We found love in a hopeless place (Gift for manuuchin)

Dec 04, 2012 16:24

Title: We found love in a hopeless place
Recipient: manuuchin
Pairings: Stiles/Derek, Scott/Isaac, Danny/OMC, Jackson/Lydia
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2940
Warnings: kid!fic, college, horny college student looking for love
Summary: His hand reaches into his pocket and grabs his phone and starts scrolling through the contacts, looking for something, what he didn’t know, maybe he was just looking for someone to be his Isaac or Johnny. But, that, he knew would take time, time to find someone who could make his heart pound and send butterflies through his stomach, and make him harder than he’d been in a very long time, because, let’s be real, he was still a guy.
Author's Notes: not much, hope you enjoy it!

“Derek, someone’s here to see you.” Isaac knocks on his door and then peeks his head in.

Derek looks up from his computer at the door and stares expectantly, “Who?”

Isaac shrugs, “One of the kappa’s, she said to get ideas for the formal?” He hits the doorframe as he walks back to his and Scott’s room.

Derek throws on a shirt as he walks out of his door and stands leaning against the railing. Standing at the doorway of the house is Hilary, president of Kappa Gamma Gamma, standing there with a giant pink binder and tapping her foot against the hard wood floor. “Derek! There you are! We just have so much to talk about!”

“Hilary we talked about this, the betas are in but I am not planning this, I need to get a pledge to do it.” Derek said as he turns to the stairs and screams. “Scott!”

He comes of out his room flushed and lips swollen, “What?”

Derek hides the smile, everyone knows him and Isaac can’t keep their hands off each other when they are in their room together, “As pledge coordinator can you find me a pledge to work on the formal with Hilary?”

“Was that necessary for you to tell me right now?” Scott keeps glancing at the door where no doubt Isaac is impatiently waiting for Scott’s return.

Derek smirks, “Sorry, go back to your boy.” He turns to Hilary, “I’ll have someone for you by tomorrow.”

“Have them meet me at the student union at 8 A.M. sharp.” She throws his way on her way out the door, her heels clicking as she walks out.

“Sure,” Derek mutters under his breath turning to head back to his room, “Bitch.”

“So, um Derek who are you going to get to do that? All the pledges have parents weekend, which, you know, we should be probably preparing for.” Danny says walking in from the kitchen.

Derek thinks about it for a second, “Oh, shit, you’re right. Well not about us preparing for parents weekend, I have Isaac on that, but about the pledges. Can you go?”

He shakes his head; “I have a date with Johnny. Sorry.”

“Ugh, Scott, Isaac!” Derek knocks on the door loudly only to get no answer but a groan and what he can only assume is the headboard banging against the wall.

“Go away, Derek!” Isaac yells through the door, cut off by a loud moan.

“Ugh, what am I going to do?” Derek asks Danny, walking back to his room.

Danny hits the wall with his palms pushes off and walks back to his room, smirking, “You know, you could go yourself, Mr. President.”

Derek ignores Danny’s smirk and walks back into his room and falls on his bed face first. The last thing he wanted was to spend god knows how many hours with psycho Hillary. Everyone around him seemed to be blissfully in love or at least in lust, and he was in neither. Not a single guy or girl has caught his eye since his break up with Becca 3 months ago. Scott and Isaac go at it 24-7, Danny is with his new boyfriend Johnny most of the time, and Jackson with Lydia; boy did he need to get laid. His hand reaches into his pocket and grabs his phone and starts scrolling through the contacts, looking for something, what he didn’t know, maybe he was just looking for someone to be his Isaac or Johnny. But, that, he knew would take time, time to find someone who could make his heart pound and send butterflies through his stomach, and make him harder than he’d been in a very long time, because, let’s be real, he was still a guy.


The next morning there he was, sitting in front of the student union at 8 O-fucking-clock in the morning. He was nursing a coffee, which was doing nothing for the fatigue plaguing him at the moment. He stands there for a few minutes fiddling with his phone, and people watching because let’s face it, he needed someone new, and fast. His right hand was going to wear out sooner or later and he wasn’t exactly the type for one-night stands, despite what everyone thought of him.

Hillary walks up perky as ever (way too perky for 8 a.m. if you asked Derek, but no one ever did). “What happened to your intern?”

“Parents weekend,” Derek sighs, “So, I guess you’re stuck with me. Where are we off to first?”

“The fabric store, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Party City, Michaels, and then the to the party planer’s, who’s really amazing, by the way. And then we’re back here in time for the Kappa Gamma Gamma Parent’s week barbeque.” Hillary pulls her phone out of her bag and starts tapping away while walking away, assuming that Derek is following her. He shakes his head, clutches his coffee tighter and takes off after her. She stops walking in front of her red convertible and gets in the drivers seat, staring pointedly at him until he opens the door and gets in the car.

