For any newcomers.

Jan 10, 2010 01:45

...and a refresher for anyone else, I guess?

Hi! I go by Jecca, and I am, at times, ridiculously meek. That is an important thing to know about me. Not to overshare right off the bat, but I've got some depression and self-worth issues that crop up and so get mention from time to time, as I am trying to not deny their existence these days (because that method didn't work). (As of May, 2011, I am on pills. They've been working so far?) I lurk rather a lot, meaning I read every entry that crosses my friends list but that I only convince myself to leave comments on occasion. So if I do not comment often, it is not because I hate you or do not read your posts, but because I am afraid of being a nuisance. I am trying to be better about this. ALSO: I have a passive-aggressive streak several miles wide. I am working very, very hard to get over this, so if you ever feel like I'm acting unfairly, please, please call me on it. I may have just worded something poorly, but I may also owe an apology.

Other things. Hm. I'm currently living in Vermont (it's a state in New England! I promise!) in an apartment with my friend, Aniko two other people who do not use LJ, so far as I know. Also, I currently identify as asexual panromantic (see AVEN for details. Or just ask me. Whichever), which weirds some people out. I, uh. Don't entirely understand why, but I do understand it does. So, just getting that out now. Other things: I am prone to editing entries to death and back and abusing parentheses and italics and occasionally get it into my head to spam pictures (though I do at least remember to add a cut to those entries. SPEAKING OF THAT...)

I like to think I am friendly? I don't mind random friendings, but I do like to know where people came from (this is... not really an issue here, considering, but there I have said it, anyway). And, if you do not like me or my journal for any reason, you can unfriend me and I will not make DRAMA out of it (every day is defriending amnesty day!). Also, I use AIM and Skype (as JeccaAM) and YIM (jade_akatsuki). If I'm visible, I'm probably around (sometimes YIM says I'm online when I'm away and sometimes I forget to change my status) and up for conversation. I'm also on Facebook as Jecca Meitahn, which you can find links to scattered around, or you can just ask.

I have been a Transformers fan for... most of my life, anyway. I took a break for a few years after Beast Machines (ALSO. WARNING: I am one of the three people in existence who don't actually hate Beast Machines. I don't care if you hate it, and I will readily agree it has problems, but, again, just feel this is something I should mention...) ended but, obviously, I came back. I've seen almost all of the cartoons (that have been translated, anyway). I think I missed a few episodes during the Unicron trilogy, not sure... The only comic series I've read is IDW's run (though, aside from Last Stand of the Wreckers, I stopped reading those after All Hail Megatron). I'm mostly unfamiliar with the others (the basic plot details, yes, but not much beyond that. All my knowledge comes from stalking the wiki). And I collect the toys and pose them all over the place and annoy people with them. I don't take it entirely seriously, though (since canon never seems to). In fact, I mock it. (And ... everything else. Mocking is one of my primary methods of expressing affection.) Also, I've been to the last five BotCons and am currently hoping to attend the next one, as well. In case anyone cares.

I have lots of other interests besides Transformers, but listing would take too long and a quick browse of my interests section or my tags list should probably identify most of them. I will mention my addiction to Final Fantasy, including Final Fantasy XI (yes, I play the MMO), since I whine/rant/ramble about it a lot. I play on the Phoenix server (always) as Hisime (usually). She is mostly useless (AKA THF) but I love her, anyway.

(Since posting, FFXIV has gone live, where I am Rana Mehlota on Bodhum, but I do not know that I will continue to play once SE actually starts billing.)

I tend not to lock much, but anything I do lock, obviously, is locked for a reason, even if no one can figure out what (and even though half of it ends up unlocked later). I probably don't have to actually say this, but please respect that.

All of my posted writing (which, okay, isn't much) is under my " completed stories" tag (it's also in my memories). The only Transformers-related currently posted and public is a crossover with Top Gear, which is a British show about ... cars, mostly, but it's hilarious and occasionally terrifying and you should watch it.

... Speaking of tags, I have an open tagging system where anyone can add tags and friends can add, create, or remove tags from posts I make. (Feel free to add or create as you will, but I ask that tag removal not be done because, much as it may seem otherwise, there is a system there, I swear to you. Also, if I notice - I suppose that's the key word, isn't it, "notice" - tags rearranging on anything with the "completed writing" tag, I will probably get rid of the open tagging.)

..... aaaand I don't know what else to put! THE EEEEND.

OH WAIT ONE MORE THING. I said I am from Vermont, which is a state, which implies USA. This is true. I am from the USA. HOWEVER. You may notice an unusual amount of "u"s (and "s" in place of "z") here, as well as odd word usage or phrasing... I am not British. I have often been mistaken for British (I can't work out why, because that's been going on long before my spelling mutation, and has happened several times in real life). Most people on my friends list aren't from the USA and, as such, use the "u" and the "s" and I think it sort of bled over. (In my defense, I've always liked the "u". I picked that one up from my mother. Who is also not British but who also likes the "u".) We have no explanation for my word usage and phrasing, though. That's just always been there.

Feel free to ask any questions about me or my life!

even i don't know what i'm talking about, general announcements, asexual - nothing to do with it amoebas, grab bag of subjects, jecca can't be bothered to tag properly, insert relevant tag here, what?! a generic entry?! impossible!, too many tags arg!, oh god people, jecca does stupid things, hey riona didn't know she could do this!, she never shuts up does she?

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