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Comments 72

amand_r April 30 2010, 05:23:45 UTC
"…and what's more, there are places on this planet where you cannot find Pez candies."

That was when I knew you people were mah twisty brain buddies. Seriously, I can see Marsters delivering it. Like when Spike used to talk about the blooming onion.



kel_reiley April 30 2010, 05:42:41 UTC
that line was ALL BLUE, b/c she is THE AWESOME
(and i just watched the ep where he's explaining it to andrew LOL)


iceshade April 30 2010, 06:28:11 UTC
I'm not sure what I'm more excited about, that I can use this icon and have it be fandom relevant or that you made Jack Agent 626. YOU MADE JACK STITCH. THE LULZ, OH THE LULZ. I think I love you guys. (please tell me it was on purpose, please?)

I love how they all meet young!Jack and are like to our!Jack: You're not so bad after all XDDDD
And then you end with impending DOOOOOOOM. ::flails:: omg yes.


blue_fjords April 30 2010, 17:22:13 UTC
It was totes on purpose!!!! I &heart that movie so, so much! :) And you could totally draw parallels between Jack's journey from 626 to Jack and Stitch's journey from 626 to Stitch.

So glad you enjoyed it!


kel_reiley May 1 2010, 02:42:21 UTC
626 was all blue's doing - i was like: 'we should just call him a number,' and she was like: 'oh, oh i have the PERFECT idea!'

i'm glad you enjoyed it!


aelfgyfu_mead May 1 2010, 22:03:51 UTC
I couldn't believe he was 626!


wynkat1313 April 30 2010, 07:06:36 UTC
626 *really* for oh my gods *squee* and he's a teenage jerk of wonderful proportions and and Megan and her digging into science and stuff and getting to see Jack come back oh gods Jack's line about becoming his mother after a thousand years and the agent numbers and the time physics and gray and john hart and EVERYTHING!

*falls into a puddle of happy goo*


kel_reiley May 1 2010, 02:43:25 UTC
YAY! i'm really glad you enjoyed it :)


mcparrot April 30 2010, 11:42:28 UTC
timey wimey delights
Those two years are such fertile play times.

And there's always something else out there.
Glad Megan felt able to move closer to the group too.


kel_reiley May 1 2010, 02:45:12 UTC
timey-wimey is one of my favoritest things ever, and i was so happy to write this episode (even if it frustrated the hell out of us!)

those 2 years - there's still SO MUCH that can be done with that


elainasaunt April 30 2010, 13:14:14 UTC
Oh god oh god, where do I begin? First, I should definitely NOT have started this on my lunch hour. What is worse, I was eating biryani with ... shrimp. Congratulations on what I can only call stomach-churning descriptive passages.

And then, oh, so much - well, ‘Bogart’ loving the Welsh accents, and this:

It was the second rule of the Agency, right behind 'Never start a land war in Glawry.'

That right there has the potential to become the Giant Rat of Sumatra of this fandom. I love this series so much. I can't believe there are only two episodes left. What will we do then?

Megan is increasingly awesome. And I ship her and Kathy.

Can someone please explain the Pez and 626 references to me?


jedirita April 30 2010, 18:29:29 UTC
And I ship her and Kathy.

Can I just say: Me, too!


blue_fjords April 30 2010, 20:14:55 UTC
Can someone please explain the Pez and 626 references to me?Hells yeah. Pez is this really hard, tiny candy in the shape of a pill. A pill ... OF RETCON. Naw, it doesn't really have a double meaning. It's just a pure sugar treat, and they come in Pez Dispensers, these little toys w/ different character heads. I bet there are Spike Pez Dispensers somewhere in the world. The Pez was not chosen for any deep purpose. Just to have a candy that you could say the word "candies" after. I figure, three thousand years into the future? Pez will survive. And Hart will be wanting a little sugar. Pez is Hart's idea of civilization ( ... )


elainasaunt April 30 2010, 20:48:07 UTC
Thanks! I knew what Pez were, just not whether there was a sekrit meaning here. But I've never seen Lilo and Stitch - a major omission!


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