Fanfic: Neku's Misadventures in Sexy Shibu-Land (R), part eight

Jul 14, 2008 07:17

Title: Neku's Misadventures in Sexy Shibu-Land
Author: takatohedgehog and lazzchan
Rating: R
Warnings: Joshua x Neku, Neku x Stripper!Josh, evil!Composer!Neku x Neku, fluff, angst, naked boys bathing together
Summary: Neku is taken to Sexy Shibu-Land to hunt an evil!Composer version of himself and is 'forced' to protect a stripper.
Chapters: Part One (R) | Part Two (R) | Part Three (NC-17) | Part Four (R) | Part Five (NC-17) | Part Six (NC-17) | Part Seven (NC-17
Spin-offs: Just Like You (HEAVY NC-17)

"Did you...want that bath?"

Neku grinned and pressed his fingertip to Joshua's nose. "Don't think I can move, you'll have to carry me," he teased.

The stripper grinned back equally teasingly. "I don't know if I can move..." Pulling away from Neku, he slid his lower half off the bed, testing his legs before standing, albeit slightly shakily.

Neku licked his lips and tried to get up, but he staggered against the bed.

He caught Neku before the younger teen could collapse against the bed, pulling him against his body.

"See?" Neku whispered. "Wore me out."

Joshua giggled, pressing a kiss to Neku's forehead and pulled him into his arms bridal-style. "It couldn't have been that much..."

"You have a beginner here," Neku reminded him. "And you were amazing."

He flushed and carried Neku to the bathroom, setting him down gently on the rim as he ran the water for the spa bath. "Bubbles?"

"You have bubbles?" Neku smiled, looking up at Josh. Despite the circumstances, everything felt so normal at the moment.

"Sure. I love a bubble bath after I finish working," he said, moving to the cupboard and beginning to rummage around.

"Well, Josh cross-dresses and looks good in Goth-girl gear, so bubble baths aren't too hard to think of."

"Your Joshua cross dresses too?" He finally pulled out a bottle of bubble bath, turning back to Neku with a smile.

"He's too pretty to not cross dress," Neku smirked, "but it was to help fight the Noise... or so he said."

Joshua's smile curled a little more. "I bet that was his, I don't need one. I prefer women's clothes over men's more often than not."

Neku blinked at that, reaching out and tracing over Joshua's skin. "Josh looks good in anything," he murmured. "Any of the outfits we bought to help fight... he managed to make them look good." He made a face. "He had me in this ribbon dress one time, though."

He kissed Neku's lips lightly, just brushing them chastely over the other boy's. "I bet you looked cute in it."

Neku gestured to the bedroom. "There's a picture of me on my cellphone, of me in it. Josh took a picture."

"I'll have to take a look later." He turned the bath off and squeezed a fair amount of bubbles into the water, watching them bubble up as he placed the bottle on the sink.

Neku shrugged, "If you want to see how badly I look in a dress," he swirled a hand in the water.

Joshua carefully lowered Neku into the water, making sure he didn't slip when he put him on one of the steps inside. "If you like, I can help you so you *do* look good in a dress."

"I... that's... that's fine," Neku blushed. "I don't really... wear dresses."

"Think of it as a...surprise for your Josh at the end of all this." The pale-haired stripper smiled. "A thank you for sending you to me."

Neku blushed harder and tried to sink into the tub. "Uh...."

He giggled, climbing into the bath and sitting near Neku.

"You'd look nice in them," Neku observed, "I don't know how Josh did it, but..."

"You wouldn't believe how many guys have tried to pick me up thinking I was a girl," Joshua said with a grin, slipping his fingers through Neku's.

Neku leaned against him, letting the warmth seep into his bones, relaxing his muscles. "I bet."

"I love you," he whispered again, brushing his wet fingers gently through Neku's hair.

Neku blushed and looked up at him. "You do know... I don't normally look like this, right?" he asked softly. "I won't for a few more years."

Joshua blinked a little, then smiled softly. "I'm afraid you won't, really...but you can up your frequency so you do look older."

Neku tilted his head. "Can I pull it down so that I look my real age?"

He nodded slightly. "Frequency can be changed up or down, kind of like the volume on a TV."

Neku nodded and remembered how Joshua had told him how to dim it before, and he closed his eyes, pulling it down until something clicked inside his mind.

Joshua grinned as he watched Neku's body change, wrapping his arm around him slightly. "You look cute."

