Fic: Her Wicked Ways (Supernatural/The Vampire Diaries) Dean/Katherine

Jun 10, 2013 17:51

Title: Her Wicked Ways
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Supernatural/The Vampire Diaries
Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Katherine Pierce, minor Dean/OFC/Katherine
Word Count: ~9k
Link: A03
Summary: Pre-series Supernatural/The Vampire Diaries. In hiding, frustrated, and in the mood for entertainment, Katherine knows exactly what she wants to do to the young hunter when she stumbles upon him. There are, after all, so many fun ways for a wicked vampire to break a hunter.
Perversities (Kinks, concepts): bloodplay, anal, oral, toys, threesome, bondage, biting, humiliation, dom!female, non-con
Warnings: non-con/dub-con, mindwipe, mindcontrol, torture, bloodplay, bondage, kidnapping, necrophilia
Author Notes: You don't need to know The Vampire Diaries to read this; just be aware that Katherine Pierce is a vampire who considers humans little more than snacks. Prologue set during "Live Free or Twihard" SPN S7; the rest is pre-series.

Written for the perverse-bang and for my kinkbingo fill "bloodplay." I once stumbled across a few Katherine/Dean fan vids and ever since, I've thought "that looks fun." This wasn't what I intended to write for my first venture into that ship.

~bingo, fandom: vampire diaries, ~big bang, pairing: dean/katherine pierce, fandom: supernatural, type: crossover

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