After way too long at the fabric store, searching through aisle after aisle for one fabric, finally they are heading to the their last stop, the party planners and all Derek could think about is getting back to the frat house and his bed and passing out for a very long time.

He’s barely paying attention walking into the party planners, trotting behind Hillary dutifully like he has been the whole day. The assistant leads the two of them into an empty office and he sits and waits for her to come in. A male voice behind him catches him by surprise, and he’s even more surprised when the man pulls out the seat behind the desk and sits down after shaking both Derek and Hillary’s hands.

“I don’t believe we’ve ever met before, I’m Stiles Stilinski, but you can call me Stiles.” He says while he shakes his hand, grip firm and smile big. Derek can’t help but notice the bright hazel eyes and how they contrast with his dark hair spiked in the front, the way he has dimples in his cheeks when he smiles. He feels the butterflies in his stomach for the first time when their eyes meet and it takes him by such surprise that he looses his breath for a moment. His narrow shoulders taper down to even smaller hips that look like they could just fit in the palms of his hands.

The whole meeting goes by in a blur as Derek struggles not to picture what the man across the desk would look like splayed across his bed legs spread wide. At the end of the meeting Hillary seems pleased and as Stiles shakes his hand he slips a piece of paper into his hand and upon further inspection Derek discovers that it’s his number neatly written on a ripped off corner of paper. Derek turns around and smiles when he’s sure Hillary is far enough down the hall. “How did you..?”

Stiles gives him a pointed look with mischievous eyes, “You think I don’t know when someone is into me? How’d you like to go out tomorrow night?”

Derek nods and smirks, “Do you just think every guy is into you, then?”

Stiles shrugs, “No, but you are. I bet you can’t tell me one thing we talked about because you were too busy picturing me naked. And believe me, I do look good naked.”

“So, your just really modest then?” Derek says sarcastically on his way out the door.

“Guess you’ll have to come out with me and find out for yourself then, won’t you?”

Derek walks out without answering smiling when he turned his back, having every intention of calling him later that night.


And five dates in Derek was very happy he got sucked into planning that fucking party. Because seeing Stiles’ face across the table from him was well worth that horrible day with Hillary.

“So, am I finally going to get to see your place tonight? Instead of going back to my smelly gross frat house, again?” Derek asked hand in hand with Stiles as they walked out of the restaurant.

“No, I don’t mind the ‘Smelly Frat House’, it’s charming. And guess what we can do there?” Stiles whispered in his ear running his other hand up the arm that his hand was holding.

“We could do that at your apartment too, you know.”

Stiles smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes, “There’s something I haven’t told you yet, Derek.” He sighs and stops walking, turning to face Derek, “Someone I haven’t told you about.”

“What are you talking about, Stiles?” Derek says confusion covering his face.

Stiles pulls Derek over to a bench, “How do you feel about me?”

“Stiles, what are you..? I really like you; you know that. What are you talking about?”

“Okay, well what I’m about to tell you is a really big deal, and could very well be a deal breaker, considering you’re still in college, and I should be.” He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

“What is it Stiles? Are you sick?” Derek runs his hands up his lover’s arms and looks him over quickly.

He shakes his head, “No, I’m fine. That’s not what this is.” He stops for a second and looks into Derek’s green eyes, “I have a daughter.”

“You what? Really?” Derek smiles weekly, “How old is she?”

Stiles pulls out his phone and taps the screen a few times before he turns it to face him and a little girl maybe 4 on the screen with dark brown hair the same color as Stiles’ and bright green eyes. “She’s almost 4.”

Derek takes the phone and stares at the little girl for a moment, noticing how when she smiles she has the same dimples that Stiles has, and how scattered around her are a ton of toys which reminds him of Stiles with all of his party planning stuff around him when he works. “What’s her name?”

“Annabelle.” And just from the way Stiles sighs and his smile gets a lot brighter when saying his name he decides right then and there that this little girl is clearly very special and worth meeting.

“Can I meet her?” And Stiles waits a second, thinking, and then slowly, he nods.


“Belle! Come on, grab your shoes, we have to go!” Stiles yells from the kitchen packing up some snacks for his daughter when she comes out of her room and runs to him with her boots in her hands.

“Daddy, can you help me?” She asks handing him the boots and climbing up onto her chair.

Stiles zips her boots up and grabs her hand, the bag and his wallet and keys before they head to the door.

When they finally reach their location and Stiles gets his daughter out of her car seat, Stiles sees Derek waiting for them with a pink wrapped gift. He lets go of his daughter’s hand as she runs toward Derek, who scoops her up into his arms. “Hi Belle! How was your drive over?” Derek smiles at her, tickling her sides.

