Round 17 - Artist's Choice Banners

Mar 07, 2011 15:15

Here are the Artist's Choice Banners for the Round 17 winners

-I hope you like them
-Let me know if there are any problems
-Please Do Not Hotlink

Banners This way -> )

round 17, banners: artist's choice

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Comments 4

narniacmr March 7 2011, 04:20:42 UTC
Thank you so much for making these!
Though I think you have the set banners duplicated instead of the individual icons and if you could put them under a cut? Thanks :)


lmkf_91 March 7 2011, 04:26:52 UTC


softfallen March 8 2011, 01:59:55 UTC
Thank you!


setentpet March 11 2011, 03:05:48 UTC
thank you so much! i really love my banners.


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