It's Your Fault It's Complicated (Files 20-21)

Mar 07, 2009 03:46

Title: It’s Your Fault It’s Complicated
Author: anigirl15
Rating: R for molestation, will eventually get up to NC-17.
Warnings: Joshua/Neku. Spoilers for EVERYTHING! (Well, you don't actually have to have read the Secret Reports, but I'll spoil them for you if you haven't.) My theories and ideas about various things in the TWEWY universe. Swearing. Non-con. Boysex (but not for a while. A long while, in fact).
Summary: Neku knows he shouldn't agree to anything Joshua proposes any more. He knows, yet he willingly starts a chain of events that will eventually shatter the boundaries of his world and shake Shibuya to its core. Stupid Joshua.
Notes: This is the companion fic to Because Life Can Never Be Simple, which is posted at subarashiki_ds. These are the exact same story told in two different parallel worlds: one world where Joshua falls for Neku, and one world where he does not. This also means that both stories are VERY similar, and you should probably just pick one and stick with it, since reading both will involve a LOT of re-reading. If you wish to read the other story, you can find the link below, or click the cut to read this one.

It’s Your Fault It’s Complicated (Files 20 - 21)
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Neku opened his eyes to find himself staring at a ceiling. After a couple seconds he moaned, his head pounding. Someone leaned over him, and it was a few moments before he realized it was Joshua.

“… I swear if the words ‘entry fee’ leave your mouth I am choking you right here and now.”

“Hee hee. Entry fee.”

He smirked, and Neku seriously considered following through on his threat.

“But no, you’re still alive. It was pretty close, though. Had you come back into the UG instead of the RG, you probably would have died.”

Neku groaned and tried to sit up. “Where am I, anyway?”

“The hospital.”

“Hospital…?” No sooner did he ask then he noticed the faintly beeping computer off to the side, reading his pulse. He looked around; spotting more medical equipment everywhere he turned. Neku’s eyes suddenly widened as he tried to remember back to just before he passed out. “… What happened?”

“You snapped and spewed pure power all over my UG.” Joshua gave a sigh. “I tried to warn you, Neku, but-”

“Listen, asshole, that Reaper took the pin. I tried using it. It actually worked, too, come to think of it… that was kind of weird…”

Joshua paused for a moment. “I see. Well, nothing to be done about it now.”

Neku groaned again. “… What else?”

“Do you really want to know?” He looked to Joshua, and was surprised at the blank expression that stared back. For some reason, it worried him. A lot.

“…” He sighed. “That Reaper… I helped her last time. I thought she…” He trailed off, rubbing his forehead. “I had no idea…”

“Some people just want to become Reapers, Neku. Accept it.”

“How is she doing?”

Joshua made a soft noise that sounded almost like a snort. “Neku, you hit her at point blank range with a blast that I’d be tough pressed to rival. She was erased on the spot.”

Neku covered his face with his arms. “I was afraid you’d say something like that.”

“Really?” Joshua smirked, his tone back to teasing. “Then I guess you’ll-”

He cut himself off and turned to the door just as it clicked. Joshua turned back to Neku and winked, holding a finger over his lips as he stepped back from the bed. A nurse opened the door and walked into the room. “Oh! You’re finally awake!”

“Uh…” Neku cast a quick glance at Joshua, but was pretty sure that the other had slipped into the UG. Instead he focused on the nurse, but had no idea how to respond to her.

“Thank goodness. Does your head hurt? Should I get painkillers?”

“Um… no. I’m fine.” Neku looked at her, confused, and she mirrored the expression.

“Oh. Alright, then, I’ll be back with the doctor shortly.”

She left quickly, and Neku turned to Joshua. “… What about my head?”

“They had to remove half your brain.”

“WHAT?!” Neku’s hands flew to his head in shock. Joshua burst out laughing, falling into the air to lie on his back as the sound of his amusement echoed in Neku’s ears. After a few moments he finally managed to calm down and turned to Neku, still floating.

“Did you honestly believe that for even a moment?” He laughed again and settled back on the floor. Neku glared daggers again, but quickly looked away as a doctor stepped into the room, followed by the nurse from before.

“Let’s see… Neku Sakuraba, hm?” He took out a clipboard and started making notes. “You said you don’t have any pain in your head?”

“No,” he responded, still confused.

“Alright. Anywhere else? Are you having trouble breathing? Do you feel numb anywhere?” He glanced to the heart rate monitor and made a note, probably copying the number.

“No… I feel fine. Why?”

The doctor sighed. “You’ve been in a coma for five days.”

“I’ve…?!” Neku’s mouth fell open. “What happened?!”

“Terrorist attack, we think. Some sort of bomb blew up in the middle of Shibuya’s scramble crossing. You were caught up in it. No one was killed, luckily, but most people who were nearby have been complaining of severe headaches. As far as I know, you’re the first one close enough to be injured whose head hasn’t hurt.”

“Hm, I wonder why?” Joshua said with a smirk. Neku clenched his teeth together, knowing that he couldn’t make any retort without the doctor thinking he’d gotten brain damage.

