Episode 3x06: My Awards Show

Dec 18, 2011 01:50

• Episode: Episode 3x06: My Awards Show
• Ep Summary: Don't like who/what the Emmy's/Golden Globes nominate? Well NO MORE. You are making your own Awards show where YOU define the award categories and the 5 nominees in those categories!

• Ep Details: Create 5 or more TV award categories to fill with 5 nominations each. Award categories are like Best TV Drama, Best Actress in a Comedy Series, etc.

• Award categories can be pre-existing (taken from Emmy/Golden Globe categories) or completely made up by you! They can be as simple or as cracktastic as you like. Best bromance in a tv show, best sci-fi show, most badass woman of television, best scene in a show ever, etc etc.

• You MUST list your categories and each of their 5 nominees. Then complete ONE of the following options:
--GRAPHICS: Accompany each nomination with an IMAGE. You can lay your images out individually or all together like a picspam. Just make sure your nominees/categories are listed SOMEWHERE (on the image or typed out below them). Don't just submit 25 unlabeled images.
--WRITING: Accompany each nomination with 30 words (or more) of you describing WHY you think this nomination is deserved. This is not fanfic, this is you describing in your own words why you are nominating them.


• You may mix and match writing/graphics options so long as there is a picture OR 30 words for any nomination.

• You may ONLY nominate and recognize tv shows, actors for their roles in tv, and anything within a tv show (i.e. its music, costumes, special effects, etc).

• Actor images (out of character) are a-okay to use, so long as this actor is being nominated for something tv related.

• Nominations do not have to be from current shows. You can nominate ANY show new or old.

• 5 Nominees per category. No more, no less. Honorable mentions are for wimps. You MAY pick your winner in that category if you wish, but it's not required.

• Let's avoid any "Worst" categories. This is not the Razzies, and we're not doing any tv show bashing here. And don't criticize other people's lists. We're all making lists based on what we individually know. If your favorite show isn't on someone else's "Best Drama" nominees--tough. This is "My Awards Show" and we are all going to make a spectacular variety of Awards Shows!

• How to submit: Post your Awards Show @ your own journal or at tvhaven then post a LINK to that entry @ your TEAM THREAD here.
• Your ratings: 5 pts per completed category. 25 points possible. Partials are allowed.
• Sig Tag/Icon Points (Y/N): Yes
• Air Date: Due January 15th @ 10pm EST - Time Zone Converter

challenge: writing, challenge: graphics

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