Challenge 3--Round 2--Textures

Oct 27, 2008 00:59

Last week we did an artist-specific challenge, so I thought we'd do a skills/style challenge this week. I've been meaning to follow up on one of vaguelyclear 's suggestions she made a long while back but just never found the right time to do it. But in combination with fan art, her proposal for a texture round seems like it could be really difficult and yet very rewarding to see all the outcomes.

So, the round is just as it sounds. After the cut, you will see a group of 31 (one texture for every signed-up member) textures I have selected. It'll be your task to incorporate at least one of these textures into every single entry you submit. I tried to pick interesting but workable textures for you all, so have fun and good luck!

General Rules:

1. All icons must be submitted to this post by Sunday, November 2, at 11:59PM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. For our international participants who need help converting, try here
. Remember--Breaking Dawn comes out in the US this Saturday, so if you plan on hiding in a hole and reading it, get your entries in before then!
2. You may submit up to FIVE (5) icons total. Submit your icons as a comment to this post, as an img src and a url; all icons must meet LJ standards. Please keep you submitted icon under one post--you will be able to edit your post as many times as you want up until the closing time.
3. All textures, brushes, blending, animation, and stock is allowed.
4. Do not post your entries anywhere until after the voting is over and the results have been announced. Do not submit a previously made icon. Do not submit an icon you yourself haven't made. Breaking any of these rules will get you disqualified.
5. Also, please post any questions concerning this round as a comment to this post. Comments are screened.
6. Participant's List, Rankings, Resources, Suggestions, General Rules.

Round 2 Rules:

1. Makers may choose any of the Twilight artwork from as many artists listed in the Resource Gallery to create up to FIVE (5) icons.
2. Each icon must be derived from a separate, unique, and individual pieces of art.
3. Each icon must use AT LEAST ONE of the textures provided down below. You may, however, use the same texture(s) in multiple icons.
4. If it is unclear what texture you use in your icon, please let me know by listing the number when you submit. Otherwise, I'll have to ask you.
5. Permission to use these pieces was given to me on behalf of Twiconathon icon makers by the artists themselves FOR THIS CHALLENGE ONLY.
6. If icons are used for future use and when posted elsewhere, please remember to credit the respective artist(s) for using her work as a base. You as icon makers know how much credit means to the artist--they put a lot of time and hard work creating these works just as you do.
7. Have fun and ask questions if need be!

1 by phaantasia
2-10 by mariarita
11-31 by babliz








Icons are due by Sunday, November 2 at 11:59PM US CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.


entries, challenge 3, round 2

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