SPN: Venom by Tifaching Art Master Post for Eldritch Big Bang

Nov 16, 2018 23:37

So, I didn't have a story idea ready for the first SPN Eldritch Big Bang, but I still wanted to participate and decided to sign up for art. I had a great time creating a few pieces for Venom by Tifaching. My only regret is that I didn't carve out more time to make some more detailed pieces. I loved the way the author handled Dean's Hell-based fear/phobia, ( Read more... )

type: fan art, ~big bang, fandom: supernatural, ~art post

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Comments 4

madebyme_x November 20 2018, 18:52:14 UTC
Gorgeous (and creepy) work! The details of the snakes are wonderful. Thank you for sharing :)


twisted_slinky November 28 2018, 06:01:47 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. :D


tifaching November 21 2018, 19:49:12 UTC
Wanted to say again how thrilled I am with the art. It is perfect! Thank you again, so, so much.


twisted_slinky November 28 2018, 06:03:04 UTC
No, thank you for letting me get a sneak peak at such a great story! I wish I'd taken more time so I could make you another piece. <3


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