Fic - Valentine's Kiss

Feb 21, 2010 22:23

Title: Valentine's Kiss
Rating - PG
Pairing - Janto
Spoilers - None
Warnings - Fluff, very fluffy, bring your toothbrushes
Summary - Jack tried to give Ianto a Valentine Day. The rift had other ideas.
Prompt - from jantoseasonal , challenge twelve, round two - Valentine's Day
A/N - Just a quick little drabble, not brilliant.

Valentine’s Kiss

Jack didn’t usually celebrate Valentine’s Day. He thought that romance shouldn’t need a day, that it should be something that everybody did for their loved one’s just because, and not because companies told you to.

However, there wasn’t much he wouldn’t do for Ianto. And he wanted the other young man to realize what he was to him, and apparently, that was what Valentine’s Day was for.

Plus, he thought that Ianto would probably appreciate the gesture.

So he had started to plan something special and romantic for Ianto. Something that would blow the other man’s mind and make him smile for a week.

Unfortunately, the rift had other ideas, spitting out aliens and artifacts all night, and the romantic dinner that Jack had had planned was ruined, the room he’d booked for them later in the evening wasted, as it was already a long time past midnight.

“Well,” Owen muttered, after he’d cleaned himself up from the goo that the last alien had thrown over all of them, Jack the only one still covered. “What a bust of a day. Bloody Valentine’s, my ass.”

“If there isn’t anything else,” Gwen said. “I’m going to go spend the rest of my time with Rhys.”

Owen ended up ushering the others out, Jack watching them go with a fond expression.

“Why don’t you go get cleaned up, Sir?” Ianto asked, looking around at the mess that the others, and Jack, always left to him. “I’ll just tidy things up.”

He gave him a quick grin, before going to clean himself up, feeling relieved when all the gunk and the horrible smell had been washed down the drain.

When he got back to his office, he was surprised to see no sign of Ianto, the other man seeming to have disappeared. He sighed and shook his head. Everything he had planned for his lover completely ruined.

Sighing again, he sat down at his desk, hand running through his hair, eyes focusing on the little heart shaped chocolate on his desk.

Picking it up, he inspected it, before opening it and taking a bite, groaning a little at the cherry flavour that entered his mouth, the liquor hidden inside the chocolate.

As he went to throw the his wrapper in the bin, he noticed another heart shaped chocolate on the ground, another a few feet away from that, and another, all leading to the hatch which led down to his bedroom.

Picking up the trail of chocolates, he made his way down the ladder, grinning as he turned and saw the young man resting on his bed, eyes following Jack move across towards him.

“I thought you’d left,” Jack said, as he kneeled beside the bed, hand coming up to cup Ianto’s cheek.

“I know what you did, Jack,” Ianto replied.

“And what did I do?” Jack murmured, unwrapping the chocolate and holding it to Ianto’s lips.

Ianto ate the whole thing, his lips and tongue caressing Jack’s fingers before he started to chew.

“The restaurant and the hotel,” Ianto replied quietly after he had swallowed.

Jack couldn’t help but smile, wondering how Ianto had found out.

“They rang yesterday to confirm,” Ianto said, as if in answer to Jack’s unasked question.

Jack laughed, thumb rubbing gently over Ianto’s cheek.

“I’m sorry,” Jack said.

“For what?” Ianto asked.

“I wanted you to have a great Valentine’s Day,” Jack said. “Something that would make you smile.”

“Jack,” Ianto murmured, as he pushed himself up, so his face was only a hair breadths away from Jack’s. “I never really cared for Valentine’s Day.”

“No?” Jack asked confused.

“No,” Ianto whispered. “And just being with you makes me smile.”

Jack’s response was cut off as Ianto leant forward, capturing Jack’s mouth in a passionate kiss.

oneshot, pairing: jack/ianto, fandom: torchwood, fanfic: valentine's kiss, prompt fic

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