deal with the ups and downs of loving an admittely high maintence girl like me?

Oct 22, 2009 20:08

Q: This is a disaster. Our reputation as McKinley High's It Couple is in serious jeopardy if we don't find some way to be cool again, Finn.

K: The slushie war has commenced
M: And if Finn and Quinn got nailed, none of us are safe.
W: Okay, guys. We're a little behind for Sectionals thanks to our Sue Sylvester detour but you guys seems to really enjoy doing mash-ups, right? And I'm going to keep you guys fired up. Plus, there's an important lesson to be learned with mash-ups. Sometimes things are so different they don't feel like they go together but the big difference between them is what makes them great. Like chocolate and bacon.
F: Or Glee Club and football.
W: Exactly. But you've proven that it is an great combination.

W: So, here is my personal favorite song. And your homework for the week is to find an unexpected mash-up to go with it.
K: Bust A Move?
M: This song is old school.
W: Alright. Artie try to follow along on the bass. Finn, takes us through it.
F: Sorry, Mr. Schuester. I got corn syrup in my eye.
W: Okay. Puck, how about it?
P: I don't really groove on Young MC.

R: I am shocked at the lack of leading man ambition in this room right now.
W: It's okay, Rachel.

W: I guess I'm going to have to show these guys how it's done. Bust it!

This here's a tale for all the fellas / Try to do what those ladies tell us / Get shot down cause you're over zealous / Play hard to get females get jealous / Ok smartie, go to a party / Girls are scantily clad and showin' body/ A chick walks by you wish you could sex her / But you're standin on the wall like you was Poindexter / New movie's showin, so you're goin / Could care less about the five you're blowin / Theatre gets dark just to start the show

Then you spot a fine woman sittin in the your row / She's dressed in yellow, she says "Hello, / Come sit next to me you fine fellow" / You run over there without a second to loose / And what comes next, hey bust a move / You want it

You want it, you got it / You want it, baby, you got it / Your best friend Harry has a brother Larry / In five days from now he's gonna marry / He's hopin you can make it there if you can / 'Cause in the ceremony you'll be the best man / You say "neato", check your libido / And roll to the church in your new tuxedo / The bride walks down just to start the wedding / And there's one more girl you won't be getting / So you start thinkin, then you start blinkin / A bride maid looks and thinks that you're winkin / She thinks you're kinda cute so she winks back / And now you're feelin really fine cus the girl is stacked / Reception's jumpin, bass is pumpin / Look at the girl and your heart starts thumpin / Says she wants to dance to a different groove / Now you know what to do g, bust a move / You want it, you got it / You want it, baby, you got it / Just bust a move / You want it, you got it / You want it, baby, you got it / Move it, boy / Just bust a move

R: What a girl wants / What a girl needs / Whatever makes me happy sets you free / And I'm thanking you for knowing exactly / What a girl wants / What a girl needs / Whatever keeps me in your arms / And I'm thanking you for giving it to me
P: I know this looks weird but wait until you see what happens next.

P: My ears are starting to hurt. Can we take a break?
R: Okay.
P: Want to make out?
R: Sure.

P: I know. It's whack. But I also remember what my history teacher told us last semester, "Only Nixon can go to China".

P: I have no idea what she meant but it reminded me of when my family ordered Chinese food and sat down together for our traditional Simchat Torah screening of Schindler's List. That's really when all of this started.

P: That night, I had the strangest dream. I knew it was a dream because there was no way Rachel could have climbed up the wall outside my window without her shoes on. When I woke up, I knew it was more than a dream. It was a message from God. Rachel was a hot Jew and the good lord wanted me to get into her pants.

P: I picked it up for you when I was buying dip. It's grape. I know that's your favorite because the last time I tossed a grape one in your face, you licked your lips before cleaning yourself off. Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to work together on some mash-up ideas.

P: Things happened pretty fast after that point. Getting her to make-out with me was easier than I thought. I guess she's kind of desperate.

P/F: You okay, baby?
R: I can't do this.
P: Why? We're a couple of good looking Jews.

P: It's natural.
R: I-I can't give myself to someone who isn't... brave enough to sing a solo.

R: If you don't have the guts to do that then-then-then how are you going to be bold enough to deal with the ups and downs of loving an admittedly high maintenance girl like me?
P:Are you questioning my badassness? Have you seen my guns?

R: Noah, I'm sorry. Your arms are lovely but... I just don't see us working out.

W: So, any ideas for the mash-up? Anybody? Ah, come on, guys. It's like you're daring me to start dancing.
A: No.
W: I will.
P: I've been working on something.
W: Oh, yeah?

P: It's my personal tribute to a musical Jewish icon.
W: Fantastic. Let's hear it.

