Remember WENN, because AMC flat out said the audience that was watching it (Demographics would have made any regular network drool) was not the audience they intended to be watching it. O.o All us 18-45 year olds were supposed to be in our rockers or wheelchairs while watching apparently....
Also Farscape. Because it should have gotten that 5th season it was promise. Skiffy broke that contract. Also, it actually ended with the words "To be continued ..."
Granted, we got a 4 hour mini-series to end it (after a couple years) that was basically the 5th season in 4 hours. But yeah... Farscape. <3
Oh I love cons so much. I can;t wait to find some cons here in Orlando, because I miss it so hard!
I actually did an Aeryn costume a couple years ago at MediaWest Con. :) It was simple, black pants and a black tank top. She's ridiculously easy to do. :)
Yes! It was insulting... the majority of WENN fandom was mid-teens to mid 40's, women and men equally, ABC/NBC and CBS would have drooled over those demographics. AMC basically said in it's cancellation press release that it was not the audience they wanted. To this date we have seen no DVD release and none is expected even though they have been approached multiple times by DVD publishers. We all suspect they no longer have the masters and pretend we won;t notice... heh.. So even Rupert Holmes, who created the show has given us permission to pirate it. With the caveat that if we actually do get DVDs that it stops.
Yet Mad Men gets bent over backwards for. Just on principle, I will never ever watch Mad Men. Ever. Or anything else on AMC... ever. They clearly do not want me as a viewer, so I do not want them as a network. Ever. I hiss at Mad Men DVDs every time I see them.
Who did they want? That boggles the mind. Unless they wanted just males. IDEK. Teens to mid40s with an equal split is like PERFECT viewership. It's men with disposable income, since they are more likely to spend money, and women with established homes (also likely to be able to spend money). Hmmm. Maybe they couldn't convince advertisers of that?
At that time, AMC was classic movies only, and Remember WENN was their first Original Series. (Don;t believe them when they say Mad Men is.. it's not. Remember WENN was. It aired from 1996 to 1998. 4 seasons of 13-16 eps. There are 56 episodes total) They had no idea what to do with actors who were still alive... and their expected demographic was senior citizens. For a TV show that took place in a radio station at the beginning of WW2, it had critical praise, it became "the show to be on
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Also Farscape. Because it should have gotten that 5th season it was promise. Skiffy broke that contract. Also, it actually ended with the words "To be continued ..."
Granted, we got a 4 hour mini-series to end it (after a couple years) that was basically the 5th season in 4 hours. But yeah... Farscape. <3
I actually did an Aeryn costume a couple years ago at MediaWest Con. :) It was simple, black pants and a black tank top. She's ridiculously easy to do. :)
Also YES to Farscape. EVIL ENDING.
Yet Mad Men gets bent over backwards for. Just on principle, I will never ever watch Mad Men. Ever. Or anything else on AMC... ever. They clearly do not want me as a viewer, so I do not want them as a network. Ever. I hiss at Mad Men DVDs every time I see them.
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