Dec 10, 2010 20:01
pairing: jack/john hart,
genre: fluff,
pairing type: slash,
genre: friendship,
pairing type: poly,
genre: family,
pairing type: femslash,
genre: hurt/comfort,
genre: mystery,
region: north america,
pairing type: threesome,
setting: alt universe,
length: long-fic,
setting: series two,
genre: drama,
genre: thriller,
genre: fantasy,
beta: unavailable,
genre: parody/crack-fic,
beta: coe-fixit,
rating: pg-13,
length: ficlet,
genre: humour,
rating: pg,
length: one-shot,
setting: alt canon,
setting: pre-series,
rating: multiple ratings,
beta: pre-series,
genre: horror,
rating: r,
length: drabble,
pairing: multiple 'ships,
beta: profile,
pairing: tosh/owen,
setting: alt reality,
genre: tragedy,
genre: crime,
genre: cross-over,
length: multi-part,
genre: fix-it,
genre: angst,
setting: series one,
genre: multiple genres,
genre: romance,
rating: g,
pairing: jack/ianto,
pairing type: het,
length: short-fic,
genre: action/adventure
Comments 2
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- TWBeta Mods.
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