Hey Everybody!
It's great to see so many responses to the challenge, and the competition, even with me having that little dilemma about the prizes, but that's sorted. Also, making sure everybody knows that there is a prize for all who participate, it's a little banner done by
So without further ado, here are the prompts for this week. Just a reminder that all rules and info is here
http://twins-x-ratch.livejournal.com/8476.html#cutid1, and to remind that if you PM me if you have any questions.
1. Sparklings
2. Tag-Teaming
3. Crawl
4. In flagrante delicto (
5. Road Trip
6. First time
7. Paints
8. Sweat - David Guetta and Snoog Dogg.
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9. Hello - Lionel Richie
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10. "Humour is one of the most serious tools we have for dealing with impossible situations." - Erica Jong.