I heart Forks!

May 04, 2008 11:32

:: Yourself
Name: Angel
Age: 27
Stamped as: Emmett Cullen
:: General
What do you look for in a friend? funny, loyal,patient,understanding. I'm a loner and after an hour or two with anybody I need to be left alone...I don't know why. So I need a friend who gives me space but is there for me.
What would you do if a friend betrayed you? I shouldn't forgive. I've been betrayed so many times but I fear being alone, yeah a loner fears being alone go fig, so I forgive too easily.
:: This or That
Leader or Follower? opinionated follower
Listening or Speaking? Listening
Going out or Staying indoors? indoors but really need to start going out more
Partying Out all Night or Just Hanging Out in One of your Homes?  hanging out

:: You As A Friend
Do you prefer your friends to be like you or different? Both. yin n' yang but not too different
Would you say yes to a favor before knowing what it is? probably
When asked for advice, do you say what they want to hear or what you know they should hear? Both ..kinda depends on the situation 
Your friend tells you she/he is about to do something that you think it's stupid or simply suicidal. What do you do? Give them my shrink's number... I'm the crazy one they must not turn into me ,lol...then I'd have to be the sane one
Are secrets kept safe with you? Yep

:: Where And How You Hang Out (no more than three)
When you eat out, where do you go? Arby's ,McDonalds,Norms
When you just go out, where do you go? Shopping at Target ,Walmart
When they come over your house (or vice versa), what do you do? Play with my dogs and watch DVDs

:: Personal Memories
Mention one friend you'll never forget, and why? Katie , she was like a little sister. I met her in therapy. I always wanted to be a big sister. I'm very protective of my friends and I view them as family. We had a major lot in common. She moved though and we lost touch.
Mention one comment from a friend you'll never forget, and why?" Your complicated." my best friend Nita said that. Finally someone didn't sugar coat , lol

:: Twilight
Who in Twilight would you most get along with, why? Alice - shopping ,nuff said.
Who in Twilight would you least get along with, why? Oddly enough Emmett , I can't stand jocks..... yes I realize I'm stamped as him....
Your best friend tells you he/she is a vampire/werewolf. What's your reactions?
Well look at them like they were nuts until the friend proved it ,then beg to be turned so we could be friends forever . I have a vampire fasicination so knowing one would be way cool.

:: You As a Random Twilight Character
Imagine you're a random character from Twilight who used to be really good friends with Bella until Edward came along... What do you do?
Stand by her and wait for her to come back. I would tell her that she is avoiding friends who have been there for her though.
You see Edward in a jewelry shop, obviously thinking about getting something for Bella. What's your first reaction?
Help the dude , guys need help when it comes to jewelry...unless they're rappers.
Bella tells you about her situation with Jacob and Edward (minus the detailed supernatural details), what's your advice to her? Simply follow your heart. If both were to die which one would you mourn more?
Alice approaches you with an invite to yet another Bella-centered party, what's the first thought that comes to your head?
Lucky Bella , be grateful someone cares that much about you,Bella!
:: Because votes are still a must... 



best friend: alice cullen

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