May 09, 2007 08:42

This is the very, very, very simple challenge to you, the artists: You have three weeks to create whatever you want, as much as you want.

Seriously. It can be anything. As long as it's non-fandom-specific, and created by you, and can inspire what looks like, at this time, to be four or five stories from four or five different authors. Although it could be less. Or more. Fandom sign-ups are wacky like that. If you want to submit more than one image, that's fine, although we may only use one of them, depending on how many other people sign up.

So I guess not anything. But close.

You can comment here with a link or with the image, or you can email it to

[EDITED to... give you the actual correct email. *facepalm*]

We'll close the submissions for images on Wednesday, May 30.

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