some kind of pain and then fainted.”

“It still hurts,” she sucked in a breath. “Any idea what happened?”

“We’ve sent out feelers for the time you started to complain. Everyone is on this, but so far we aren’t seeing anything. There was no incident from everyone who has checked in.”

Dawn looked around. “Does anyone know I’m here?”

He nodded. “We didn’t contact your sister directly, but Dad told Spike and he let it slip.”

“Of course he did,” she scoffed as she sat up. She sucked in a huge breath. “Are any of them here?”

“Surprisingly, no.”

Dawn’s eyebrows rose. “Really? There an apocalypse?”

“That’s my guess.”

“I’m both insulted and ecstatic,” she answered as she pushed her feet over the edge of the bed.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Connor demanded as he put a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m guessing I don’t have any actual wounds,” she said, feeling over her left clavicle where it felt like the wound should be.


“Then I need to go talk to the only person who may know what happened.”


“A friend.” She hissed out a breath, putting her feet on the ground. The worst part about being the Key was that even Connor - who she considered her best friend - did not know about the truth of her origins. As far as everyone outside of the Scoobies was concerned, she was just Buffy’s little sister. “Get me clothes and papers to sign.”

He debated arguing for a minute before nodding.


Dawn leaned against the elevator’s interior. She was in some pain and it was really causing her some annoyance. She had been injured several times through the years. Shallow cuts, broken arms, head injuries, vampire bites, claws, and she had been stabbed once. And that did not include the numerous times she was harmed in just training.

None of it had been like this. This was deep, burning, stab in her chest. And she was seeing some impediment in her movements. Her shoulder ached too much to move freely.

“What is this place?” Connor asked as the doors opened.

“Lucifer’s apartment,” Dawn answered as she looked around the empty living room.

She heard voices from the bedroom and made her way towards them.

“Lucif-” she started, but all she saw was Amenadiel and a short, blonde woman with several trash bags.

“Dawn,” Amenadiel said in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“I need to find Charlotte.”

The woman next to Amenadiel flinched, a hand going to her stomach.

“Mom’s gone,” he said.

Dawn hissed out a breath. “That’s really inconvenient.” She pressed a hand into her chest. “Because I don’t know who else to talk to.”

“Who is this?” the blonde asked Amenadiel.

“Dawn Summers. Doctor Linda Martin. You both know Lucifer and Mom.”

“There is another human who knows? How?” Linda asked.

“She’s not…it’s complicated. But she knows.” He looked past Dawn. “A friend?”

“Connor,” Dawn said without looking at him. “He runs in my circle.”

“Wait, Lucifer?” Connor said. “Is this from that case a few months ago?”

“You’re the Destroyer who was raised in a parallel dimension,” she told him. “Just accept it.”

Connor seemed to consider a moment before he shrugged.

“Doctor Linda…general practice?”

“I’m a psychiatrist,” Linda explained.

“Mm,” Dawn hummed. She leaned back against the wall and took two short, quick breaths.

“Are you okay?”

“No. Something happened and I am in pain.” She pulled down the collar of her shirt. “Except there is no wound.”

“When did this happen?” Amenadiel asked.

“The twenty-ninth,” Connor answered. “At five forty-seven in the afternoon.”

“That’s when Lucifer sent Mom into a universe rift.”


“He found the pieces of the Flaming Sword,” he looked away. “And he used it to cut a hole in the fabric of the universe, let her escape to a place where she could create her own world out of Dad’s reach.”

“There exists a blade that can cut a hole in the universe?”

“Mom wanted to use it to cut her way into Heaven and kill Dad,” Amenadiel explained.

“By breaking the rules and destroying the barriers,” she told him pointedly.

“But you aren’t…I mean-”

“We don’t know how it works. If I can still be used to break the barrier, which happened to me fifteen years ago, then in theory the barrier is still connected to me.”

“Which means when Lucifer cut through it…”

“He cut into me.”

!2019 august event, author: hermione2be, fandom: lucifer

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