Episode 3x15: X-treme Trope-icals

Jan 24, 2012 20:11

• Episode: 3x15: X-treme Trope-icals
• Ep Summary: Much like last season's trope challenge--but you choose your own trope(s) and it's on a bigger scale :D

A trope is a common theme or device in storytelling. It can be a plot trick, a setup, a narrative structure, a character type, a linguistic idiom, etc.

• Ep Details: You'll be using TV Tropes for this challenge, creating a themed trope post. For example, you can pick ONE trope and explore all the different shows/characters that fit into that one trope OR pick one show, character, or genre and explore its many tropes. You CANNOT just create lots of stuff for different random tropes you like. Your post must have a theme/connection.

• Examples/Ideas of post you could do... "The Tropes of River Tam," "The Tropes of Firefly," The "Odd Friendship" Trope (I'd then give examples of odd friendships from various TV fandoms), "The Tropes of Sci-fi Shows," etc etc.

• You can explain/interpret/represent each trope by doing any of the following...
--Meta: You, using your own words to describe how/why the trope fits. You can include quotes from the show. Quoting the trope meaning does NOT count towards your word count. 1 pt per 25 words.
--Images/Picspam: All images MUST be edited in some way. 0.5 pt per edited image.
--Other: 1 pt per gif, 1 pt per 5 seconds of video

• You can earn a possible 40 pts in this challenge. You may make 2 small tropes posts or 1 big one to earn all 40 points.

• Make sure whatever you do, you label, link, and/or explain the tropes you are representing. Don't just post some gifs without labeling each with the trope they represent.

• Everything must be TV.


• Still unsure how to do this? Well here's some ways you can go about this challenge (with examples)...

1. I can type in say, "Firefly" to the search bar and be led to Firefly's trope page. If I scroll down past the summary I'll get a plethora of tropes and their examples. I can click on any of the blue links to learn what the trope is. Here's an example of someone who did the Tropes or River Tam.

• OR, I can find a single trope like....Badass Bookworm and create something like this (granted yours will be all TV examples).

I snagged this challenge from picspammy :D

• How to submit: Post your trope posts @ your own journal or @ tvhaven and reply to your TEAM THREAD with a link to your finished Trope Post(s).
• Your ratings: 40 points possible. Partials are allowed.
• Sig Tag/Icon Points (Y/N): Yes
• Air Date: Due February 12th @ 10pm EST - Time Zone Converter

challenge: writing, challenge: graphics

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