:: You
Name: Catie-Beth
Age: immortally 17 (for 5 more months, anyway)
Gender: Female
Stamped As: Jasper Cullen
Would you prefer explanations along with the votes? sounds good, but isn’t 100% necessary
Would you prefer the replies to remain spoiler free? drop any spoilers that you wish, they’re not spoilers to me
Would you mind having two same sex Twilight characters as your "Twilight Couple" result? (Do note, the results are based on personality, not on gender, but if you mind, we'll respect your opinion) it might bother me a tad, but not seriously, no
:: Yes or No, and why?
Opposites Attract: Yes. I believe in a lot of relationships that opposites do attract because one person’s highs covers the other’s lows
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: Very much so. I think the people I love are beautiful whether the world does or not.
We Fight With Those We Love: Yes. Because fighting actually kind of proves that you care.
All You Need Is Love: Essentially, yes. Everything else essentially stems from love, so if you have love, the other things you need come along.
Love Conquers All: Well, mostly, yes. But I tend to say, “love never fails” (1 Corinthians) rather than love conquers all… In fact, I wear a ring on my finger that says LOVE NEVER FAILS.
:: One True Pairing
List your favorite t.v. show/movie/book pairings (write the fandom in parenthesis next to the pairing for reference): Oh. Prepare yourself for a large sample here. Booth/Brennan (Bones), Clark/Lois (Smallville/Superman), Mal/Inara (Firefly), Daniel/Vala (Stargate SG-1), John/Elizabeth (Stargate Atlantis), Jack/Elizabeth (PotC), Lee/Kara (Battlestar Galactica; let me tell you, I had to really think about my BSG OTP choice), Max/Logan (Dark Angel), Mulder/Scully (X-Files), Bobby/Alex (Law & Order: Criminal Intent), House/Cuddy (House), Rory/Jess (Gilmore Girls), Tony/Angela (Who’s the Boss?), and I guess I'd also most definitely have to add Elizabeth/Darcy (Pride & Prejudice); to really bring it down, I like angsty, confusing, UST ’ships
List your least favorite t.v. show/movie/book pairings (write the fandom in parenthesis next to the pairing for reference): ummm, this one’s harder. Cam/Booth (Bones), Clark/Lana (Smallville), Rodney/Elizabeth (McWeir) (Stargate: Atlantis), Kara/Anders (Battlestar Galactica), and House/Cameron (House).
Explain what you like the most about one of your favorite pairings: Um, see above. I love angsty, confusing, UST style ’ships, which all of those are. In particular, I guess I could pick Lee and Kara (because my poor BSG is gone now *sniff*). They have amazing chemistry and so much feeling between them, but there’s always something in the way, keeping them apart. Yes, it hurts like crazy, but the angst proves the love.
Explain what you dislike the most about one of your least favorite pairings: Here I’ll pick Clark/Lana (Smallville) because it’s the only one on my least favorites list that I really truly hate. Yes, Clark/Lana does have that great angstiness factor (seriously), but for me, it just got too dramatic. Just… too much drama. No other way to describe it. Everything was played up (especially on Lana’s part) too much. The reasons weren’t enough. It was just drama for the sake of drama, not drama stemming from important issues. The chemistry was also just… not really there.
If you could join two characters romantically from two different fandoms, who would it be and why? I don’t honestly know if I can answer that one. I tend to have to see couples interact, to see their chemistry in action, before I can ’ship them.
:: Couples Throughout History (Like or Dislike, and why?)
Romeo & Juliet? Like. Hello, greatest angst of all time right there, more or less.
Marc Antony & Cleopatra? Hmm. I’m on the fence about this one. Politics and passions mixing? Interesting, but fatal.
Cinderella & Prince Charming? Why not? I love angst, to be sure, but I need a fluff pairing every now and then too. Besides, I’m oddly a fan of fairy tales.
Pocahontas & John Smith? Definite like. The blending of two cultures like that? Awesome. It’s kind of a proof that love can transcend culture.
:: Him & Her
There's this boy who works at the library who is really shy, often awkward, but so very sweet and kind-hearted that it's a shame he can't get a date. If you could set him up with someone (and have it be an instant success), what would she be like and why? Probably set him up with someone who’s also a little towards the shy, awkward, but sweet type. Opposites in this case are not likely to attract (the geeks and the cheerleaders?). Therefore he’s more likely to need someone he can relate to.
You know a girl who has a nasty temper, always defensive and very loud, but this doesn't mean she's a bad person. She's really not. If you could set her up with someone (and have it be an instant success), what would he be like and why? Someone very, very understanding. He would have to be. Someone probably calm who could handle her temper without escalating situations. He would be one of those people who looks past the immediately off-putting temper to see that underneath, there’s likely a cause for the temper and that this girl needs to be loved and her issues dealt with instead of dropped because of the temper and defensiveness.
There's this guy who's practically a workaholic, barely getting any sleep and is really passionate about his work. He's a good guy , but rarely has time to even think about a girlfriend. If you could set him up with someone (and have it be an instant success), what would she be like and why? (Just for the record, this guy kind of sounds like me! :P) I think she’d be someone who understands the value of hard work and appreciates it, but understands that life is a balance between that and just letting yourself have fun. She’d probably be slightly more inclined towards the having fun just to balance him out.
There's this lady you know who's a scientist and works for a big government funded company. She's really smart, barely has time to date, is really kind and has a pretty reserved up bringing. If you could set her up with someone (and have it be an instant success), what would he be like and why? If she’s been brought up reserved, it’s best not to put her with someone who’s not. Reservations are not like the workaholic above. Reservations are not always meant to be broken. She needs an intellectual, probably, like herself, who can match her in wits (because let me tell you, smart people do not often get on well with people of lesser brain capacity) but also someone who is not too uptight, because that would just make her worse in that regard.
Of the examples explained above (and the answers you submitted to them), who would be your favorite and why? Um, probably the workaholic one. But I have personal reasons for that. As stated, I can tend towards that myself… And I think I might have kind of found someone who acts in the capacity of the match I described, and I’ve realized how important that is.
:: Bonus
Name ONE song that describes the essence of love for you: This is a toughie. I almost went with
“My Love Will Follow You” by Dierks Bentley, but then, I remembered:
“I Love You Because” by Ernest Tubb, and that one’s really hard to beat.
:: Because votes are still a must...
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