Masterpost: Arkham Minds (Batman The Dark Knight/Criminal Minds)

Aug 19, 2013 20:24

Title: Arkham Minds
Word Count: ~24k
Pairings: Gen
Rating: T/PG-13
Warnings: Violence, Language
Author's Notes: This is set after my story For Laughs, but this can be read as a stand-alone if you wish. Its setting is after The Dark Knight, but with no references to The Dark Knight Rises. While it's a Nolan-verse crossover, it is also inspired by other Batman comic and cartoon storylines. For Criminal Minds, the story is set right after Gideon's departure and before Rossi's arrival (so, season 3, pre-episode 6 sometime).
Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or anything related to the Batman universe. I also do not own any quotes from Alice's Adventures In Wonderland.

Summary: What happens when the madmen are running the madhouse? Dr. Spencer Reid and Agent Aaron Hotcher find out when they return to Gotham to visit Arkham Asylum. Spencer's been at the Joker's mercy before, but after the asylum goes on lockdown with the agents trapped inside with the inmates, he finds that this particular madman might be his key to surviving. Criminal Minds/Batman (Dark Knight) crossover, sequel to For Laughs.

Chapter 1   ll  Chapter 2 ll  Chapter 3 ll Chapter 4

Last time...

His eyes cast down, Reid straightened the papers into the gray folder sitting on the table. He'd collected less data than he'd expected, in all honestly, but the trip wouldn't be a complete disappointment, as another interview was set up for the next day. And, thankfully, he wouldn't be going at that one alone.

"You need a haircut."

Reid chose not to acknowledge the comment.

What had he been thinking anyhow? The rest of his team had warned him, had given him that look, offered their services, and yet he'd argued until they'd given up their stances. And why had he put himself through this? All for a few rambles. All for the identity and cause of death of one homeless victim whose body would likely never be recovered.

"You asked me here," Reid reminded the man across from him.

The Joker bristled, leaning as far forward as his restraints would allow. His eyes managed to catch the shadows of the otherwise brightly lit room. There was day-old paint still on his face, an allowed ritual that Dr. Reid was not entirely convinced was for the best. Granted, he wasn't the Joker's personal care-taker, so he had no real say in the matter…

"I'm wounded, kiddo," the Joker teased, "I thought we were friends. Friends visit friends. My new doctor - she's a real cutie, by the way, reminds me a little of that blue eyed doll Mr. Zsasz played with - she said it would be good for me to see a familiar, uh, face. Help me, you know, comprehend all the naughty things I've done."

Reid chose not to comment on the status of their relationship. If he was to conduct a later interview with the Joker, it might be necessary to not push him away. Still, there was strange part of him in agreement. They knew each other as well as friends, didn't they? It was an eerie thought. One Reid pushed from his mind immediately.

"Turn it off."

Reid glanced up in surprise.

The Joker tilted his head to the side, indicating the camera videotaping their session. "Turn. It. Off."

Reid looked over his shoulder at the guard posted there. There were two orderlies waiting outside the door as well. Reid felt a familiar shiver run over his skin, but he stood, switching off the recorder. He didn't need it; with his memory, he could quote whatever the Joker said, word for word.

"I know, Dr. Reid." The Joker chuckled, but his voice remained low. "Don't worry, it'll be our little secret."

Spencer leaned forward and swallowed deeply. Out of habit he pushed back his hair, his finger touching the half-moon scar against the hairline. There was a matching one on the opposite side. Nothing disfiguring. Nothing noticeable. But a clear reminder. It send a chill down his spine.

"You know who Batman is?" Reid asked.

The Joker smiled darkly, wrinkles sprouting at his eyes and cheeks, up from his puckered scars. Reid was certain the criminal did know Batman's identity, somehow. It was locked away, deep within his fractured mind. But, Reid quickly realized that he'd asked the wrong question. The Joker wasn't currently referring to the Batman.

"I'm becoming a better profiler, kiddo," the Joker hissed, "you've really, uh, inspired me. Want to know what I can tell you about, well, you?"

Reid kept his eyes on the Joker's restraints. "I think we've talked about me before, haven't we?" he said, nearly at a whisper.

The Joker rolled his head back against the soft supports at his neck. "You dream at night. About looking into a mirror," he said. Though his voice was playful, engaging, Reid's body tensed. "You look into it and you see my face instead of yours. But the funny thing is, the really funny part is, it's not a nightmare...Can't be, 'cause you wake up laughing every single time."

Spencer pushed his chair back, picking up the folder. "You're wrong," he stated, and turned to walk away.

The Joker laughed. "You're a hoot, kiddo," the clown called.

Reid didn't pause, instead signaling that the guard could buzz for the door. "Hurry," he insisted.

"Gotta say, I've missed our guy time," the Joker said, his voice louder, "bet you have, too. Don't worry, doc, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again real soon."

story: for laughs, ~masterpost, fandom: criminal minds, story: arkham minds, fandom: batman, type: crossover

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