Here's the rest of the memes I hijacked off Betty. Well she tagged me for the first one anyway. ^^
a. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. I really don't feel like bugging anyone so just do it if you want to ^____^
Probably not worth it )
Comments 22
and LOL about stalking Nino. Although, I'd pick the character of Shohei (Stand Up!) over Taro any time of the day......perverted Nino is just too cute....
Hahaha I'd actually pick Koichi over Taro... :DDD I didn't know if ongoing series could be included because if that was the case it'll be an entirely different answer XD
Anyway, the meme was fun... try it :)
You loved Zettai? I loved Soshi first but it ended up to Night. Heh. That he had to "die" was the saddest thing ever. T___T
ROFL @ 8 with the ghei undertones. I swear I could feel the tension between Taro and Takuya sometimes. Hahaha
14. So, I saved the best question for last. If you could date anyone from any of these shows, which show and which person?
Taro! Taro! Taro! ROFL But actually it'll be a tough battle between him and Sawada Shin, Asamoto Soshi, and Nishikado Sojiro... LOL
HAHA I had the same dilemma when I answered this meme. XD;; I couldn't choose between Domyouji, Taro, Nakatsu and Chiaki. LOL.
That cap is sooo priceless. I had been a victim of that trick so seeing Sho reacted in such a way made me laugh so hard. XD
Oooh we'd be Ohmiya or something XDD
I love Zettai I really do and I cried at that part... I rarely cry when I watch dramas but this one left me completely heartbroken. T___T
It was there completely!! No one can deny that tension LOL
If I had Ryusei in that list it'll be even harder haha
Sho was absolutely cute. I had to watch it a couple of times because I was so amused by it.
I WILL ASK. What does this entail, roughly? xD
Night doesn't "die" :(((
Ooh, that's some pretty thought-provoking dialogue (in Before Sunrise/Sunset). My brother cringes at it though because he said it was a talkathon :p
LOOOOL Sho victimized by that prank. Harharhar. (and whose hand is that? I'd normally say Neen's but it looks too large -shot-)
It entails us sitting in class for 3 hours while our energetic 50 year old professor talks about catechism and marriage (and somewhere down the line she says she'd like us to write about our "ideal mate") and we had what she calls "chastity talk" on the first day which is pretty much just sex talk and well the advocacy of abstinence. I consider the class well a waste of time to be honest.
You haven't seen Zettai yet? Yes he dies well sort of since he gets put in a box... gah. So sad :(((
Not a fan of talkathon's I see? I love that genre actually especially with conversations like that.
It was their cameraman hahahaha
Not a fan of talkathon's I see?
He's not, no. Pardon him, he's a caveman. :p
Aaaaw, camera-san. That's so funny. :DD
Not a caveman. He's just being a typical male. :DD
I love how particularly silly cameramen in Japan could be.
05. LOL. I wonder who she'd choose~
So much Tarou love! &hearts I miss him.
omg, that title call was the cutest thing. I have much love for that cameraman. LOL. (And also that one cameraman Sho knocked over in VS Arashi. XDD)
I wonder that too hehehe
He was the sweetest oniichan ever~~
I do too. The title calls keep getting cuter and cuter for some reason.
I heard about that but I haven't seen it yet! I can't wait too though.
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