Such a great set of drabbles, number 17 though, it took me a moment to realise what had happened, then the lump in my throat hit. O.O 13 had me giggling like a school girl and 18, I just found Sunstreaker's jealousy so bitter sweet. They were all great for their own reasons and I look forward to more of these. :D
So evil for making us go O.O That first line I assumed it was one of the twins to Ratchet, then a few lines later, when the unknown mech asks Is it because of them? I realised it was another mech but I assumed he was still talking to Ratchet, the them being the twins so when it hit me that Sideswipe had been mourning Sunstreaker and Ratchet for centuries, it was like a ton of bricks.
Heh, I know. People often write Rachet being left alone and so on. I kinda see this happening in bayverse, where the three are separated, without knowing their fates. ;)
Comments 4
More to come. Eventually. 20 down and 30 to go. ;D
- Senna-chan
I just read it again, that last line T.T
- Senna-chan
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