Title: One Scene and a Coda
Pairing: James & Oliver Phelps
a_carnal_minkLength: 854 words
Disclaimer: Fiction. Fiction. Fiction. Just a little thing while I was bored at work.
Rating: PG13 for language and possible suggestions of 'cest if you wish to take it that way.
Summary: Turning an accident on the football field into Method.
He could make James pay attention to him with just one word… )
Comments 12
Oh jeez, Mink...you did it to me again...
Sorry, luv! Should I stop? ;)
This is fabulous, as usual. What a wonderful treat to find, first thing in the morning, too New Phelpsfic! Love it!
What a wonderful treat to find, first thing in the morning
So sorry that things only went downhill from there, darling. :(
I LOVE fic dealing with their reactions to DH. I wish I could find someplace they actually talked about it. *sigh* Does that make me a masochist? Or evil or something?
*hands over box of tissues*
I, too, am fascinated about what their reactions must be (and wish to all known deities that we could get an interview of them talking about it!). My heart breaks for them, just the thought of them having to go through this in two movies' time. :( I wrote a short fic about it, actually, in the immediate aftermath of book 7. Don't know if you saw that or not, but there's another one for you anyhoo. :)
Ah, the poor twins D: Imma cry buckets in the theater... assuming the director didn't make it a tap-and-go scene.
James thought that Fred's death was "cool" in a vid i saw on youtube, whut? I'm not believeing you James, nuh-uh.
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