(no subject)

Jul 07, 2006 07:58

We're going from
using Photoshop CS.

01. Open your picture. Crop/resize it.
02. Have I ever tell you that I like to use color balance? Well.. Go to Image>> Adjustments>> Color Balance. My settings
03. Duplicate your base. Blend Mode: Screen. Opacity: 100%. *Layer 01*
04. Since my base was hella dark I reppeated step 03. The icons bellow I didnt make this step since the bases were lighter. *Layer 02*
04. Paste this layer. Blend Mode: Color. Opacity: 10%. *Layer 03*
05. Paste this layer. Blend Mode: Difference. Opacity: 100%. *Layer 04*
06. Duplicate the base again. Drag it to the top of the layers. Blend Mode: Overlay. Opacity: 100%. Desaturate it. *Layer 05*
07. Merge the layers and sharpen it. Add some brushes/text if you want to. We are done!

Other icons made with the same tecnique:

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