#DESP: PROLOGUE - Just friends? Ha Ha, yeah right.

Feb 13, 2012 03:01

Title: PROLOGUE - Just friends? Ha Ha, yeah right.
Author: BadBoysAreBest aka junkyatbest
Word Count: ~2,000
Rating: M 
Warnings: Usual.
Summary: Set before their trip to The Bahamas.
Notes: AU/AH. Set in the Spring Break Universe. Part of a Round Robin challenge: Table of Contents.

Fall Semester

'You have got to be kidding me,' Elena thought as she watched Damon Salvatore move into her house.

How was this happening to her? Of all the students at the University of Virginia, why Damon, why was Damon moving into her house?

"Caroline!" Elena yelled desperately needing to talk to her best friend.

Nothing, zilch, nada... Elena continued to yell until she marched right into the bathroom because she had to be in there.

"Oh my god!" Caroline jumped and almost dropped her towel out of fright. "Can't you wait?"

"Why did you tell Damon Salvatore that he could move in with us?" Elena grumbled, crossing her arms.

"Well, we have this thing, it's called rent..." Caroline replied nonchalantly and dropped her towel to slip on her robe. She was obviously, very, very comfortable with her body.

"When I asked you to find us another housemate... I never thought, I mean." Elena stammered, at a loss for words. "How, what..."

"Why are you freaking out?" Caroline asked as she bent down to grab her hair products out of the cupboard from under the sink.

"He's my ex-boyfriend." Caroline continued as she brushed her hair. She pouted seeing a split-end. "Not yours."

Boyfriend, per-say, was a general term in this particular situation. Damon and Caroline had hooked up a lot the previous year, back when she'd been a nymphomaniac freshman. And when it ended, it'd been Caroline's choice. Basically, academic probation been just the inspiration she needed to start caring more about herself and less about hot guys.

"And he's like totally loaded, so we won't have to worry about him flaking on us." Caroline shrugged.

Damon came from old money, so he certainly didn't need to live with other people. He could afford to live anywhere. This fact only infuriated Elena. He was doing this on purpose. He had to be up to something. And it was driving her crazy.

"But this is weird. He's Stefan's older brother." Elena said annoyed. "My ex."

To say things ended badly with Stefan would be a gross understatement. He'd been the worst boyfriend. One word: Gambling. Problem? Major.

"So?" Caroline stopped brushing her hair with a confused look on her face. "It's not like I asked Stefan to move in."

"But still... it's Damon!" Elena shouted over the noise of the hairdryer.

"He's not a complete stranger. He can pay rent. He doesn't smell." Caroline rolled her eyes. "Get over it!"

'Never,' Elena thought as she stormed out of the bathroom. How could she possibly get over the fact that Damon was her new housemate. For fuck's sake, she still had flashbacks of her mistake. In full blazing technicolor, her mind had memorized every movement of their bodies in porn star worthy positions.

Elena gasped in horror as she covered her eyes while wishing desperately for a case of spontaneous blindness. She really shouldn't have to witness Jeremy, her younger brother, with his hand up her best friend Bonnie's skirt. And in the middle of their shared living room? That's just wrong.

'Worst day... ever,' Elena muttered under her breath as she slowly walked away from the scene. Jeremy and Bonnie hadn't even noticed her. They were too busy, well, getting each other off.

"Elena." Damon, the devil himself, practically purred as he harmlessly bumped into her in the hallway. Geez, she couldn't even get a second of peace.

"Damon." Elena breathed out in annoyance. "We need to talk." She said and dragged him into her bedroom, which was only a few feet away.

Damon strutted right in as if he belonged there. He did not!

"Mmm I like this one." Damon said in approval, pursing his lips, as he admired a photo of her with curly hair.

"Stop messing around." She said taking the photo away from him and he stepped away, plopping himself on her bed.

"Just like I remembered." He remarked in a cocky voice. She wanted to kill him.

"I need to talk to you." She practically growled.

"So talk." Damon said playing with her teddy bear.

"Why are you here?" She asked bluntly.

"I live here." He replied in a cheery tone.

"What's your deal, Damon?"

"My deal?" Damon scoffed. For a second, Elena thought he looked hurt but she would not be distracted by his antics. He was just trying to play her.

"Why did you move in?" Elena pressed.

"I needed a place to live."

"You could live anywhere."

"I happen to like it here." He said, obviously implying his current position.

"Fine. Whatever." Elena rolled her eyes, figuring he wasn't going to be serious. More importantly, she needed to stop ogling him. "Make yourself at home."

"I will." He snapped and snuggled further into her bed. He looked like he'd never leave. It gave her butterflies.

"You promised not..." She whispered sounding self-conscious. "...Not to tell anyone about what happened last month."

In a fraction of a second Damon stood up from the bed and shoved the bear at her. "What happened when?" He muttered, sounding pissed off and strode out of her bedroom in a rush.

Elena pouted in general confusion. Your one night stand was not supposed to move in with you. It was also preferable if your one night stand wasn't your ex-boyfriend's brother either. She laid down on her bed and contemplated, how had she gotten into this mess. What had she done to deserve this fate?

