Red Passion - HP - Draco/Hermione - 20/31

May 24, 2012 15:50

Title: Red Passion
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Mature (R)
Links: Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Chapter 19
Summary: Post HBP. A vampire saves Draco from death and introduces him to a dark world. With Hermione Granger on the menu, can Draco save his enemy and his own soul? Eventual DM/HG.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Written for profitless entertainment.
Warning: Blood, violence, and eventually scenes of a sexual nature.
Author's Note: Story goes AU after the events of Half Blood Prince.
Wordcount for Total Story: ~65,900 words (varied by chapter)

Chapter 20

Even Knockturn Alley was quiet in the dark, early hours of the morning, but it seemed loud to Holly's sensitive ears. She could hear the sound of breathing before a wizard hobbled out of his shop and across the road into the closest inn, and she could hear the rats scuffling about in attempt to gather scraps for their little ones. The vampire smiled to herself, strolling along, enjoying her senses.

It was fun to stroll. She hadn't been able to in a long time. Aurors were always so anxious when vampires were out and about, and rightly so. Many times an early riser would never make it to work the next day if a vampire decided on a stroll.

Holly's grin widened. The aurors weren't giving her kind much trouble these days, however. Most of them were preoccupied, and those who weren't were playing for the new boss's team.

Her steps came to a sudden stop, the blond, dollish curls above her bare shoulders still bouncing. She turned her head, her eyes surveying the gap between the buildings. It was four feet wide and lined with obstructions, abandoned crates, broken bottles. She stepped inside.

A hand grabbed her shoulder and pushed her against the slimy brick wall. She winced but her cheek, clamped against the cool stone, was still round with a smile.

"Did you miss me?" a voice hissed into her neck.

Before she could answer, teeth clamped onto her flesh, and she hissed through her fangs. The body behind her was pushing her into the wall, grinding against her in hungry excitement. She threw herself backwards, her skull connecting with the top of the other vampire's head. She took the moment to turn around, but before she could make another move, her assailant was against her again, this time face to face.

She smiled seductively. "Of course I missed you," she said.

Sanguini's face was expressionless a moment. Then he leaned in, grabbing her lips with her own and ravishing them.

She pulled back, putting a hand to his neck to slow him. "Releasing some steam?" she asked.

Sanguini snarled at her, stepping away. He hurled a fist through the air, striking the building and knocking a hole through the bricks. Holly could feel the stale air of the room on the other side filtering out through the new window.

Her smile didn't shrink. "I expect it didn't go well, then?"

The male vampire's eyes were a vivid red. "He," Sanguini hissed, "threatened me. I took that girl for him, and he repays me with a threat."

"The Dark Lord wanted her brought to him," Holly reminded. "You decided to show her off at Darien's instead. A foolish move."

"Darien shouldn't have taken her from me!"

"Host's rules," Holly smirked.

Sanguini glared down at her. "It was not my fault the Dark Lord changed his mind," he hissed. "She was on the list of the ones he suggested we target," he snapped. "I alerted him when I captured her-he told me I could do as I wish. Then, apparently, his plans were changed. After I'd lost her, of course, he decides he wants her alive and brought to him."

"No doubt his mind was changed by that new right hand of his." Holly nodded in understanding. Lord Voldemort's worshippers held more sway over him than his vampire allies. "And when you told him that Darien would be doing away with her?"

"I told you," Sanguini said, "the Lord wants her alive now."

"Did you explain this to Darien?"

Sanguini smiled faintly. "He knew, I'm sure." The vampire shrugged. "I may have not been explicit before telling the Dark Lord that Darien had turned against us. That's what happens to my enemies."

Holly laughed softly. The sound was closer to the ringing of bells than human mirth. "Nicely done," she said. "But I'm guessing you've been commanded to find the girl now."

Sanguini waved her words away. "I don't care what this Dark Lord says. My aim is to find Darien-forget the children. I shall stomp them when the chance occurs."

Holly clucked her tongue. "Not a good idea, lover."

Sanguini's brow furrowed. "What do you mean? The wizard holds no true sway over me, or do you think me a simply lapdog like his wolves?"

"Never," she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I simply know something you may not."

His greedy eyes engulfed her. "Tell me."

"For starters, you're right, Darien is certainly alive," she said. She watching his rage grow a moment before continuing. "But here's something you don't know. You know how the old hag that Darien kept was dead when you arrived at the manor? Darien didn't do away with her, the children did. Darien's little dragon found a way of poisoning him. Darien's too weak to defend himself, but Annalisa has him hidden away somewhere."

"As I suspected," Sanguini spat.

"But Darien doesn't want to stay hidden. The children betrayed him. The one he'd chosen as a son poisoned him-he's out for vengeance." She moved closer to him, planting a soft kiss near his ear. "If you hunt down the children, Darien will come for you. Two for one, lover. It can't go wrong."

Sanguini caught her chin and brought her face up to his, kissing her with restrained zeal. He stepped back from her, his shadowed smile frightening.

"Go on," Holly said, gesturing for the Alley. "Go to the wizard and report. We can return to our fun later."

