Title: His Real Face
amadris Fandom(s): Twilight (1st book)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 947
Inspiration: Chapter 12 and 13 when the Great Sparkle is revealed.
Warnings: Some violence
Summary: Bella sees Edward’s real face for the very first time. She doesn’t like what she sees.
Under a mask, there was another Edward )
Comments 11
What's ironic is that canon has Bella and Edward's relationship as being "like a fairy tale"--but this was much more like traditional fairy tales. Color me impressed!
I think she later on started to realize what had really happened and tried to get a hold of Edward, but he was of course long gone by then.
It reminds me of the first time I saw Twilight - I saw the movie long before I'd even heard of the books - and the moment Edward makes a big production out of stepping into the sunlight, I had this scenario in mind. That he was actually some kind of hideous monster, with the pretty-boy image only a facade.
Imagine my surprise when I found out what it really was ("what the hell, he's just got glittery sweat!")
The descriptions in this were very nice, characterisation spot-on, and the concept very intriguing. Well done!
Thanks for reading!
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