they should just build a vampire school

Sep 11, 2009 20:59

:: You
Name: Meagan
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Stamped As: Jasper Hale
Would you prefer explanations along with the votes? Doesn't matter
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:: Lessons Learned
What is/was your favorite school subject? Why? English, it's one of the reasons I'm an English major. I just love reading, especially classic books. I tend to over analyize as it is, so it helps that's what I have to do.
What is/was your least favorite school subject? Why? Biology, I HATED Biology it was just so hard for me. There was too many definitions and not enough doing and labs. Our entire grade depended on tests.
Have you ever taken a school subject(class) you thought would be more interesting than it was? What happened? How would you have made it better? Hrm, I'm taking a Fundamentals in Acting class right now and we haven't really done anything acting like. I would've just throw us on stage and things. I did more actings and stuff in high school. We just keep playing games.

:: Footprints in our Minds
Have you ever had a teacher you loved and respected? Why that person? I've had quite a few teachers like that. You could just tell that they completely loved what they were doing and wanted to show it with the classes that they were doing. They were also all English Teachers, they just made it fun where I hadn't enjoyed it in previous years.
Have you ever had a teacher you loathed and looked down on? Why that person? Yes, my 10th Grade English Teacher. While the class was enjoyable and I go to do a lot of projects involving John Lennon her teaching style didn't mesh with me at all. She treated us all like children and some of the things we did were often kiddy and had me annoyed.
In your opinion, all teachers should approach their occupation like... what? How would you recommend teachers to be? That they love what they are doing. You can often tell when a teacher hates or loathes their position and it doesn't make the class enjoyable. But when a teacher loves their job it comes out in their teachings and assignments.

:: Perpetual Homework
Do you prefer verbal or written exams? Why? Written, usually I can retain more information and be able to take it randomly from my head. I have a hard time taking what I want to say it putting it in words.
Do you learn more through discussions or simply reading books? Why? That honestly depends on the subject. I've had classes were I learned more from discussions while others I would spend more time in the book.
Do you prefer exams with long detailed questions (requiring detailed answers) or simple questions (with multiple choice answers already listed)? It depends on the class. English I love long and detailed questions. While most of other classes I prefer multiple choice.
Would you rather do a pretty big project or a pretty big oral report? Pretty big project. I've had to do a few oral reports where I've gotten really good grades, but that was because I loved the subject I did them on.
Would you rather have a more interactive class or a robotic 'hand-in and be graded' class? More interactive

:: Teaching Should Be an Ideal
You're late for class, what does your teacher do? The good thing about college is that the teacher doesn't really care.
You hand in your assignment two weeks early, what does your teacher tell you? That it won't be graded until everyone else hands it in.
Your teacher discovers that, even though you had been assigned to a team to complete a project, you've been the one doing most (if not all) of the workload. What does he do? Probably tells me to stop doing most of the work and amke sure that others do some too.
Your teacher catches a student cheating on an exam, what does he do? Kicks them out of the class.
You're outside school, enjoying an ordinary day (at the mall, a park, a beach, wherever you like) when you see your teacher not too far from you... how does the interaction play out between both of you? Probably just ingore each other, or give a nod of recognition. Unless they know me better than they'd probably talk to me.

:: Because votes are still a must...

teacher: esme cullen

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