Oh - that's right - she'd gone to a dive club... got drunk and then may or may not have danced on top of the bar. She rolled her eyes at the vivid memory. Not one of her proudest moments in her life, but she was heartbroken.

And heartbreak made a girl do some crazy things. Crazy as in she hooked up with her ex-boyfriend's brother in a dirty bathroom. Fuck, whenever she closed her eyes, she'd easily remember every single second of it. She suffered from a pesky little thing called high tolerance. It took a lot for her to blackout and she certainly hadn't that night.

Elena remembered violently pushing Damon into the bathroom and slamming him against the concrete wall with scribbled phone numbers all over it. Her lips had pressed into his neck before whispering all sorts of naughty things to him (I bet you want to cum in my mouth, don't you? Or are you thinking about fucking me?). Then she had pushed him onto the seat and fucking climbed on top of him.

She remembered how he had tried to gain back control and she slapped him hard for it. Elena chuckled at that particular memory - the look on his face especially - and buried her face further into her pillow. Her cheeks were burning in shame. How could alcohol turn her into such a horny little slut?

Damon had called her feisty and she made him shut up with a bruising kiss. When her hand had slid down his chest and unzipped his jeans, he stopped talking and started moaning instead. Her small hand stroked him up and down until he nearly popped. Elena had grinned sinisterly seeing the 'sex god' on campus buckle under her touch and leaned in to suck on his bottom lip. Their moment had been ruined by a stupid chick banging on the door 'cause she had to puke.

After fumbling to tidy up, Damon and Elena had stumbled together out of the single stall. After getting some air, Elena had tried to escape him, but he was persistent and followed her closely behind. How could've he possibly let her go after that stunt? He'd been hard as steel.

Elena punched her bed remembering how they had sex against a wall outside the club followed by in her bed. And after a few rounds under the sheets, they went again in her shower. After said shower sex, she had told him it was fun - because it was - but that it was time for class. She had exactly 10 minutes to get there on time. It was supposed to be easy, the whole kicking him out part.

As they stood awkwardly on her porch, Damon attempted to get her phone number, but she had refused to fall for the same-old line and told him it was cool. Damon was a senior with a notorious man-whore reputation, which she'd been aware of the entire time.

Things had worked out perfectly. She hadn't seen him since.

What a surprise it been to see him coming into her house this morning with a huge box in his arms.


Spring Semester

Damon walked into the house and looked around for 'his girl'. He couldn't wait to tell her the fantastic news.

"Shush. Not now." Elena said as he entered the living room, before he said a single word to her. "I'm studying."

"When are you not?" Damon scoffed, stealing her Russian Literature textbook away from her.

Since their energizer bunny marathon sex, Damon hadn't once seen that side of her again. Not that he hadn't tried multiple times to get her to loosen up, but she'd always given him the brush off. At first it'd been frustrating - girls never turned him down - but eventually they became friends.

At least they were close. He just wished they were closer - in the naked, sweaty and preferably all the time sense. He wanted her bad. People regularly assumed she was Little Miss Innocent, but he knew better. He knew the real her.

"Damon!" She whined, holding out her hands with a pleading look on her face.

"Time out." He replied. "Five minutes."

Elena gave him an 'are you serious?' look as she settled back against the couch. Damon had turned out to be a wonderful housemate and an even better friend. She was able to talk to him in a way that she couldn't with Caroline or Bonnie. She enjoyed his company and truthfully, she'd miss him a lot once he graduated.

"I have a mid-term tomorrow..." She complained while untying her hair and retying it. She was currently dressed in plain sweats with little make up, but he still thought she looked beautiful. He always did.

"Five minutes." He promised.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "What do you want?"

"You know how I got into law school."

"More than one." She added proudly. It was true. Damon was actually a serious student, something she would've never pegged him for. But he even stayed home on weekends if needed be.

"Grandma Salvatore sent me a huge check."

"That's... nice of her." Elena said slowly unsure of what reaction was appropriate to such news.

"And spring break is coming up..."

"Not soon enough." Elena muttered. She desperately needed time off. She was constantly under a lot of pressure to meet her scholarship requirements. With her parents gone, she could only count on herself to stay in school.

"Elena Gilbert." He said seriously.

She swallowed hard looking up at him. A sudden feeling of dread filled her.

"The Bahamas, here we come!" Damon cheered, still holding her Russian Literature textbook.

"The Bahamas?" Elena replied incredulously. "There's no way I'm going to the Bahamas with you." As if she could afford something like that...

"Oh, yes, you are." He smirked. "Cause I've got one plane ticket here with your name on it."

Elena almost choked at the news. Was he out of his mind?

"The ticket is nontransferable, nonrefundable...." He recited with a look of pure mischief of his face. "It would be wrong if it went to waste. Wouldn't it be?"


I'm really excited about this project. Hope everyone else is too. Please remember to review!

# elena gilbert, # damon salvatore, de spring break 2012, spring break universe 2012

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