• Episode: 3x11: My Life, My Way
• Ep Summary: Oh this is too good--follow the cut for more info...
• Ep Details: Cast up to 20 TV characters (or more if you want) as your dream cast...FOR YOUR LIFE. Dun dun dun!!! Provide an image of each TV character you cast and label that image (on your image or listed somewhere) with you they are in your life. CHOOSE FROM THE LIST PROVIDED BELOW...
• You're casting TV characters and TV characters only (not actors).
-- Your Dad
-- Your Mom
-- Your Sibling
-- Your Best Friend
-- Your Rival
-- Your Teacher
-- Your Doctor
-- Your Lawyer
-- Your Mentor
-- Your Pet
-- Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend
-- Your High School Sweetheart: Must be a high-school character
-- The "Mistake"
-- Your Future Husband
-- Cop Partner: If you were a cop--who'd be your partner?
-- Partner in Crime: You're a criminal--who do you work with?
-- War Buddy: You were/are a soldier--who's your war buddy? (Character must have once been some kind of soldier)
-- Sidekick: If you were a superhero--who'd be your sidekick?
-- Ruler: You need to take over the world--who'd help you?
-- Shopping: Go shopping with
-- Dance: Who you'd dance with
-- Trapped: Who you'd be trapped on a desert island with
-- Kickass: You just need to kickass, who do you kickass with?
-- Savior: You're Kidnapped, Who would you pick to come and save you?
-- Swept Up: Who would be waiting at the bottom of the stairs with a sharp suit on to sweep you off your feet?
-- Hot Sex: Who would you love to get into a police chase with that will lead to hot sex, of course
-- Space Crew: Pick multiple TV characters for your space crew
-- Investigation Team: Pick multiple TV cops for your team
-- Criminal Team: Pick multiple characters to do your--illegal activities with
-- Justice League: Pick multiple heroes for your own justice team
-- Supernatural Investigation: Pick multiple characters to investigate/defeat supernatural things with you
-- Supernatural Gang: Pick multiple aliens/creatures/robots/supernatural beings or other non-human characters as your weird mutant team
-- Big Brother: Pick multiple characters to trap in a house together--so you can watch for your own entertainment
-- Walk Off: Pick multiple stylish characters to do a runway walk-off, to see who'd rank as fashion supreme
-- Rock Band: Pick multiple characters to represent your rock band. Your characters do not have to be musically inclined... this can be strange themed band.
-- Office: Pick multiple characters to run your office
• How to submit: Post images/picspam @ your personal journal or
tvhaven and reply to your TEAM THREAD with a link to your entry.
• Your ratings: 2 pts for every TV character you cast w/image (Max 40 pts can be earned)
• Sig Tag/Icon Points (Y/N): Of course
• Air Date: Due January 29th @ 10pm EDT -
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