It'd be hard for it to go much worse than it has already but, yeah, me, too. Thanks.
I'm up through 'Crossroad Blues' so the next one is 'Croatoan.' I snapped about a week ago, after getting bored with waiting for my mother to want to watch more than one episode every three+ weeks, and blew through the first season in about three days (what miracle of time allows her to have 3 hours a night to watch random stuff she doesn't care about but stops her from spending a whole forty minutes with her daughter, watching an episode of a series she's actually interested in? HONESTLY, MOTHER). I'm trying to take season 2 a little slower because that's slightly more sane. ... And because 3 isn't available on DVD until September 2nd. (A whole, what, four days? Gosh.)
Ooh, the second half of Season Two has some of my favourite episodes in it. I hope you've enjoyed what you've seen so far! (The fact that you watched the first season in about three days is certainly reassuring.)
because 3 isn't available on DVD until September 2nd.
What, really? Mine arrived in the post almost a full week ago (or so my brother tells me; I arrived home to find it waiting for me yesterday). Does this mean that Britain got it earlier than the US? Because that's, you know, weird.
I am enjoying it far more than I thought I would! It stealthily grew on me with alarming ferocity. I was planning on taking a short break after the first season because my brain was feeling kind of melty from watching so much and because usually cliffhangers don't make me too twitchy.
And then I was three episodes into season 2 and wasn't quite sure how or why that had happened (the DVDs have mind control?). But now I'm only watching one or two episodes a day.
POSSIBLY AMAZON HAS LIED TO ME, THEN. ...Wait, no, and are telling me the same thing. Or maybe it's there but not online? Which is highly unlikely. My vote: weird.
... September is the ninth month, right? I'm not being stupid and confusing which month is what number again, am I?
Comments 4
Also, yes, Dean Winchester can be a bit of an idiot. Where are you up to?
I'm up through 'Crossroad Blues' so the next one is 'Croatoan.' I snapped about a week ago, after getting bored with waiting for my mother to want to watch more than one episode every three+ weeks, and blew through the first season in about three days (what miracle of time allows her to have 3 hours a night to watch random stuff she doesn't care about but stops her from spending a whole forty minutes with her daughter, watching an episode of a series she's actually interested in? HONESTLY, MOTHER). I'm trying to take season 2 a little slower because that's slightly more sane. ... And because 3 isn't available on DVD until September 2nd. (A whole, what, four days? Gosh.)
because 3 isn't available on DVD until September 2nd.
What, really? Mine arrived in the post almost a full week ago (or so my brother tells me; I arrived home to find it waiting for me yesterday). Does this mean that Britain got it earlier than the US? Because that's, you know, weird.
And then I was three episodes into season 2 and wasn't quite sure how or why that had happened (the DVDs have mind control?). But now I'm only watching one or two episodes a day.
POSSIBLY AMAZON HAS LIED TO ME, THEN. ...Wait, no, and are telling me the same thing. Or maybe it's there but not online? Which is highly unlikely. My vote: weird.
... September is the ninth month, right? I'm not being stupid and confusing which month is what number again, am I?
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