Title: Running Up That Hill Fandom: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Characters/Pairings: John/Cameron Song: Running Up That Hill by Placebo Link: Youtube. Mediafire.
This was absolutely gorgeous and haunting, particularly the ending. I have a John/Cameron essay going up at ship_manifesto in a few days, do you mind if I include this as a part of my vid recs?
Why do you do this to me? Why do you make such pretty vids about a ship that we'll never see again and then make me sad more? Why???! I spent the whole afternoon listening to songs that I downloaded from J/C fanmixes! Are you happy now?! ARE YOU?
Yeah, I know you're happy about that. Happy that I'm not getting over them and that I can wallow in self-pity with you. Oh well, it's ok, because while remembering a cancelled ship can be sad, it can also remind you of all the good times. *sighs* STUPID FUCKING FOX, I HATE YOU AND HOPE YOU DIE. Well, die after Dollhouse has finished its 5-year run, kthnx.
God, I'm rambling now. Look what you made me do. But yeah, I adore this song, and have associated it with J/C for-fucking-ever now, so good choice. The vid is so pretty. So very, very pretty. *watches again*
You had your own little therapy session there, didn't you?
And I hope continue to do this to you many more times. I WILL NEVER LET THEM GO. They're so pretty and imperfect and angsty as all hell. Add Placebo to the mix and it's all over. LOOK AT THEM AND NOT LOVE THEM. I DARE YOU.
Well, die after Dollhouse has finished its 5-year run, kthnx.
Dude, I'm starting to get a little bit excited now that the dvds will be released soon. Stupid FOX making us wait.
Comments 29
I cant wait to get my paws on season 2!
Yeah, I know you're happy about that. Happy that I'm not getting over them and that I can wallow in self-pity with you. Oh well, it's ok, because while remembering a cancelled ship can be sad, it can also remind you of all the good times. *sighs* STUPID FUCKING FOX, I HATE YOU AND HOPE YOU DIE. Well, die after Dollhouse has finished its 5-year run, kthnx.
God, I'm rambling now. Look what you made me do. But yeah, I adore this song, and have associated it with J/C for-fucking-ever now, so good choice. The vid is so pretty. So very, very pretty.
*watches again*
And I hope continue to do this to you many more times. I WILL NEVER LET THEM GO. They're so pretty and imperfect and angsty as all hell. Add Placebo to the mix and it's all over. LOOK AT THEM AND NOT LOVE THEM. I DARE YOU.
Well, die after Dollhouse has finished its 5-year run, kthnx.
Dude, I'm starting to get a little bit excited now that the dvds will be released soon. Stupid FOX making us wait.
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