“Daddy let me put on Austin and Ally in the car!” The little girl with her daddy’s eyes says to him excitedly.

“Wow! No way!” He smiles back, and then leans in to kiss Stiles as he walks up to him, “Hi babe.”

"She was impossible this morning," Stiles sighs, "Wouldn't listen to a single thing I said until it was time to go see you, boy does she love you."

Derek laughs and smiles down at the little girl in his arms, "That's because she likes me more." Stiles scowls and pinches Derek's butt before picking up his daughter's backpack that she had thrown down in her effort to get to Derek more quickly.

"That's because all you do is buy her presents she doesn't need." Stiles says under his breath, but slowly his scowl turns into a smile as he watches his boyfriend being so loving and happy around his daughter. "When do you need to get back?"

"No time in particular, I have a class at one tomorrow but other than that I'm all yours." Derek's phone beeps and he pulls it out, "Scott says hi."

"I say hi back," Stiles says to Derek. Derek stares at this little girl in his arms and her daddy sitting across from him and he can't help but think that this is how it's supposed to be. This is love. He hasn't felt like this in way too long and he's missed it. Guy or girl Derek has missed this feeling and the feelings he has for Stiles? Well, those are some of the best feelings he's had in his entire life, he's never felt like this before and he has no intention with letting his love for Stiles go unknown.

Stiles is digging through the bag of his daughter's toys and books when Derek blurts out, "I love you." Stiles' head snaps up and he stares at Derek for a minute, mouth ajar.

"You what?" Stiles says but a smile is slowly spreading across his face and he can't seem to wipe it off.

Derek looks at him and seeing the smile, he says it again, "I love you, you big doofus. Get over here, you."

Stiles climbs over all their stuff and sits in front of Derek and smiles, leaning in and kissing him. And when their lips touch, he can't help but think that this is where he belongs, in this huge mans arms with his daughter at their side.


"So, she's asleep now, finally." Stiles comes out of Annabelle's room with a shit eating grin on his face.

Derek smirks and waits as Stiles stalks over to him and proceeds to straddle his waist, a knee on either side of his hips. Stiles leans down as Derek leans up and kisses his quick and hard. The kiss is dirty and raw, more teeth and tongue than lips, but Stiles doesn't care. It's been too long since he's been able to even touch his boyfriend, let alone them have sex. Their schedules have just not been matching up lately; between ballet for Annabelle, work, frat stuff and school they hadn't done anything other than have phone sex in almost a month and quite frankly, Stiles was probably going to last less time than his first time in 12th grade.

Derek pulls away to gasp out, "Lube?" before leaning back in and kissing him again and then moving down to Stiles' neck and kissing there as well. Stiles moans at the pressure right behind his ear and hands Derek the lube before separating himself quickly to strip himself of all his clothing and watching as Derek does the same. He picks up Stiles and carries him, with his legs wrapped around Derek's waist into Stiles' bedroom. Derek throws Stiles down onto the bed because he knows it turns him on, but they both know that Stiles is really the one in charge tonight. Derek flips them so he's on the bottom and Stiles reaches for the lube. "Spread." Is all he says and Derek complies spreading his legs and showing Stiles that pretty, pretty hole. Stiles almost comes on that alone but he holds himself back, squeezing the base of his cock for a minute to get himself under control.

"Stiles, your killing me here, babe. Spread the lube and fuck me already." Derek pleads. Stiles laughs and after sticking a finger in he can feel that he's already wet and stretched.

"Did you fuck yourself before you came over?" Stiles wants to know, "Thinking about the way my cock would slide in and out of your ass and the sweet slide of it all?" Stiles whispers more dirty things into his boy's ear before he puts on the condom and slides home.


"How you holding up?" Derek says, grabbing Stiles' hand once they are in the car and forcing him to look at him.

"Okay, I guess, it's just, she's my baby. My baby is in kindergarden. I'm not quite sure what I'm suppose to do with that." He sighs, "And she ran off without so much as a look back. Is her staying young forever too much to ask?" He wines. Derek squeezes his hand and smiles, kissing him softly.

"Yes, but, lets blow off work go back to the frat, there is a huge bash going on today. You can have a drink and hang out before we have to get her. Sound good?"

Stiles smiles and nods, "Fine, but then we go up to your room and have hot dirty sex so loud and dirty that even Scott and Isaac get uncomfortable. Deal?"

Derek nods and pulls him into a deep kiss before pulling out of the spot and driving away. "It's a deal,z" he looks at Stiles again, "I love you, you know that, right?"

Stiles smiles and nods, "Yes, I love you too. Now lets go party before we have to get our kid in 6 hours."

"Our kid?"

"Yes, our kid doofus. Now drive."

!round one, recipient: manuuchin

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