Anne of Green Gables a la Vamps?

Aug 22, 2008 01:41

:: You
Name: Ani
Age: 21
Gender: Female
You are (Twilight Character You Were Stamped As): Jasper
You're marrying (Twilight Character You Were Matched With): Carlisle

:: The Planning
You're in the wedding planner's office and he/she asks you to describe your dream wedding for him/her, in a nutshell. How do you summarize it? Simple, tranquil, with a body of water nearby (like a lake, a river or a beach, I don't mind either way). Something romantic, but not too romantic that it's excessively corny, more like a comfortable romance, that makes you feel safe and at peace. I'm a very calm person or rather, I try to be -_- and since I'm always stressed, it'd be nice to be stress free on my wedding day.

Would you have to worry about people that dislike each other sitting too close? Hmm, well, most of my family can be civil, but they gossip so much about each other that certain people should be kept apart at all times (and away from the alcoholic beverages).

What would be the general look of your invitations (text and style)? Something elegant and simple, sort of traditional, I guess. I'd love to include a poem of some sort on one side and then the information on the wedding (our names, location, etc.) on the other.

How many tiers would you like on your cake? I'd be happy with three. I mean, I don't want the cake to be taller than me (hello, 5'2"), but I would like it to be big enough to feed all the guests and then some lol

With food, it's all about variety and theme. What would be on your wedding menu? Lots of chicken and meat, not so sure about the seafood since it can be dangerous if handled incorrectly and the last thing I want is someone getting food poisoning or somesuch. But I want it to be elegant dining, so I guess the chicken and meat would have to be accompanied with lots of vegetables or something to make it less plain looking >.>

Describe what you want people to say about your wedding in three words (adjectives): Romantic. Peaceful. Memorable.

:: This or That
Outdoor or Indoor Wedding: Outdoor
Outdoor or Indoor Reception: Indoor
Day or Night Wedding: Day (preferably, close to when the sun is setting)
Day or Night Reception: Night (preferably on a full or new moon, one of both)
Outdoor or Indoor Photography: Outdoor
Traditional or Modern Wedding Dress: Modern with traditional twists (it can be done)
Strictly hors d’œuvre or a Buffet: Buffet
Romantic Song or Bridal Waltz: Romantic Song
Repeat After The Priest or Your Own Vows: Your Own Vows

:: Wedding Madness
Five minutes before the wedding starts, you find out your angry ex-boyfriend has invited himself into the mix with not very good intentions. What would your wedding planner do about it? Call my mom for back up and they both can handle him as they see fit. With my mom as back up, he won't make it past the first step.

Your best friend was just caught making out with someone from your family, who's married. Where is your wedding planner? Keeping the family member's wife/husband away from the visuals and keeps everything hush hush, letting things blow up AFTER the wedding. No drama during the wedding, please.

The ring bearer has lost the ring, putting the ceremony on pause. How is your wedding planner handling the situation? The wedding planner will probably have the best men and maids looking for it while the wedding planner finds a pretty wedding ring (from someone in the audience) to use as replacement while they look for mine.

You're about to cut the cake when a fight breaks out and one of the fighters looks like he's going to land on the cake. Where is your wedding planner? In the kitchen, asking the chef to bring out the back up wedding cake.

Your best man is about to give a toast when you notice he's a little bit drunk, what would your wedding planner do about it? Have someone else cut into his toast with a speech of his own if he starts saying stuff that aren't appropriate for the situation.

You're about to leave the reception to go on your honeymoon when you find out that your wedding planner has arranged for special transportation. What kind of transportation is it? I'd really like a boat. Any type of boat. Honeymoon in the middle of the ocean? I really won't mind! Even if it's just for one day (then we can go to a hotel).

:: Because votes are still a must...

wedding planner: esme cullen

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