Neku held out his arms, frowning a little. "This is the real me, I'm afraid," he said. Everything felt heavier--more dull with his Frequency pushed so low.

"Like I said, you're cute." He pressed a light kiss to Neku's lips.

"Cute, huh?" Neku asked dryly, leaning against Joshua, eyes half closed.

"Yup." He rested his chin against Neku's head, keeping their fingers linked as he closed his eyes.

"If you saw me like this at first," Neku asked. "Would you have slept with me?"

Joshua sighed a little. "Probably not... Fifteen might be the age of consent here, but I...I would have just been reminded of them."

Neku's eyes were dark and he pulled away a little. "Do you feel guilty now that you know?"

"No." His smile was small, cupping Neku's chin thumb running over Neku's lower lip. "I love you. Those feelings, no matter what you look like, are real."

"Don't lie, Josh..." Neku swallowed and stared at the water.

"I'm not."

"I.... I know I'm not really... the same age as you, but.... " Neku kept on staring at the water.

"But what...?" Joshua's small smile remained. "I can wait if you'd rather wait for a few years until you would have looked like that."

"Would you rather wait?" Neku asked. "When we go back... I'll probably... look like this." His bit his lip. "I'm not going to get any older, Josh...I died at this age."

"You wanna know something?"

Neku tilted his head, nodding slowly.

Joshua's form shifted, slowly loosing height as he gradually became smaller, until he looked no older than fifteen. "I died at this age."

Neku gaped at him, fingertips tracing over Joshua's skin, down his cheek. "Now you look like my Josh," he murmured. "Maybe a little younger, but..." he closed his eyes. "Are you serious, Josh?"

He closed his eyes and leaned into Neku's touch. "I'm serious...I committed suicide."

"Su.... suicide?" Neku breathed. "Josh...." he wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close.

Joshua buried his head in Neku's shoulder, breathing deeply. "I...I lasted half a year after my Neku died," he murmured, licking his lips. "I couldn't take it anymore...the loneliness...the pain of nobody else knowing what I went through at his hands..."

"So you joined the UG for real," Neku stroked down his back.

He nodded. "I didn't want to be a Player...I became a Reaper straight from the start...I've spent all this time looking for him...for his Noise..."

"I don't think he's Noise," Neku tilted his head. "There's another choice...and if he's like…well, me or the other Neku---" he made a face. "The Angels may have snatched him to their Plane." His lips tilted up faintly. "They like shiny things."

He giggled a little, his voice slightly cracked. "Hanekoma explained that to me...but I'm still looking."

Neku sighed. "If you want to stay here to look for him..."

Joshua shook his head, looking up at Neku from behind his hair as his form shifted again, back to that of the stripper. "'s taken me five years to realize he's not out there."

Neku let his own Frequency shift and he cupped Josh's face in his hands. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you..." He lifted one of his hands and took hold of one of Neku's, looking at the bubbles around them.

"Seven days," he murmured. "We'll make it."

"Will we?"

"You're doubting that I'll save you?" Neku asked.

Joshua shook his head, a deep sigh leaving his throat.

"I will protect you," Neku said firmly. "I promise."

He brushed their lips. "I believe you."

Neku gave him a smile and another chaste kiss. "Good," he said. "Now... we have to start working on how I use my powers."

"We could always lower our frequency so you have Noise to practice on," the stripper pointed out, leaning back along the edge of the bath.

"Hmm...." Neku tilted his head. "But I need to know how to control this level of Frequency... or the one that I came with. Conductor-level...." he grimaced. "Or wait... at least the basics, that's right…"

"Well, you know how to up and lower it," Joshua said with a hum in his voice, picking up some bubbles with his hand and letting them roll around his palm. "Do you remember how your body felt in the UG when you were there?"

Neku half closed his eyes, leaning against Joshua. "Mm…well, I was connected with a Partner when I was there."

"Then how about we make a Pact?"

Neku blinked at that. "Does that work with Reapers?"

"Sure." He nodded. "We might be able to summon Noise, but that doesn't stop unfamiliar ones from attacking us, like Taboo Noise. Uzuki and Kariya are Partners."

"But..." Neku twined his hand in Joshua's. "What happens when we need to leave this Shibuya... and the fact that I'll be connected to my Josh…?"

He smiled a little sadly, threading their fingers. "Pacts only are supposed to last for seven days, as per the rules."

"Josh...." Neku sighed and held onto him. "I wish I was your Neku…or could find him for you."

