Title: Something Wrong Part 2
Author: duct_tapeluvr (spookyfox23 on FF.net)
Pairing(s): Edward/Bella, Charlie/OC
Rating: T? (for language, and some other things to come)
Warnings: Some strong language
Summary: Set after the engagement before the wedding. A new creature comes to Forks, and brings some romance for Charlie.
The Cullen family waited for Carlisle to come back. Which wasn’t until 4 in the morning.
“Well?” Rosealie asked.
“I’ve never seen anything like it. Its different then the others. Bella your father asked to keep you here with for a few days that you and Alice” he seemed amused “ Could have a sleep over, he doesn’t’ want you home alone while he’s working on this.”
“Is it a vampire?”
“Too much blood left behind.”
“Too organized. I only know one thing its not human…” Carlisle made a face at the memory of the body and Edward cringed.
“whats that smell?” jasper asked.
“it’s smell..it was everywhere at the scene…its .. horrid.” Carlisle nodded
“We should warn the pack” Bella added. “ I mean if its dangerous and out there…”
“ shes right…” Carlisle agreed.
“Oh god..Charlie’s out there.” Bella paled if it was possible.
“I’m sure he’ll be fine, we’ll be checking on him Bella.” Edward reassured. Carlisle offered no words of encouragement and left the room to attempt to rid himself of the smell.