• Episode: 3x18: Objectification
• Ep Summary: Create a collage or poster of objects that represent a tv show.
• Ep Details: No person may appear amongst your objects. Locations and any inanimate objects ONLY. These objects must all represent ONE show.
• You may draw these objects (graphically or by hand) or simply find images of these objects.
• You may put these objects together however you wish; a picspam, poster, collage, etc.
• A minimum of 10 objects are required. If you draw your objects (graphically or by hand) 2 pts per object. If you find pictures 1pt. per object. You can earn 10 to 20 points for this challenge.
• If you want your extra points for drawing please post with a list of your creations. i.e. "10 objects drawn by me = 20 points" or "5 objects drawn by me + 5 pic objects = 15 points" Otherwise, we'll assume all your images were gathered elsewhere (and worth 1 pt. each)
• How to submit: Reply to your TEAM THREAD with your entry.
• Your ratings: 10-20 points (see above for more details)
• Sig Tag/Icon Points (Y/N): Yes
• Air Date: Due February 15th @ 10pm EDT -
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