Joshua's smile curled a little more, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to Neku's lips. "Thank you...but, as I said, I think he's gone."

"In a way.... we've already been Partners. Josh and I were Partners the second week." He rubbed his arms. "His power... even lowered... was such a rush to be connected to."

"Did you know he was...?"

"No.... not until he gave me the option of shooting him.... or being shot and having Shibuya destroyed."

Joshua bit his lower lip, chewing it a little. "Do you think that, maybe, in some ways, he was trying to change Shibuya for the better?"

"Maybe," Neku flicked a few bubbled at Joshua. "All I know is that he didn't destroy it."

He blew the bubble away, smiling softly. If Neku was fine with that, he wasn't going to tell him his theories. "If he had shown himself to be the Composer first up, would you have trusted him more?"

Neku's face twisted at the very thought. "I blame the Composer for too much," he said. "I don't think I would have been civil... but..." his brow furrowed, "I distrusted him more because he was obviously hiding something."

"And now...?" Joshua trailed his finger over the bubbles, curious about Neku's relationship with his Joshua. "What do you feel towards him now?"

Neku shrugged. "I…I'm not sure, really," he said slowly. "I think I realize now... I cared for him a lot during the game."

He smiled, though the smile was small. "Would my...being there affect anything?" he asked with a whisper, glancing his eyes away from his bodyguard.

Neku shrugged again, pulling him close. "Josh, I'm not letting go of you," he said firmly. "I don't even know if my Josh likes me beyond my being useful to him."

The pale-haired Reaper's smile curled slightly. "I believe that, in all the universes out there, my counterparts care for yours in some way or another."

Neku's smile tilted slightly. "Even if it's because they're strong and they can be of use."

He brushed their lips. "Even for that reason."

"You like me for more than that," Neku smiled, "even though you barely know me."

Joshua had the decency to flush. "Is that bad?"

"No," Neku said firmly. "But ... at least I'm not just a pawn to you."

"How do you feel? About me I mean."

"I really care about you, Josh," Neku ran a hand through his hair. "I can't say a lot... we barely know each other, but... from what I've seen of you.... I want to keep you near and know you more."

Joshua leant against Neku's touch, closing his eyes. "I've already told you mostly all that there is to know..."

"But I don't know all of your personality," Neku chided lightly, "and you don't know me--you saw how I really looked--" his lips turned up. "And I found you really are the same age as my Josh." He grimaced. "I think. I don't know how old Josh really is."

He giggled a little. "Relationships are about surprises, Neku."

Neku coughed. "I wouldn't know..." he flicked bubbles again. "I certainly get enough of them with any Josh."

Joshua leant his head against Neku's shoulder, taking his hand under the water. "This is nice," he whispered, his other hand trailing over Neku's chest softly. "It's almost as if I'm not in danger..."

"This feels almost normal," Neku agreed. "Like... I'm alive still... you're my..." he coughed, "well, something," he grinned, "and I'm not a Conductor or whatever."

He bit his lip, chewing it a little. "I have to work tomorrow," he said, voice still soft. "Sanae gave me today off, but I still have to."

"Not going to stop you from your job," Neku stroked down his arm. "I'll stay near you."

"Thank you." Joshua smiled, glancing up at Neku. "I'm sure we could find you something to do in there."

Neku blanced. "I…uh..."

"Well, you're going to be bored otherwise, aren't you?" he asked, smile curling a little more. "I can't give you special attention just because you're my bodyguard."

"But I can't... do anything like you do," Neku flushed. "Even those waiters..."

"Well, Daisukenojo gets his hands full sometimes." Joshua tilted his head up. "He's our only bouncer after all."

Neku tilted his head, thinking about it. "I'd have to use my powers," he said slowly.

"There's no problem with that. We'll just have to warn Sanae beforehand."

Neku nodded and smiled faintly. "At least we have time," he said. "Time to get myself as strong as possible."

He nodded. "I don't work all day, just 4pm when the club opens until about midnight."

"Mm.... sounds like a good idea," Neku tilted his head. "Can I ask.. why you do this, Josh?"

Joshua blinked a little, flush contrasting against his pale hair. "Why it?"

Neku looked away. "It's fine if you don't want to answer."

He shook his head. " deserve to know the answer at least." Joshua shifted, so they were side-by-side in the spa bath. "In all honesty...I never felt like I could do anything else."

