(no subject)

Oct 09, 2010 23:00

Who: Wilson, Open
Where: Front porch of the boarding house
When: Day 39, late afternoon.

He was also going absolutely stir crazy. As a doctor, he knew he still wasn't really well, he was just feeling better because of the medicine House had managed to get him. His fever had come down, but wasn't completely gone and he still had that awful rumbling cough, but he just couldn't take it anymore. He'd been lying in bed, staring at the ceiling since the noises started in the middle of the night and he was bored damnit. Wilson wasn't used to lying around so much. So, he convinced himself that it would be fine to go sit on the porch for a bit, that it would do him good to get some fresh air. Maybe he'd run into someone and be able to hold a conversation. That would at least be interesting, and he missed talking to people. He knew it had only actually been a couple of days, but it felt more like weeks.

Realistically, he knew he'd be exhausted again in about a half hour, if that, but he was willing to take anything. Maybe leaving his room and some fresh air would help him sleep, at least.

With a sigh, Wilson stood on shaky legs and wrapped his thick blanket around himself before making his way out of his room and down the stairs. He felt a bit wobbly as he went, and was wheezing a bit by the time he reached the front door, but it felt like sweet victory when he stepped out onto the porch and got a breath of fresh air.

azkadellia, james wilson, [log]:

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