"I can promise as much," he said. His lustful eyes drew down the length of her body. "I owe you a great many things, Holly."

"I expect payment," she teased.

The vampire ran out of sight within a second, his form a blur in the night. Holly rested her hands on her hips, staring after him.

"An idiot," she announced, "but fun for a roll, nevertheless."

"I find him disgusting."

"But energetic," Holly countered.

She turned, watching Annalisa step out of the building, lifting her heavy velvet skirt over the broken sidewalk. Her face was devoid of emotion as she approached the other vampire.

"He didn't sense me," Annalisa confirmed. Her eyes darted to Holly. "Well done, Holly."

Holly cocked her head. "It was good idea, letting the lapdog do our hunting for us."

Annalisa extended her head in a gracious nod. "It was Darien's."

A moment of relaxed silence passed between the two of them.

"This," Holly conceded, "is going to be very fun to watch."

Draco wasn't sure when he'd nodded off, or why. He'd slept the day away, so, by rights, he should have been energetic, ready for the night. But his body wanted to go back into a more common schedule. That or something was wrong with him, physically. He wasn't sure which.

Draco sat up, noticing that Hermione was standing at the foot of the bed, her attention on the tote bag she was holding. It was wide and brimming with goods, potions, food. A book peeked out from the its shadowed depths. He noticed, as well, that she had laid out clothes on the bed beside the bag.

"We're moving on?" he asked, somewhat surprised. It wasn't as if he enjoyed the shack, but it did seem to be a reasonable choice, at least for a short stay of a few days.

Hermione was quiet, her brow furrowed as she counted something within the tote.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked.

She looked up with wide eyes, as if she hadn't heard his first question. "Sorry, I'm not ignoring you. Though that would be within my rights after that last outburst of yours." Before he had a chance to reply, she answered him, "I'm making sure we have enough of the blood replenishing potion to last us. I think we should be fine for a few weeks. After that, however-hopefully, we'll be settled enough for me to brew it on my own."

Weeks? Draco bit down the word, knowing that she had most likely picked up on his mental screech.

"Yes," Hermione said, shaking her head slightly as she closed the tote. "We've already been over this Draco. You're not getting away from me until after I help my friends win this battle. I don't care how much you hate me for it-and, as you well know, it will take a while to finish this thing for good. So, yes, weeks."

"Stay out of my head," Draco muttered.

"Please," she snapped. "You can block most of it, if you tried. You want me to hear your snarky remarks."

Draco shrugged slightly. "Back to my initial inquiry, then."

"We're going to see Harry."

Draco held back the growl, just barely. "Well, have fun with that, Granger."

Hermione's eyes shot up at the use of her surname, daring him to go further. However, her expression quickly lightened again. "I'm afraid the fun will be yours to be had. I need you to wear this when we finish."

She pointed out the stack of clothes. I looked like denim pants and a green, hooded jacket. Draco's face twisted in distaste. Muggle pajamas, formal clothing, yes, he could handle that, but these. . .

The thought of the common clothes was interrupted by her insinuation. "After what?"

The vampire didn't speak a moment, sitting the bag down on the floor. She approached him slowly, watching him as if he were some sort of wild animal that might escape into the woodland at any moment.

"I can't approach Harry, not directly. Not yet. I need you to send him a message. He'll be shocked, true, but he'll listen when you mention me. No doubt, he's worried," she explained.

She reached out cautiously, as if this time were more awkward than before, and touched Draco's messy hair gently. She was staring down at him. Taking in her eyes, Draco let a ragged breath escape his lips before he pulled his elbows out from under him, falling back against the pillow.

"What makes you think he won't kill me on sight?" Draco asked.

"He'll have his reasons," Hermione said. "I trust him. He won't trust you, however. He'll think it's a trap. But instead of turning you in, he'll pretend to go through with your plan. It's his way."

Draco couldn't believe he was going to go through with this. He thought that might have something to do with the woman leaning down over him. Draco couldn't help himself or his need to survive the coming ordeal. His hand moved up, catching one of her breasts before she could lower his lips onto his flesh.

"Hold off there," he said breathlessly. He knew her satisfaction equaled a longer life for him, but he couldn't stop the question. "What exactly is your plan?"

"After," she manage, her eyes fading to an almost glowing red. "I'll tell you after. I need to feed before I even think of meeting with Harry-nothing can go wrong, Draco."

She kissed his neck below his ear, her lips tracing down his skin to find his old scar. There was no need to leave yet another on his pale skin.

"I know it isn't important to you," she whispered against his pulsing flesh. "But I need this to work out. It's all I've got. In turn, it's all you have."

Draco took in her words, feeling himself tense before submitting. His finger ran a circle through the cloth, feeling her rising excitement against this thumb. His own was rising as well, somewhere further south.

She bit down and her hand moved over his stomach to find him. He sighed, his tired eyes closing in a swell of pleasure. And he knew he would do whatever she requested.

"Mistress," he breathed, and her mouth quickened against the wound.


fandom: harry potter, story: red passion

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