Where it began / I can't begin to knowin' / But then I know it's growin' strong

Was in the spring / And spring became the summer / Who'd have believed you'd come along

Hands, touchin' hands / Reachin' out / Touchin' me / Touchin' you

Sweet Caroline / Good times never seemed so good / I've been inclined / To believe they never would

Sweet Caroline / Good times never seemed so good / I've been inclined / To believe they never would / Oh, no, no

R: Making Tommy Tune the first to win Tony gold in four categories.
P: Totally interesting. You know, you never told me what you thought of my mash-up solo.

R: You're still missing the elusive high b. That's a brass ring for a baritenor. I had to work on it for weeks with Finn before he got it.

R: You're a great performer, Noah. I just want to say how proud I am to have you on my arm in front of the whole high school.

P: You're pretty good at this.
R: I had a lot of practice. You're actually a lot luckier than me and Quinn. Your head is shaved.

P: I'm really sorry I ever did this to you.
R: It's okay.
P: No, it isn't. No one deserves this feeling.

P: You know what the worst part is? It's not the burning in your eyes or way the slushie dips all the way into your underpants. It's the humiliation. I feel like I could burst into tears at any moment. Rachel...

P: I'm sorry but... today when the clock chimes at 3:30...
R: You're choosing football over Glee which means we probably can't be together anymore.
P: Yes. Damn, I feel like such a bad Jew.

W: Hey, guys.

W: I guess they're not coming. I'm really sorry, guys.
M: I can't believe this. I thought they were our friends. How can they just abandon us?

B: Hi! You scared me.
M: We made it.

R: Are you sure about this, Noah? Choosing us over the team means you might get a slushie in your face every day.
P: Bring it.

K: Do it.
F: I really don't want to. Honestly, I know how picky you are about what products you use on your face.

K: But you've been getting so much pressure from the gorillas on the football team. I guess they didn't appreciate me resigning from the team and choosing Glee.

F: Probably would have went over better if you didn't announce it in the showers.
M: You are not going to slushie my man, Kurt.
R: Why wouldn't he? He's made his choice. He doesn't care about us losers anymore.
F: That's not true.

F: If I don't do it then guys on the team are going to kick the crap out of me.
K: Well, we can't have that can we?

F: What are you doing?
K: It's called taking one for the team.

K: Now get out of here. And take some time to think whether or not any of your friends on the football team would have done that for you. Someone get me to a day spa stat!

R: You miss it?
P: Hell no.

R: I hope you didn't choose Glee over football because of me.
P: Why?
R: Because I don't think this relationship is going to work out.

P: It's cool. I was going to break-up with you anyway.
R: No, you weren't.
P: Yes, I was. You won't even let me touch your boobs.

P: It's Finn, right? He's never going to leave Quinn. Not with that baby in her belly.
R: You like her, don't you? I can see you staring at her when I'm staring at Finn. Is that why you joined Glee? To be closer to her?
P: Like I said, they are never breaking up.

P: God, what's the matter with me? I'm a stud and I can't even hold onto a chick like you. No offense. Why don't girls like me?
R: Because you're kind of a jerk. No offense.

R: I just think you want it too much. Which is something I can relate to. I want everything too much.

R: Our relationship is built on a fantasy. Like every other one in my life. I think I just agreed to us being together because I thought it would make Finn jealous.

R: I just hope we can still be friends.
P: We weren't friends before.

F: So, what do you think of my welcome back gift to the club, huh guys?
R: Mmm. Thanks for the slushies, Finn. They're delicious.

K: And loaded with empty calories. You know why they call them slushies, don't you? Because your butt looks like one if you have too many of them.
F: I would like to propose a toast to Mr. Schue. You were right about Glee Club and football being a killer combination.
All: Yeah! Whoo!

A: Mr. Schue, I am sorry to report that we all have been remiss about completing our assignment this week.
M: Yeah, none of us could find a good groove for Bust A Move.
A: And I personally feel like a failure.
W: Well, that’s okay, guys. I feel like the lesson landed. And that's what's important. And we are glad to have you back, Finn. You okay, Quinn?
Q: Do I look okay? I'm devastated. Now that I'm off the Cheerios, I'll start everyday with a slushie facial.
W: That's okay if that happens, Quinn, because there's eleven of your friends right here, who will be more than happy to help clean you off.
All: Yeah! Whoo!

W: Oh, brain freeze. I can't imagine getting hit in the kisser with one of these.
A: You've never been hit by a slushie before, Mr. Schue?

W: Um... alright, guys. We're a team. Bring it on. Give me your best shot.

R: One, two, three.
W: Ahhh!

W: Alright. From the top.
All: Yeah! Whoo!

I ♥ Rachel Berry

tv, ship: puck/rachel, character: rachel berry, tv: glee, fandom: picspam, picspam: glee - rachel berry, picspam: glee

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