"Josh...." Neku's eyes widened. "But you're a Reaper... and a strong one, too." He shook his head. "And if you're probably really smart, too."

His smile was small, looking at the bubbles slowly beginning to disintegrate in the water. "You're right. matter what I did, I'd always go back to Sanae's club. I was...fascinated by the lifestyle, despite what had happened to me before my death. Sanae offered me a job." His smile curled a little more. "It's fun. Much more than you would expect."

Neku shook his head. "You have a hell of a lot of self-confidence," Neku said bluntly, "More than I do for that sort of thing. Josh barely got me in that damn dress." He shivered at the cooling water. "Let's get out of here and I'll show you that picture."

Joshua stood carefully in the bath, looking at the redhead. "Do you need a hand again?"

Neku shook his head. "I think I'm good this time," he grinned. "Bath helped."

He grinned in return and used the sink as a helping hand out of the bath, taking a couple of fluffy towels from the cupboard and handing one to Neku. "That's why I take one after work."

"Tub's big enough to swim in, practically," Neku smirked and gave Joshua a teasing kiss as he accepted the towel.

He tilted Neku's chin with his hand, deepening the kiss for a moment before pulling away. "I'm going into the bedroom," Joshua said as he rubbed his body down, resting the towel around his hips. "Did you want some pajamas or boxers?"

"Will your stuff fit me?" Neku trailed after him. "Pajamas are fine."

Joshua smiled and stepped up to the wardrobe, pulling the doors open. It was like an entire other room had been fitted into the closet, rows and rows of clothes laid out for the taking. "Pajamas are to the left-hand corner," he said, gesturing inside.

"I shudder to think what my well-dressed Josh has stocked," Neku muttered, pulling a pair out and dressing quickly before going to his clothing. He fished out the cell phone. "Here," he said, tossing it to Josh.

He'd finished pulling his hair out of the petticoat he'd chosen to wear, catching the phone. "You're cute," he said, grinning at the picture as he stepped out of the closet and closed the door behind him.

"I look like an idiot," Neku grumbled. "Look at Josh---"

He let his eyes trail over his counterpart in the picture, who had his arms wrapped around Neku's waist, much to his displeasure by the looks of it. "He likes you."

"How do you get that out of a picture?" Neku demanded. "He's being a smug bastard in that one."

"I can tell." He walked over and wrapped his arms around Neku's waist like in the picture, flipping the phone shut and handing it to him. "Call it...a sixth sense or something."

"A connection to all the Joshes out there?" Neku asked dryly, lips quirking up faintly.

Joshua smiled, kissing his neck. "Possibly."

Neku sighed and stroked down the side of Josh's face. "When you meet him, you'll see."

He only nodded, then sighed a little, looking to the bed. "I can't be bothered changing the sheets."

Neku flushed a little at that, but gave a faint shrug. "Josh..." he cupped the other's face in his hands, staring at him. "I.won'"

The pale-haired Reaper closed his eyes, releasing a deep sigh. "Thank much."

"Just... trust in me, okay?" Neku asked softly.

"I do...more than I've trusted anyone else." He kissed him, deeper than the chaste one from before.

Neku gave a soft moan, pulling Josh close. "I...I'm glad," he murmured against his lips.

"Do me?" he whispered, brushing some of Neku's hair away from his eyes.

"Yeah, Josh... I do," Neku cupped his face again.

"That makes me happy," Joshua murmured, then kissed him again, one of his hands going to the back of Neku's head.

Neku pulled Joshua to the bad, practically pulling the other in his lap. "I've always trusted you."

He placed his knees on the bed, wrapping his arms around Neku's neck. "Then...should we make a Pact?"

Neku nodded, threading his fingers with Joshua's. "Mm...yes."

"Do you accept?" he whispered, his breath ghosting over Neku's face lightly.

Neku's eyes met his, preparing himself for the rush of power that signaled a Pact. "I accept.

It wasn't the same flash of neon lights that usually happened between Players. Joshua tightened his grip on Neku's hands at the power surging through him, arching his back as his breath came out in soft, deep pants.

Neku sucked in a breath, pupils dilating slightly. "That... that's different," he managed.

"W...we're not Players," he panted, opening his pale eyes to look down at Neku. "It's different for Reapers..."

"I think... I can still use my full power," Neku murmured, "and..." his eyes widened even more.

"What?...what's wrong?"

"I can feel... Josh," Neku said softly. "He's... I...." his expression was bewildered.

