Episode 3x19: My Guide to All Things _____.

Feb 04, 2012 17:45

• Episode: 3x19: My Guide to All Things _____.
• Ep Summary: On the heels of gift reccing and 'shows to watch' I give you the chance to take any of your tv fandoms/pairings/characters and create an all inclusive love post to it--gathering anything and everything you have for it.

• Ep Details: Whether it's a tv show, a pairing, or character--we all have our own tv obsessions. We have folders and bookmarks full of fic, icons, and graphics and now is your chance to share it.

• Pick your topic--whether its a show, pairing, or character. Create a ginourmous post full of recs, picspams, icons, fanvids, wallpapers, fanmixes, links to posts, and ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you have about your chosen topic. These things may have been created by you or someone else. This is a post gathering all you may have created or others (or a mix).

• Your post must have at least 50 things. A picspam (in its entirety), a rec, an icon, a link to another's entry, fanvid, fanmix, link to a fic (in its entirety)--counts as 1 point. 50 pts possible.

• Do NOT hotlink other people's graphics. You must reupload and credit the original makers accordingly.

• All members be aware that all posts may contain spoilers for the depicted shows/pairing/character. Members are welcome to have spoilery stuff in their posts.

• You're welcome to use crossover pairings as your topic so long as it's a tv/tv character crossover.

• How to submit: Make your post @ your personal journal or tvhaven and post a LINK to your TEAM THREAD.
• Your ratings: 50 points. No partials!
• Sig Tag/Icon Points (Y/N): Yes
• Air Date: Due February 22nd @ 10pm EST - Time Zone Converter

challenge: random

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