The suggestions were amazing! I wish I could have used them all. Winners will be up sometime tomorrow evening. Please make sure you vote in the
tie breakers.
Please put your subject lines correctly. I will reject those this round that are not correct and you will need to re-submit.
- All icons must be newly made for this round (do not use pre-made bases unless you made them) & fit LJ standards.
- No fan art may be used unless you made it.
- All icons must be of your TV character in character unless the theme calls for them to be out of character. Screen caps, episode stills, & promo images are fine. Please try to icon just your character.
- No gifs.
- Submit your entries as a new entry to this community.
- If you want to post at your own journal, post 3 teaser icons and link here. Make sure your entry to your icon journal is public until the winners are posted.
- Use the table provided please. You may change the colors but keep the themes in order.
- Let me know if you want a participation banner when you post your entry to the community.
- I'll be putting in the tags manually after you submit your entry so you don't have to worry about it.
- Put Round #30 - General - username in the subject of your entry. Please put your subject line correctly. I will probably reject the entry if it is not correct.
- Everything must be completed by Sunday, March 31st by 11:59 PM in your time zone..
List of participants for Round #30. Remember
sign ups are open through the end of the round.
If you have any questions regarding the themes, just comment and I'll explain and/or provide examples. Don't be shy!
(10) Themes: black & white, first fandom, gold, hair porn, hope, large text, negative space, OTP*, outside, revenge
OTP: this means 'one true pairing'. It does not need to be romantic.
(5) Category: Favorites - Make 5 icons using your favorites of the following: TV show, character, episode, genre*, & TV actor*. They are in order in the table.
Genre means drama, supernatural, comedy, etc. You can icon one show or do a blending of some. It is up to you.
TV Actor can be male or female. They need to be out of character.
(5) Artist's Choice:
black & white |
first fandom |
gold |
hair porn |
hope |
large text |
negative space |
outside |
revenge |
5 CATEGORY - Favorites
#1-TV show |
#2-character |
#3-episode |
#4-genre |
#5-TV actor |