Sidereel: Twenty-One Short Films On Torchwood's Women (For The Writers Who Love Them) [masterpost]

Nov 03, 2011 09:51

Title: Sidereel: Twenty-One Short Films On Torchwood's Women (For The Writers Who Love Them)
Recipients: nancybrown, sariagray, xrai_namere, alt_universe_me, miss_bekahrose, aranellaurelote, bookwormsarah, mcparrot, jolinarjackson, analineblue, xtricks, 51stcenturyfox, remindmeofthe, rainyrocket, rattyjol, manikineko, pomkeygeekange, golden_d, mahmfic, and amilyn
Author: queenfanfiction
Rating: Nothing higher than PG-13 for all, individual ratings in link to each fic.
Characters/Pairings: ...ohgod. See link for each fic.
Spoilers and Warnings: Listed in link to each fic. Click at your own risk (see below)
Summary: Pretty much exactly what's on the tin.
Beta: Chief Mod of Awesome nancybrown. ALL HAIL.
Author Notes: I've been informed that it's easier to read shortfics all in one post, but because I am anal-retentive I am also OCD there are some who might not want to read certain fics (CoE, MD, etc), I figured I shouldn't smack people in the face with it once they get past the cut. So! Click for what you want, and (ohgod I hope) you will find! Thanks for such a fantastic and fun round of TW Fem Fic Fest, where all the women are awesome and the men are always in awe. :D

1. nancybrown: Agent Johnson gets a part-time job at McDonalds and attempts to date Alice.

Would You Like A Drink With That (Alice/Johnson) [PG, post-CoE, references to character death]

2. sariagray: Toshiko, "'I've got your mind,' I said. She said, 'I've your voice.' I said, "You don't need my voice, girl, you have your own.' But you never thought it was enough." (Bells for Her - Tori Amos)

I'll Always (Owen/Tosh) [PG-13, "Exit Wounds," character deaths]

3. xrai_namere: Mica knows exactly what she's doing when she steps into the blue box.

Geronimo (Mica Davies, 11) [PG, Who Season 6 AU]

4. alt_universe_me: Martha becomes a Time Lady or is secretly a Time Lady!

You Will Never Be Alone (Martha Jones, 10) [PG, Who Season 3 AU, character near-death]

5. miss_bekahrose: Lisa's first day at Torchwood.

First Days, First Impressions (Ianto/Lisa) [PG-13, pre-Canary Wharf, language and blood]

6. aranellaurelote: Lois Habiba declines to join Torchwood, but becomes the first private investigator to work with the alien community of Cardiff (or the world...) [A/N: Apologies for the crossover. It simply couldn't be helped. :D]

Only One In The World (Lois, Lestrade, Sherlock Holmes) [G, post-CoE, Sherlock BBC xover]

7. bookwormsarah: Jasmine and the fairies are back. Tosh and Gwen have decisions to make.

I Won't Send Roses (But I'll Bring Them When I Come) (Gwen, Tosh, Jasmine) [G, Season 2]

8. mcparrot: Kathy Swanson. So there's this smartarse psychopath in a red jacket running around and blowing up her city. What's she going to do about it?

Bad Cops Are Sexier (Kathy Swanson, John Hart) [PG, post-"Exit Wounds," interrogation under threats of torture]

9. jolinarjackson: Suzie and Tosh - did they get along?

Always The Quiet Ones (Suzie/Tosh) [G, pre-Season 1]

10. analineblue: Rhiannon celebrates an important anniversary.

In Memoriam (Rhiannon) [G, post-CoE, references to character death]

11. xtricks: A story based on this poster! Because we all need a super-hero movie with those two!

Time Enough (To Save The World) (Gwen/Rose) [G, AU, end of the world (as usual)]

12. 51stcenturyfox: Tosh and Gwen play an elaborate (but not cruel) practical joke on the lads (any or all of them) as payback for a practical joke played on them.

You Know The Rules (And So Do I) (Gwen/Tosh, Ianto, Owen, Jack) [G, Season 2]

13. remindmeofthe: AU: Jilly Kitzinger rewrites the history of the world. [A/N: Apologies in advance for the really good bad pun at the end. COULDN'T BE HELPED AND ALL THAT JAZZ.]

Infinity In The Palm Of Her Hand (Jilly, 11) [PG, post-MD, Who Season 6 AU]

14. rainyrocket: Tosh's memory lives on in the Hub, and one night it saves Gwen's life.

TOSH 2.0 (Gwen) [PG, post-"Exit Wounds," references to character deaths]

15. rattyjol: Keisha Jones (the canon daughter of Leo) grew up on stories of aliens but never really believed them. Then, she meets Torchwood.

Stories (Keisha Jones, Martha Jones, Jack) [PG, post-Who Season 3]

16. manikineko: Jack's daughter Alice runs into Rhiannon after CoE is over; they don't know each other's background.

Support (Alice, Rhiannon) [PG, post-CoE, references to character death]

17. pomkeygeekange: Somehow Esther meets Ianto, Owen and Toshiko. How is writer's choice.

The Meeting That Never Was (Esther/Ianto/Tosh/Owen) [PG-13, Who Season 3 Year That Never Was, character deaths and references to]

18. golden_d: Tosh doesn't remember not being able to read.

Bookworm (Tosh) [G, pre-Season 1]

19. mahmfic: Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, joins Torchwood. [A/N: \o/!!!!]

Partners In Crime(fighting) (Gwen(/Rhys)/Jenny) [PG, post-CoE]

20. amilyn: Anything involving River Song, Tosh, and Gwen with a firearm. [A/N: Even pinch-hitters get a treat this year-thanks for the help, amilyn! :D]

Pleasure After Business (River Song/Gwen(/Rhys)/Tosh, River/Jack implied) [PG-13, pre-"Exit Wounds,"]

21. nancybrown: Martha delivers River Song's baby. [A/N: While this was not one of Nancy's prompts for this fest, it's something we discussed outside of it, and I thought, well, she was such an awesome mod these past two years, so why not? :D]

Doctor On Call (Martha, 11/River Song) [PG, Who Season 6]

character:lois, character:gwen, character:jenny, character:rose, character:esther, character:martha, character:alice, character:river, character:johnson, character:toshiko, character:mica, character:lisa, character:jillykitzinger, character:kathyswanson, character:rhiannon, character:suzie

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