Challenge 3--Round 7--Sketches

Dec 08, 2008 04:24

Sorry for the week hiatus, folks.  Hope your lives aren't as crazy as mine.  I had to buy my first car ever, and that stressed me out to no end.  A car in a big city is pointless and a pain in the ass, but my husband needs it for his new job.  :P

Round 6 results were not formating at all, so I'll try to post those soon.  But I thought it was more important to post Round 7 before I crash and fall asleep.

Round 7 marks the last third of our challenge, and things will get even more challenging because you'll only be allowed to submit a single icon now.  This week's round was suggested by vaguelyclear.  You'll be making a great icon using only sketches, lineart, or pencilart.  If you look at the approved artist list, anyone with a LA means they have sketches or lineart in their portfolio.  I hope this will prove to be a fun round for you all.  In theory, it may prove harder to work material that is not filled in/colorized.

Good Luck!

Icons are due by Monday, December 15 at 12:01 AM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.

General Rules:

1. All icons must be submitted to this post by Monday, December 15, at 12:01 AM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. For our international participants who need help converting, try here
2. You may submit up to One (1) icon total. Submit your icons as a comment to this post, as an img src and a url; all icons must meet LJ standards. Please keep you submitted icon under one post--you will be able to edit your post as many times as you want up until the closing time.
3. All textures, brushes, blending, animation, and stock is allowed.
4. Do not post your entries anywhere until after the voting is over and the results have been announced. Do not submit a previously made icon. Do not submit an icon you yourself haven't made. Breaking any of these rules will get you disqualified.
5. Also, please post any questions concerning this round as a comment to this post. Comments are screened.
6. Participant's List, Rankings, Resources, Suggestions, General Rules.

Round 7 Rules:

1. Makers must choose any of the Twilight artwork from as many artists listed in the Resource Gallery to create a single icon.
2. Each icon must be derived from a non-colorized/filled-in piece of sketch art/lineart/pencil art.
3. Permission to use these pieces was given to me on behalf of Twiconathon icon makers by the artists themselves FOR THIS CHALLENGE ONLY.
4. If icons are used for future use and when posted elsewhere, please remember to credit the respective artist(s) for using her work as a base. You as icon makers know how much credit means to the artist--they put a lot of time and hard work creating these works just as you do.
5. Have fun and ask questions if need be!

entries, challenge 3, round 7

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