Writing Images, Iconing Words - CSI/Farscape

Feb 17, 2012 00:54

Crossover of CSI and Farscape follows, which was inspired by bizarra's Photobomb! entry and a recent challenge over at farscape_land that got a little out of hand (which you can see here)

Moya Grissom had been around science her entire life. It was something she was rather good at, just knowing how the mechanics of things worked; she had an affinity to math, physics and biology. Most would assume that her parents had something to do with that; they were both scientists, after all.

Her father, Gil, was into bugs. Specifically. But, as a scientist, his skills were best used for investigating crime scenes. He was well-read and could never be accused of speaking before thinking. If there was nothing of value to be said, he wasn't going to say anything. He also was a huge fan of puzzles. Collecting all the pieces and putting them together to for a bigger, full picture.

Her mother, Catherine, also put her skills into investigating crime scenes, though hers were more suited toward patterns and comparisons. She also saw things as a puzzle, but her focus was more on identifying the specific pieces, and how they fit with the next one.

Gil's approach was a bit more practical, while Catherine's was personal; they didn't always agree with each other's tactics, but both had absolute trust in each other. That trust had been tested on many occasions, and they had their share of fights.

Perhaps that's why they worked so well together.

Moya was also a dreamer, a girl with her head in the stars. Like other girls her age, Moya listened to music, experimented with makeup, and discussed boys with her friends. But, her eyes were always on the sky, even if she didn't know why. She had dreams of a woman with black hair; a large, orange and hairy man, with a giant sword; a gray girl; a man with a southern accent; little yellow toasters; ...a brother she didn't have.

If asked, her favorite star was Rigel, located in the constellation Orion, though she had no explanation as to why.

Perhaps it was the stories her mother told her, when she was younger, about a princess, who was born on a spaceship named Moya; the adventures of an astronaut named John, who found a wormhole that took him to the woman he loved, beyond hope; a creature named Pilot, who was the smartest being in the all the universe, and had the kindest heart.

There was another story Catherine told Moya, about two people who had come across a ship in the desert. Aliens. And, as thanks for helping them get home, those aliens offered the two a chance to see their world from space. But, before they could get back, a wormhole opened... and the ship was gone.

After that, the two people from the desert found themselves in a world they didn't understand, a world they weren't prepared for. But, with the help of their new friends, they made a life. And it was good.


One day, Gil and Catherine would tell Moya the whole story... about that night in the desert; Talyn and Crais; John, Aeryn and Little D; D'Argo, Chiana, Pilot and Moya; the Hynerian Dominar who insisted the infant be named Rygel the 17th, not Moya Aeryn.

Her family.

challenge: writing images iconing words, member: erinm_4600, tv: csi, tv: farscape

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