Joshua licked his lips, lightly wetting them. The power he felt coming from Neku was...awe inspiring. "Is...maybe...maybe it's because of your Pact with him?"

"We only made that Pact when I was a Player," Neku frowned, "although there was that time he said he gave me access to my power."

"Just access?"

"That's what he called it, but it's Josh," Neku shrugged. "But I can...sorta feel him. Maybe because of the Pact with you."

"That's strange..." He paused, frowning a little. "It's a bit unusual for something like that..."

Neku stared at his lap. "Not sure why," he whispered. "Maybe I'm imagining it."

Joshua tilted his head a little, shifting in his seat in Neku's lap. "I think...what does he feel like?"

"He feels Music," Neku's eyes half-closed as he reached out to that tentative connection. "Like Shibuya...raw power...and god damn it all, he's probably smirking at me."

"I..." Joshua took a shuddering breath. "...I think I can feel him too..."

Neku swallowed. "He's strong, isn't he?" he teased.

"Very." He opened his eyes, looking down at Neku. "I think he's surprised..."

"Josh? Surprised?" Neku snorted and carded his fingers through his hair.

"About me." The pale-haired teenager bit his lower lip, chewing it sofly. "I don't think he expected you to go this far."

"My choice, isn't it?" Neku stuck out his chin stubbornly.

He smiled. "He's laughing at you."

"You can feel him stronger, can't you?" Neku said with a faint smile. He leaned against him. "Is it strange I miss such an ass?"

Joshua shook his head, smile soft as he brushed his hands through Neku's hair. "He's jealous of me...of getting to spend time with you."

"Doesn't sound like him," Neku murmured. "He just... tossed me here, you know?" he asked. "No real explanations. I keep on thinking it's because I’m expendable. He did shoot me, Josh," Neku raised an eyebrow. "Not exactly something you do if you value that person."

He smiled coyly. "Want to annoy him more?"

Even Neku felt Joshua's anger that time and he couldn't help but grin faintly.

The stripper lightly pressed his lips to Neku's, wrapping his arms around his shoulders as he purred.

"Making him more jealous?" Neku whispered against his lips.

"Oh, definitely," Joshua purred, flicking his tongue against Neku's lips. "He's screaming at me."

Neku grinned wider. "Good thing he can't take you over," he teased, deepening the kiss and pulling Joshua more firmly on top of his lap.

He murmured into the kiss, pulling away with a slight smirk on his face. "That's what you think, Neku~"

Neku's eyes widened and he gave Joshua a suspicious look. "What are you talking about?" he asked warily.

The smile was more like something the Composer version of the stripper would make, his pale eyes narrowed at Neku. "Hello, dear~"

Neku shot backwards, breath catching in his throat. "That…that... that's impossible!" he protested.

He tsked, shaking his head with his smirk curling more. "Neku, Neku, Neku...nothing is beyond my power."

Neku's eyes narrowed and he shoved at Joshua hard, pushing his power behind it. "You fucking asshole!" he shouted. "Why couldn't you tell me you made me your Conductor?"

Joshua giggled, waving his hand even as he landed on the floor non-too gently. "I thought it'd be more fun if you discovered it for yourself, Neku."

Neku crossed his arms. "And if I turn down the offer?"

The pale-haired teenager twirled a lock of hair around his finger as he stood, basically naked under the petticoat his counterpart had put on. "I'm afraid you don't really have a choice, Neku-kun."

Neku flushed and turned his face away. "Great. So overjoyed," he muttered. "I had to find out from another you, luckily *before* the other me Erased me." He shivered. "He's strong."

"Yes, I saw the little power play my counterpart was showing me before I took over," Joshua said with a smile, walking over to the bed and leaning over, grazing his thumb over Neku's chin. "Naughty little Neku..."

Neku flinched, still looking suspicious. "So what if I enjoyed myself?" he asked shortly. "He sees me as more than a pawn."

"And you don't believe I do...?"

Neku gave him a look, eyebrow raising. "Let me think...."

Joshua cut off whatever he was going to say with a deep kiss.

Neku could tell the difference between this world's Josh and 'his' Josh, his Josh was immediately more aggressive. In a sort of warped way, it reminded him of his darker self.

He placed his knee between Neku's legs on the bed, using the other leg to propell himself so he pushed the redhead to the bed, keeping the kiss.

Neku groaned, half pushing, half-pulling on Joshua. "You…but…b-but you don't...." Neku mumbled against the kiss.