“At any rate, we’ve notified your parents that you’ve woken. Your mother said she’s on her way; your father wants you to know that he’ll be here as soon as he gets out of work.” Neku resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His father putting work before his son? What a surprise.

“Uh, thanks, I guess,” he mumbled half-heartedly. Knowing his mom, he was about to get the talking-to of his life. The doctor said a few more things that Neku didn’t bother listening to, and then along with the nurse walked off back into the hallway.

“Five whole days…” Neku brought a hand to his head. “What the hell…”

“But of course, Neku.” Joshua smiled. “I couldn’t have you waking up while the Game was still going on. Not after you did that.”

“Couldn’t have me…” He trailed off and his eyes went wide. “Wait, you’re the reason I was out for so long?!”

“Hee hee. Nothing slips past you, does it?”

“But five… fuck, Joshua, do you have any idea how worried I probably made people?”

“Yes, in fact, I have a very good idea about it.” He smiled innocently and raised a hand, fingers ready to snap. “If it’s such a problem, I could have them not worry about you. That’d solve it.”

“No,” Neku deadpanned.

Joshua gave a fake pout and lowered his hand, but his eyes sparkled mischievously. “Aw, Neku, you ruin all my fun.” He gave a thoughtful humming sound and smiled to himself. “You know, I think this little incident means you’re going to have to learn some new tricks.”

Neku eyed him warily. “Like what, exactly?”

“You’ll see~” Joshua lilted. He walked over to Neku’s bed and kneeled on top of it. Neku debated whether or not he should bother asking, but the innocent look Joshua was sporting made it a little too obvious that he had to be up to something.

“… What?”

Joshua chuckled. “What, indeed?” He lowered himself to hands and knees and slowly crawled towards Neku.

Neku quickly sat up. “What are you doing?!”

Joshua smiled again. That smile that made Neku wonder why the hell he still trusted his former partner so much. Joshua chuckled and moved closer.

“Joshua…!” By now, the other was on top of his legs, and still moving closer. Neku tried to scoot away, but couldn’t get very far in the hospital bed. He leaned back, trying to get some distance between them as Joshua brought their faces uncomfortably close together. His head hit the pillow, and still Joshua moved closer. By now, he was entirely on top of Neku. “Joshua, what the hell are you doing?! Get away from me!”

“Hm…” Joshua gave a thoughtful noise, the expression on his face changing. His eyes become half-lidded, and the smile disappeared into little more than a slight tugging on the side of his lips. “But Neku,” he purred, even closer than before, his breath tickling Neku’s cheek, “I had to wait for five days. Five whole days where you did nothing but lie there unconscious…” He lowered his head so that he was now whispering in Neku’s ear, his voice most definitely possessing a seductive edge to it. “Unable to resist…”

At the last word, Neku thrust his hand up, not sure exactly what he meant to do except that it had something to do with pushing Joshua off and something else to do with the fact that his arm was glowing again. His arm passed right through Joshua’s body, and upon realizing it, Neku froze.

“Hee hee. It was a nice try.” Joshua blew gently on Neku’s ear, and Neku jerked almost violently as he felt it. He quickly turned away and spotted the nurse call button on the wall nearby. He reached for it, but Joshua grabbed his arm to stop him, suddenly solid again. “What do you intend to say to them, Neku? The little voice in your head is trying to seduce you and you want them to stop it?”

He pulled the arm back and pinned it to the bed with much more strength than Neku would have ever imagined that frail body could posses. “They have a different place for people like that. You’ll get a nice padded room all to yourself, and the cutest little jacket that keeps you from using your hands and arms…” Joshua’s gaze slowly drifted to where he had Neku held down, and Neku looked as well. “Of course, maybe you’d enjoy something like that, Neku dear~…”

Suddenly Neku’s arm started glowing as strongly as he could make it. Joshua quickly snapped his hand away and chuckled softly. Neku took a deep breath and tried to steady his voice before speaking again, because the last thing he needed was for his protests to give away exactly how uncomfortable he was. “Joshua, get off of me.”

“Make me. Hee hee.”

“You-!” He cut off as the door opened, and he looked up in surprise to find his mother standing in the doorway. His heart froze.

“Oh, Neku! Thank goodness you’re alright!”

Joshua smiled and stayed where he was, hands and knees on either side of Neku, just barely low enough that Neku could see his mother over his head. He could do nothing while Joshua watched him with a smirk the entire time as he talked to his mother, refusing to budge an inch. Neku tried his absolute hardest to ignore the other, wanting nothing more than to just give the kid a good punch in the face.

Joshua was so dead.


“What the hell…”

Neku walked up to the yellow tape that sectioned off a large portion of the scramble. His eyes were wide, and he swallowed thickly as he stared at the scene before him.

Even now, over a week later, there were still portions of the pavement under construction. The spots of asphalt that remained from before were utterly decimated. They’d apparently already removed most of the debris from the area. He couldn’t help but wonder, with a sinking feeling, what it had looked like right after…

I did this.

