Title: Wrench of Inspiration Response Drabbles
zea_taylor'verse: G1
Rating: Suitable for all audiences
Warnings: nothing in particular
Note: A few responses to the recent Wrenches of Inspiration posted by
fuzipenguin. My Ratchet-muse appears to be in a protective mood. Word targets are spot on according to my word-count - I hope you agree! Comments are always very welcome.
WoI #53, 100 word, present tense, drabble with words "glass" and "deluge".
Ratch will never get used to Earth's rain. I feel him tense as the first drops hit our glass windscreens, all his instincts telling him to act. For most of us, that would mean running for cover. A medic like Ratchet runs the other way.
Inside, Spike and Sparkplug have taken shelter from the deluge. Here on the driveway, the two of us are fully exposed. The water's harmless but Ratch nudges closer anyway, sheltering me from the acid rain he's imagining. I nudge back, then settle, content - for once - to be the one protected, knowing he'll keep me safe.
WoI #53, 100 word, present tense, drabble with words "copper" and "paw".
The Earth's yellow sun lends the Ark’s broken hull the gleam of burnished copper. The Twins aren't alone in taking advantage of the glorious weather, basking in the solar radiation, but they're the only mechs I have optics for... until the thunder of pedes announces the dinobots' arrival. Sideswipe backs up in a hurry, but Sunny is dozing, confident that no one will bother him. A careless paw teaches him his confidence is misplaced. I'm moving before he has time to notice the scratch. Sometimes the Twins need me. Sometimes it's the mechs around them. Either way, I'll be there.
WoI #54, 55 fiction.
They barely reached my ankle, the first time we met. They were fast too, tumbling off the clinic berth. I grabbed the red one when he hesitated, curiosity overcoming fear. His yellow brother doubled back, tiny fists hammering at my pedes. Scooping both into an embrace, I held the orphans tight. I never let go.