Joshua pulled back slightly, his eyes gleaming predatorily down at his Conductor. "But I don't, what, Neku?"

"You don't see me that way," Neku said, honestly bewildered. "That's why... it was so strange that this version of you... liked me so much."

He sighed, shaking his head. "Neku, Neku, Neku," he repeated himself, tsking before looking at him again. "You didn't even bother asking me."

"Last time I saw you before you shoved me here...." Neku frowned. "You were being your usual closed-off self." He decided to push Joshua. "What if I said," looking up at Joshua, smirking, "I wanted to stay here?"

"I'd be surprised."

"That's all?" Neku made a thoughtful sound.

"Well, quite frankly, Neku, you don't seem like the type of person to enjoy this sort of lifestyle." He smirked a little. "You can't honestly expect me to believe that you'd like coming home each day to a whore who gives lap dances for money."

"Considering it's another version of you...." Neku let his voice trail off. "One would think you'd enjoy this lifestyle quite well," Neku sat back against the headboard. "Of course, another you also tortured and raped and mindfucked another version of me, so I can't really say."

"You've never fantasized about that yourself?" he purred, crawling up the bed towards Neku like a panther stalking its prey. "About letting me torture you...? I very much liked seeing what transgressed between you and my counterpart earlier.."

"Fuck no," Neku gave him a disgusted look. "Not like what happened to the other me," his breath caught as Joshua loomed over him, arms spread on other side of his body, caging him in. "I don't care what he is," he said stiffly. "I'm bringing him back when this is all over, or I'm staying here. What claim do you have on me?"

"Aside from the fact that I own your soul and am, technically, your boss?" Joshua cocked an eyebrow, licking his lips as he stared down at Neku.

"Si... since when do you own my Soul?" Neku demanded. "Boss, I'm getting, 'cause of that whole Conductor mess."

He smiled and held out his palm, a small light envloping above it to shine brightly in a circular way, almost as small as a baseball but oddly bright. "Your soul has always been mine, Neku-kun," Joshua purred, tilting his head. "Ever since I killed you."

Neku went to shove at him, but felt oddly constrained, watching him with narrowed eyes. "And you wonder why I want to stay with THIS counterpart," he spat out.

The orb disappeared and Joshua's face softened, sitting back. "I think you upset him," he whispered.

"I want... I...." Neku trembled and hid his face. "I told you, he only wants to control."

The stripper flipped some hair over his shoulder casually before sliding closer to Neku, wrapping his arm around him gently. "He..." He sighed softly. "...He doesn't know how to express what he feels."

Neku shook his head. "But I still... want to stay with him, too." Neku gave a short, confused laugh. "Listen to me... he controls me and I yell at him and yet... that's just how Josh is."

"Were you...serious about staying here if he didn't let me come back with you?"

"Heard that, did you?" Neku asked. "Yeah, I would. It's not my Shibuya," Neku realized with an ache how much he did miss "his" Shibuya, "but I won't leave you, I promised."

Joshua's smile was small and he lightly grazed their lips. "Didn't I say to you to not make promises you can't keep."

"Josh...." Neku looked sad. "Don't say that... I... I broke a promise a long time ago and a friend ended up dying because of it."

"I'm sorry that happened." He leant his forehead against Neku's shoulder. "But you shouldn't make yourself suffer because of me."

"Do I look like I'm suffering?" Neku asked teasingly.

"But you miss your Shibuya...your home..."

"And I'm here with you, now," Neku said firmly. "Josh'll just...I…he'll have to...." Neku couldn't bring himself to say it. "You're just coming with me, that's all."

Joshua smiled sadly, pressing his lips to Neku's deeply, resting one of his hands on the other teen's hip.

"He..." Neku murmured, "I want him to... it's stupid, right? But ... he doesn’t care for me like you seem to, and you barely know me."

"Like I said...he doesn't know how to express what he feels." Joshua kissed Neku's cheek.

"He expresses it quite well," Neku muttered, kissing Joshua lightly, moving his kisses down his throat. "I'm stupid to care for him so much."

He tilted his head back, exposing more of his neck for Neku. "It's not stupidity to care for someone," he murmured, pulling Neku into his embrace.

Neku mouthed along the skin, trying not to think of how it looked to have his Joshua hovering above him, that predatory smile on his face. "If they'll never care back, it is."

- end of part eight -

fanfiction, joshua x neku

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