He wasn’t quite sure what part of it scared him the most. If he was able to unleash this sort of destruction… If he couldn’t control doing this sort of thing, then…

He didn’t even want to think about it. Just how many people had gotten hurt because of him? What exactly had he done, anyway?

Joshua knew, of course. Joshua always knew. Neku grit his teeth. “Like hell I’m asking that bastard,” he mumbled to himself.

He cast one last glance at the construction before continuing on towards Hachiko. As he approached, sure enough, he saw them. He walked up behind Shiki just as she was speaking.

“Maybe he can’t come this time, too…”

“Who can’t come?”

She gave a shout and spun around. “Neku!” Before he realized what was happening, she lunged forward and hugged him. “Thank goodness… I was so worried…”

He looked from the top of her head over towards the rest of the group. A look of relief spread across the faces of both Beat and Rhyme. Joshua merely smiled.


Neku felt his heart freeze for an instant. Luckily Shiki diverted his attention before he could do anything. “Are you okay?” She’d let go of him and was now staring up, eyes wide with concern.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just got discharged this morning.”

“So you really was in the hospital? Man, that’s rough.” Beat walked over and gave him a light punch on the arm. “Some weird shit you got caught up in. They can’t find the perdavader or nothin’.”

“‘Perpetrator’,” Rhyme gently corrected.

Neku inwardly cringed, but tried not to let it show on his face. “So I heard.” He turned to Joshua, and there was an awkward pause. “Uh… Josh, can I speak to you alone?”

Joshua gave him a small smirk, which quickly turned into a smile as some of the others turned to him. “You can’t ask me here?” Neku glared in response, hoping that he was somehow getting across the ‘you told me not to tell anyone you bastard’ he was ready to scream in Joshua’s face. Joshua sighed and walked over to Neku. “Well, I suppose it can’t be helped, then.”

Before Neku could protest, Joshua put a hand on his shoulder and an odd feeling shot through him. Next to him, Beat jumped backwards. “Bwaaah! Where’d they go?!”

“… The UG, I think…” Shiki whispered to him. She turned to Beat and started explaining, and for a moment, Neku wondered if he’d ever been happier that she trusted him as much as she did.

Neku turned to Joshua and raised his eyebrows. Joshua chuckled.

“Now, what is-”

Before he could finish, Neku punched him. Hard. Joshua stumbled back, taken completely by surprise. For a moment he stared at Neku incredulously, almost as if he didn’t believe that Neku would actually hit him. Neku used the pause to catch his breath and shout, “That was for back in the hospital, you bastard!”

“Oh.” Joshua still seemed a bit stunned. His cheek was by now a bright shade of red, and he reached up and lightly rubbed it. When he didn’t say anything more, Neku continued.

“I didn’t sign up to be molested! I don’t care if you ARE the Composer, I don’t care if I’m working for you, I don’t care about any of that! If you don’t cut that shit out right now I swear I will quit being your Producer on the spot and you’ll have to find someone else!”

“You can’t back out now, Neku. You’ve already started becoming an Angel,” Joshua said with a smirk. “There’s no way to stop it. You’re becoming tied to the Shibuya UG, whether you like it or not. Just like me.” He chuckled to himself. “Also, being molested isn’t a part of the job, so even if you could quit, that wouldn’t mean I’d stop.”

“Bastard!” Neku’s fist flew forward, but Joshua was ready this time. He ducked underneath it, and in one quick motion, grabbed a handful of Neku’s oversized collar and easily lifted him off the ground. Neku’s hands quickly flew to Joshua’s wrist and he tried to pull away.

“You seem to forget, Neku, that I could easily erase you on the spot. I am the one with the strength here. I am the one with the power to erase Shibuya at My choosing. I am the one who holds absolute control over this place.” He lowered Neku to the ground, but for some reason, Neku’s muscles refused to work. His legs buckled as he was lowered further until his head was about level with Joshua’s chest, his collar still tight in the other’s grip. He stared up into Joshua’s face, studying the expression that the Composer wore, the expression that proclaimed that he knew he had supreme power. “You were little more than a temporary little Soul that was fated to eventually flicker and die as all humans do. Had it not been for your participation in the Game,” an almost imperceptible pause as Joshua’s smirk vanished, “the Game that I killed you for,” Neku winced, “you’d still be a person who was barely worth anything at all.”

He dropped Neku to the ground. Joshua turned around, and Neku watched as two brilliant white wings spread out from his back. Neku slowly picked himself up, saying nothing.

When Joshua next spoke, his voice had gone cold. “I still expect those Player Pins, my Producer.” He raised a hand and snapped.

“Bwaaah! Phones, don’t do that, yo! Nearly gave me a heart attack!” Neku turned to Beat briefly, but quickly turned back.

“Joshua, wait!”

Joshua spread his wings, flapped them once, and vanished.


Comments/critique are much appreciated. Still not trying to flood the comm I swear o.o

fanfiction, joshua x neku

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