Welcome to the Ric-a-thon

Jul 23, 2012 19:06

A day in the life of Alaric Saltzman.

In honor of a fallen friend - Alaric Saltzman, may he never rest in peace and come back to Mystic Falls eventually - you are invited to join us for a Ric-a-thon. (see what I did there? Like fic-a-thon, except… no? Just not funny? Cool.)

Pick a slot and fill it - creatively! You can do fic, art, a video, anything. Any rating.

Your hostesses with the mostesses for this challenge are the inimitable badboysarebest and Alaric's drinking pal pleasebekidding. Neither of us bite (though I will, soon enough; convincing Damon or Alaric to turn me has been a total bitch so far).

General rules:
  1. Can involve a pairing - any pairing (“Detention, Miss Gilbert.” Damon having strong opinions on what Alaric should be teaching in sex education, and demonstrating those feelings. Jenna being asked to come in and talk about Jeremy, and Alaric locking the door) or be gen fic.
  2. Dead characters (Jenna, Mason, anyone) are fair game. And fuck the timeline. If you want Caroline or Tyler to be not turned yet, they are not turned yet.
  3. Don’t worry about continuity. Let Alaric look like a total slut! He won’t mind (he is a total slut. If anyone knows, I know).
  4. Vampires are vampires. School students are school students. Etc.
  5. Any style (crack, angst, smut).
  6. Get creative - Alaric has been asked to cover a home economics class, and he can’t cook? Or AP Physics when he didn’t pass it himself, back in high school? What does he do to get through the class
  7. You need to be a member of livejournal and of the tvdmixing community.

The rules for fic:
  1. Minimum of 1,500 words. No maximum.
  2. OCs are fine but be smart. Mary-Sues can be smelled from miles away. Really, they can.
  3. Use a beta, please.

The rules for art:
  1. You can do one panel/piece - if you do, please include a ficlet (100 words is fine) to enhance/tell the story of what’s going on in the image. If you’re not comfortable writing, tug on pleasebekidding’s sleeve and she’ll help.
  2. Or, do a comic strip, using screen caps, manipulations, whatever.

The rules for vids:
  1. Minimum of one minute long.
  2. Yeah, that’s basically it. Vidders blow my mind. Vid away.

  1. Sign-ups will close Tuesday, August 7th unless your glamorous hostesses change our minds.
  2. On Thursday, August 9th, we will post the posting schedule. Posting will start Friday, August 17th, so if you sign up for an early slot, get started right away.

Hell yeah! Take me to the claims post! 

No... but I wanna pimp this out a bit. Take me to the art post.

Questions? Ask 'em here. You know. On this page. By leaving a comment. pleasebekidding is Australian but she never sleeps. She'll get back to you pretty fast, most likely.

ric-a-thon 2012, # alaric saltzman, this is a start post

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