Next Time on the Torchwood Virtual Series

Mar 05, 2010 13:35

There's something funny going on in the kitchen of Fairy Cakes Bakery, but which Torchwood operative will investigate the case? Perhaps Captain Jack Harkness, running around the city of Cardiff on the tail of a dastardly ... antique? Or Gwen Cooper, feeling decidedly under-the-weather on what should be a day to relax and revive? Maybe Ianto Jones, when he's done protecting his own flat from unwanted invaders? Or could it be Torchwood's newest member, JJ Namkung, who needs just a bit more training on his new alien lifestyle? No! The task falls to one Rhys Williams, manager Secret Agent Man. It's a difficult job, but if anyone can protect the population of Cardiff from potentially alien cupcakes, biscuits and tarts, he can!

rating: standard, vs3:04

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