Title: A Different Companion
deaniebtvsRating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Tosh and the Tenth Doctor (completely platonic)
Spoilers and Warnings: None, really
Summary: Just an average afternoon in the life of the Tenth Doctor's companion, Toshiko Sato.
Beta: None, due partly to my procrastination, and partly due to the gas leak at the office that took up my beta's fic-reading time on her lunch hour.
Author Notes: I answered half a prompt. Martha didn't seem to want to cooperate with any of her prompts... Tosh was much more accommodating.
'Running,' Tosh thought, her legs pumping furiously as she tried to keep up with the Doctor ahead of her. With the Time Lord, there was always running.
In fact, if Toshiko had realized exactly how much running was required of a Doctor's companion, she would have asked him to skip ahead in time six months to pick her up, then devised an exercise regimen carefully calculated to improve her strength, speed, and endurance to the point where she could easily keep up with him. His legs were so much longer, and his binary cardiovascular system must be an advantage over the single heart of a human when it came to oxygenating the blood. Which was probably why he was barely winded and she was panting as she ran behind him.
They raced around a corner of the spaceship, nearly careening into a wall as they ducked to avoid the gunfire of the aliens after them. For a man who disliked weapons, he certainly had a way of getting into situations with aliens who liked their guns. Tosh hadn't been shot at once in her twenty-something years on Earth. She couldn't even remember how many times she'd had a gun (or an appropriate alien analogue) pointed at her since she'd left Earth.
Tosh stopped, almost crashing into the Doctor as he stopped in front of a door. He pointed the sonic screwdriver at it, groaning as nothing happened.
“Deadlock seal,” he muttered. “Why is it always a deadlock seal?”
Tosh hit a button on the wall, closing another door behind them. Keeping a foot of metal between them and their pursuers seemed like a good idea right now.
“You use the sonic to lock that behind us,” Tosh said, pointing at the newly-closed door. “And I'll see what I can do about the door in front of us.”
She popped open a panel on the side of the wall, quickly pulling out wires and sorting through them. With one hand, she pulled a miniature tool kit from her jacket pocket. She really needed to get the Doctor to do to her jacket what he did to his to make the pockets unnaturally large, because the way it was now the tool kit was very heavy when running. But she didn't dare leave it behind, because as useful as the sonic screwdriver was, sometimes, you needed something a little less sonic.
Tosh stripped the covering off of two wires, twisting them together. She cut one more wire before standing up and pushing the button for the door in front of them. It slid open silently.
“Brilliant!” the Doctor exclaimed. “Just brilliant!”
Tosh smiled, both from the Doctor’s praise, and the sight of the TARDIS in front of them. She was so happy to see that familiar blue box. Now that they’d stopped the two warring alien factions from blowing each other up, all that was left to do is escape in peace.
The aliens started pounding on the door behind them, unable to open it, since the Doctor had locked it. But since the aliens were capable of putting the TARDIS behind a deadlock seal, Tosh wasn’t going to take anything for granted, even the door staying locked behind them.
“Doctor, let’s go!” she exclaimed, pushing the Time Lord in the direction of his ship. As the TARDIS doors closed behind them, Tosh sighed with relief. They were finally safe and home.
“Well, that was fun!” The Doctor exclaimed. “Nothing like a little run in the afternoon to get the blood pumping.” He smiled at her. “Now, where should we go on our next adventure?”